space engineers wide lcd panel quotation

Unfortunately there is not enough space in description of the steam workshop page to fit full guide. Well.. there was, but thanks to your suggestions I added more commands and more cool stuff and it doesn"t fit there anymore. So I made this ultimate guide to answer all your questions! ;-)

This guide will give you full insight into how to use all the features of Automatic LCDs 2. You will find out what are the commands, what are the arguments of the commands and how to use them. It also contains full list of all commands with detailed description along with examples of use.

What is block?Block is every machine, button, cockpit, everything on your ship that is accessible through control panel. Armors are not blocks. Script only works with blocks.

Open your programmable block, click Edit, click Browse Workshop, select Automatic LCDs 2, click OK, Check code, Click Ok. Done. Your script is now updated.

Your commands are too long to fit on single line?You can use a \ to tell the script to continue the command on the next line, just make sure there is nothing after the \ not even a space.

This is very useful if you connect ships to your station or ship and you don"t want to see blocks of the connected ships on station LCDs. You can also use this script on multiple ships that connect together without worries that they will conflict once connected.

Script now only updates LCDs which are part of the same grid as programmable block. If you would like to change this please take look at What is LCD_TAG? section to learn how to change LCD_TAG.

LCDs that are connected using rotors, pistons or connectors are not updating?By default the script only updates LCDs that are part of the same grid as programmable block.

LCD_TAG is used to tell the script which LCDs are managed by the script. As all of you know the script looks for LCDs that have [LCD] in their name by default.

You can however change this to whatever you like. You can tell the script to manage LCDs in certain group or even tell it to manage all LCDs regardless of name.

How to change the LCD_TAG?You can change the LCD_TAG by editing the Custom Data of programmable block that runs the script. Let"s explain it by example:

How to tell the script to manage all LCDs regardless of name?LCD_TAG follows the same name filtering rules as commands. So you can set the Custom Data to:

You also can"t change the LCD_TAG during run. You need to recompile the script every time you change the LCD_TAG otherwise the script will still look for old tag.

It is now possible to join multiple LCDs together so they will look and work like single panel. Because of the limitations of text alignment it is only possible to join LCDs up and down. Not left to right. So the widest LCD you can have is Wide LCD. But you can have many of them under each other to form single big one.

NUMBER is position of LCD in array of LCDs. It doesn"t matter what number you choose. They just need to go one after another. So the topmost LCD will have the lowest number. For example 1. LCD under it will have 2, etc.

You can use this script on cockpit screens as well as screens of other blocks. In order to do that you have to mark the cockpit (or other block) with the LCD_TAG as you did with LCDs. So by default you add [LCD] to the name of the cockpit in order for the cockpit to be recognized by the script.

As soon as you do that the first screen on the cockpit will be controlled by the Automatic LCDs 2 and should display the usual message that you should write commands to custom data of the panel. If you need only this screen, you can write commands to Custom Data of the cockpit just as you do with LCDs.

Where is the index of the screen you want to write to. 0 is the first screen, 1 is the second screen, etc. The "AutoLCD" part just needs to be there.

Easy way to know the index of the screen is when you look at the control panel of the cockpit, find the list of the LCD panels and pick one. For example "Keyboard" screen is 4th in the list of the LCD panels which means its index is 3 (because first one is 0). So if you would want to write only to the Keyboard screen your custom data would look like this:

You can use this on any block that has LCD panel screens. Script will not touch screens that you haven"t specified so you can use this with other scripts too. Read "Compatibility with other scripts" if you want to know how Automatic LCDs can share Custom Data with other scripts.

Script now only updates LCDs which are part of the same gridThis means that LCDs which are connected using connectors, pistons or rotors will not be updated to prevent conflicts between docked ships. This does not apply when ships are connected using merge block because in that case they behave like single ship in game.

LCDs are updating much slower when more ships are docked using merge blockIf there are more ships using this script docked together using merge block then the programmable blocks will not split the work efficently automatically.

I recommend using different LCD_TAG for each ship and station. Look at Tips and Tricks section of this guide to learn how to do that. This will ensure that programmable blocks always update only LCDs on the ship/station they are intended for.

LCDs are showing items, power, cargo, etc of all docked shipsThis will happen if you use no arguments to commands or if you use * or if you use same names for groups / blocks on both ships. Make sure you read Same ship blocks filtering section to learn how to filter only blocks of the same ship.

Automatically separates reactors, engines, solar panels, wind turbines and batteries. Works with modded blocks. It shows maximum achievable power output for solar panels. That means that if there is no sun shining on solar panels then the maximum is 0 W.

Displays damaged and partially built ship/station blocks. Script only has access to blocks which are visible in control panel so no armor blocks, conveyor tubes, etc are considered.

They are case sensitive! Make sure you enter them exactly without any spaces before or after them. e.g. use {AutoDeploy} not {Auto Deploy} nor { AutoDeploy } nor {autodeploy}.

There are a lot of properties for many different blocks and listing them all here along with what they do would take a lot of space so I"m leaving that up to you to try.

Due to game limitations some blocks do NOT automatically update the details text until you look at them in control panel. This is VERY important as you always need to look at the block in control panel if you want the LCD to show updated text. This does not apply to all blocks!

Note: If you would like to display only leaking air vents you can use Working command and filter only LCDs that show LEAK using filtering described in Working command.

This is very useful when using different mods / scripts that write something to Custom Data of block and you would like to append it to your Automatic LCDs displays.

This is very useful when using different mods / scripts that type something on LCD and you would like to append it to your Automatic LCDs displays. This way you can have one LCD hidden that will be used by your mod / script and use TextLCD command to read that text and write it to one of the Automatic LCDs. Example: TextLCD {Other LCD} will append contents of first LCD named Other LCD.

So first is hours in 24-hour format then : then minutes with a leading zero then space then day of month then . then month number then . and then full year

You can also add this to button panel and setup action on button to Run the programmable block with argument. It needs to be the same programmable block that runs the script that shows the text on the screen on that particular LCD.

If you use custom font scroll down to the bottom of script, then scroll a bit up until you find AddCharsSize lines. Monospace font name and size definition is above those.

LCD clear functionWhen you Run the programmable block with argument "clear" (without quotes) it will clear all LCDs. You can use this to turn off your LCDs without having to actually turn them off where they would say "OFFLINE".

LCDs boot screensUnfortunately there is no easy way to find out that you turned off/on your ship so the script doesn"t automatically display boot screens after turn the power sources off and on. You can however use the LCD clear function to reset the LCDs when you turn on your ship/station. There is also special "boot" argument to start the boot sequence whenever you need it. Just Run the programmable block with "boot" (without quotes) as argument.

Automatic LCDs 2 is not a mod so you don"t need to do anything in dedicated server setup to use it except for having enabled in-game scripts in your world.

How to use LCDs that are connected using rotors, pistons or connectors?By default the script only updates LCDs that are part of the same grid as programmable block. First, I do recommend reading about "Same grid filtering" in separate section of this guide.

How to stop the script from changing Content Type of the panels?You can add line "SKIP_CONTENT_TYPE = true" (without quotes) to Custom Data of the programmable block to disable automatic panel content type change.

Keen has added MyIni format that scripters can use to parse Custom Data. This was added explicitly to make life easier for scripters when they need to use Custom Data and share it with other scripts. This was written by Malware (the creator of MDK framework for Space Engineers in-game scripting and father of Programmable Block) and I"ve been discussing with him how to make it compatible with Automatic LCDs without people having to learn new syntax so he came up with great solution.

If people also want to write Automatic LCDs commands to the same block where the Custom Data is already used by script that uses MyIni format then they can simply add 3 dashes on its own line and continue with Automatic LCDs commands like this:

Anything under the --- is ignored by the MyIni parser that other scripts use. Anything before the --- is completely ignored by the Automatic LCDs so this way Automatic LCDs can share Custom Data with other scripts and coexist peacefully :)

NOTE: Some scripts overwrite the Custom Data and if you already have some Automatic LCDs commands there they will remove them. If those scripts support the MyIni format then you can write your commands like this to make them not remove the commands (or set them up first and then use the format like explained above):

*** Check your ownership ***Always make sure that the programmable block and LCDs have the same ownership as the blocks you want to show on the LCDs. I highly recommend you own all the blocks unless you know how ownership works. Just open the control panel, select one of the blocks on your ship, press CTRL+A and change the ownership on the right side to "Me".

1. If your LCDs are on separate grid (behind rotor, piston, connector) they will not be updated. Read LCDs that are connected using rotors, pistons or connectors are not updating? section of Troubleshooting section of the guide.

Programmable block reports "Exception".If programmable block control panel shows "Exception" please report it in he "BUG REPORTS" discussion on main script page.

LCDs that are connected using rotors, pistons or connectors are not updating?By default the script only updates LCDs that are part of the same grid as programmable block. First, I do recommend reading about "Same grid filtering" in separate section of this guide.

If some of your LCDs are sometimes offline:it"s probably a game bug and it"s happening to more people. Someone said that loading game, returning to main menu and loading again helps.

Does your LCD just say ONLINE instead of showing things?Make sure that you named your LCD so it contains [LCD] . If you did, you are most probably using german client which has problems with [] characters that you type in game. You can use copy-paste to overcome it or simply use alternate built-in tag I made for you !LCD!

It"s just blank screen?Your command is wrong or there is simply nothing to show. Check your command syntax in full guide, try examples. Make sure that there is nothing in front of the command in LCD Public Title (game sometimes likes to hide the "Public title" text). Always press Home before entering command to make sure there is no text at the beginning of LCD Public Title that you don"t want to have there.

Programmable block reports "Index out of bounds".Make sure that you updated the script to latest version with all the fixes. Check that script has permissions to write to LCDs!

space engineers wide lcd panel quotation

FSD can clone the text content of other displays. These texts can be fixed or could be generated by other scripts (like Automatic LCDs 2 by MMaster or Isy"s Inventory Manager)

LCD Panel, clone:0 position(100,50) fontsize=0.5 TextColor(255,128,0)This would clone the text contend of the first screen of the block "LCD Panel" to the position (x=100 y=50) in an orange color with a font size of 0.5.

This way you can ether reduce the number of LCD Panels needed or greatly enhance the amount of information you can display with a given set of screens/panels.

Caution: There has to be no space between "layoutrate" and the equals sign "="This will set the rate of changes for the screen layouts. (in changes per minute)

You can overide individual LCD/Cockpit screen settings by using a special keyword line starting with "FSD options:" in the Custom Data field of the Programmable block itself.

All keywords for this override options must be in a single line and this line must be located above an optional "ShowStats" line or else the used keywords affect only the LCD panels of the Programmable block.

space engineers wide lcd panel quotation

The Wide LCD Panel is a long thin panel that takes the entire face of two blocks and can display a variety of messages and textures that can be displayed constantly or triggered by the Programmable Block, Sensor, Timer Block, or any other block capable of triggering.

To access its settings, select it and pressing the "T" or "K" key. Selecting it and pressing "K", the "K-menu" is entered. The panel"s title and text can be made public, private, or a combination of both. Textures applied can be selected from a list or custom textures can be selected. Textures can be set to rotate on a timer, changing from one to the next. GPS coordinates shown in the GPS format in the text panel will appear in the GPS and can be activated (=shown on HUD).

The LCD Panel could be accessed with the programmable block as IMyTextPanel. It could work in ´Texture Mode´ in which the selected textures are shown or the ´Text Mode´ in which the text is shown. The following methods are available:

space engineers wide lcd panel quotation

The various LCD Panel blocks are a great way to add a human touch to a ship or base by displaying useful images or text. For LCD configuration and usage, see LCD Surface Options.

Note: Some functional blocks, such as Cockpits, Programmable Blocks, Custom Turret Controllers, and Button Panels, have customizable LCD surfaces built in that work the same way as LCD Panel blocks, which are also discussed in detail under LCD Surface Options.

LCD Panels need to be built on a powered grid to work. Without power, they display an "Offline" text. While powered without having a text, image, or script set up, they display "Online".

LCD Panel blocks come in a variety of sizes from tiny to huge (see list below) and are available for large and small grid sizes. Note that LCD Panel blocks all have connections on their backs, and very few also on a second side.

All LCD Panels and LCD surfaces work with the same principle: They are capable of displaying dynamic scripts, or few inbuilt static images accompanied by editable text. Access the ship"s Control Panel Screen to configure LCD Panels or LCD surfaces; or face the LCD Panel block and press "K".

A Text Panel, despite its name, can also display images. On large grid, it is rectangular and does not fully cover the side of a 1x1x1 block. On small grid it is 1x1x1, the smallest possible LCD block in game.

On large grid, you choose the Text Panel when you need something that has rectangular dimensions that make it look like a wall-mounted TV or computer screen. If you want to display images, this one works best with the built-in posters whose names end in "H" or "V" (for horizontal or vertical rotation). On Small grid, you place these tiny display surfaces so you can see them well while seated in a cockpit or control seat, to create a custom display array of flight and status information around you.

Corner LCDs are much smaller display panels that typically hold a few lines of text. They don"t cover the block you place them on and are best suited as signage for doors, passages, or containers. They are less suitable for displaying images, even though it"s possible. If you enable the "Keep aspect ratio" option, the image will take up less than a third of the available space.

These huge Sci-Fi LCD Panels come in sizes of 5x5, 5x3, and 3x3 blocks, and can be built on large grids only. These panels are only available to build if you purchase the "Sparks of the Future" pack DLC.

They work the same as all other LCD Panels, the only difference is that they are very large. In the scenario that comes with the free "Sparks of the Future" update, they are used prominently as advertisement boards on an asteroid station.

This LCD panel can be built on large and small grids. The transparent LCD is basically a 1x1x1 framed window that displays images and text. It is part of the paid "Decorative Blocks Pack #2" DLC.

What is special about them is that if you set the background color to black, this panel becomes a transparent window with a built-in display. In contrast to other LCD Panels it has no solid backside, which makes it ideal to construct transparent cockpit HUDs, or simply as cosmetic decoration.

While configuring an LCD Panel, the GUI covers up the display in-world and you can"t see how the text or images comes out. In the UI Options, you can lower the UI Background opacity to be translucent, so you can watch what you are doing more easily.

space engineers wide lcd panel quotation

After many requests, we have decided to release our internal Replay Tool that we use to create our trailers. It allows you to record the movement and actions of multiple characters in the same world. You can use your video recording software of choice to capture these moments for cinematic purposes! It’s also super useful for epic screenshot creation. The tool allows you to be the director of your own Space Engineers film where you can carefully position and time different engineers with their own specific roles. We are extremely excited to see what the community will create with this!

Important: because it’s an internal tool, it has a very basic user interface and required advanced users to be used. We believe this is OK, because most video creators who would want to use it to create epic cinematic Space Engineers videos are advanced users.

There are now Steam trading cards to collect for Space Engineers! Collect a full set of cards to earn items that help you customize your Steam profile including backgrounds and badges.

There are fourteen new decorative blocks for people who want to buy them and support the development of Space Engineers, which are available on the Space Engineers Steam Store page. Within the package you will get following new blocks:

Beds can preserve characters’ inventory and toolbar while they"re offline and keeps them alive as long as there is oxygen available. Is considered to be the same as the Cryo Chamber Block, except oxygen is used from the environment. Space Engineers don’t work from nine to five, they work whenever they’re needed: day or night, during peace and war. But when it’s time to call it a day, every engineer looks forward to resting in these beds.

Kitchens are purely decorative. The kitchens in Space Engineers come well-equipped and include stunning visual details. Space Engineers overcome challenges everyday when they’re working on new planets or among the stars.

Planters are purely decorative, but they make outer space a bit warmer by housing life in a special glass container. Build your own garden on the space station. Planters not only help to liven up spaces, but the flora housed inside these capsules also remind many engineers of the homes they’ve left behind in order to explore the universe.

Couchescan be used as seats, so take your time to relax and take a break. You don’t need to always run, fly or work, you can enjoy your cozy room and enjoy the view. The last thing anyone would ever call a Space Engineer is ‘couch potato’, but who wouldn’t like to relax after a hard day’s work on this comfy furniture?

Armory and Armory Lockers can be used to decorate interiors and store weapons, ammunition, tools and bottles; both are small storages (400L), where you can keep your equipment. Space Engineers use lockers in order to ensure that keepsakes from home, toiletries and other items are kept safe.

Toiletscan be used as a seat. The latest and greatest interstellar lavatory technology has made many earth dwellers jealous of the facilities enjoyed by Space Engineers.

Toilet Seat that can be used as a seat and is fit for the creator of the legendary Red Ship; most engineers don’t want to get up after ‘taking care of business’.

Industrial Cockpits are used to control your ships. This industrial cockpit in both small and large grid versions will make your creations look much better. Offering unmatched visibility, the industrial cockpit enables engineers to experience stunning vistas while traversing landscapes and space.

Console blocks project blueprints for downscaled ships and stations, as well as display pictograms or customizable text. They are fantastic functional LCD panels where you can project your creations and show them to your friends. The sleek and crystal clear picture offered by this console allows Space Engineers to display designs and other important information.

Keen Software House needs to stay profitable in order to continue development and support of Space Engineers, and to take risks, to invest into experiments that may not pay off in the short term, and to develop innovative concepts.

A:Actually, even this update isn’t paid. The major part of this update (LCD screens, Replay Tool, new music tracks, smaller improvements) is free for everyone. Only the smaller and not mandatory part is paid - Decorative Pack, which you can purchase here.

A: To support future development of Space Engineers and other leading-edge projects we plan to work on at Keen Software House. Players kept asking us for something they could buy to support the development of Space Engineers, and the Decorative Pack is a great option for them.

A: Right after Space Engineers left early access and all hot issues were resolved. Most of the work was done by the Art team, the rest of the developers is working on other long-term updates.

A: We want more people to play Space Engineers, which means we must lower the barrier of entry. When the Space Engineers community grows, everyone benefits from this - more content on Workshop, more mods, more new ideas, more people to play with. This means that all non-mandatory features should be optional, so only those who really want them can pay for them. That’s why we decreased the price of Space Engineers, and made the Decorative Pack an optional purchase.

space engineers wide lcd panel quotation

Duke Nukem 3d had a camera view to screen feature in a game with user generated maps/layouts 22 years ago. Granted it wasn"t 1080p but I don"t think anyones expecting that from a Text panel. Unpossible!

Duke Nukem 3d had a camera view to screen feature in a game with user generated maps/layouts 22 years ago. Granted it wasn"t 1080p but I don"t think anyones expecting that from a Text panel. Unpossible!

glad to see this thread bumped i find it ridiculous that this isn"t already in the game. Surely you could implement this with some sort of anti-rastorization method where you just don"t render the parts of the ship eclipsed by the display just like if you gave dirt or whatever a transparent texture back in minceraft, that"s how rodina does it; and even without the fact that this method would be way more efficient, you would also end up with a better, more spacey, implementation "cause it would have perspective.

glad to see this thread bumped i find it ridiculous that this isn"t already in the game. Surely you could implement this with some sort of anti-rastorization method where you just don"t render the parts of the ship eclipsed by the display just like if you gave dirt or whatever a transparent texture back in minceraft, that"s how rodina does it; and even without the fact that this method would be way more efficient, you would also end up with a better, more spacey, implementation "cause it would have perspective.

It is possible, but that was never a simple mod; that entry on the Steam workshop was just to add the terminal controls, the actual code was in a plugin (Client Extender) that you had to install alongside the game.It allowed you to write frames to textures and had a priority queue system so it would never drain your FPS more than you allowed it, and you could give client-side priority to cameras; if you"re in a big battle with a bunch of different people who also use LCD feeds then, from your perspective, yours would be updated first and fastest regardless.

It is possible, but that was never a simple mod; that entry on the Steam workshop was just to add the terminal controls, the actual code was in a plugin (Client Extender) that you had to install alongside the game.It allowed you to write frames to textures and had a priority queue system so it would never drain your FPS more than you allowed it, and you could give client-side priority to cameras; if you"re in a big battle with a bunch of different people who also use LCD feeds then, from your perspective, yours would be updated first and fastest regardless.

I saw Camera, LCD, then it was obvious I could link a camera feed to one of cockpit LCD to have a view..... even at low resolution, and even with limitation numbers.

I saw Camera, LCD, then it was obvious I could link a camera feed to one of cockpit LCD to have a view..... even at low resolution, and even with limitation numbers.

In short, as many people out there, I really believe that this should"ve been in the vanilla game since the LCD"s were introduced and also believe that it would elevate the game play so much.

In short, as many people out there, I really believe that this should"ve been in the vanilla game since the LCD"s were introduced and also believe that it would elevate the game play so much.

In short, as many people out there, I really believe that this should"ve been in the vanilla game since the LCD"s were introduced and also believe that it would elevate the game play so much.

In short, as many people out there, I really believe that this should"ve been in the vanilla game since the LCD"s were introduced and also believe that it would elevate the game play so much.

In short, as many people out there, I really believe that this should"ve been in the vanilla game since the LCD"s were introduced and also believe that it would elevate the game play so much.

In short, as many people out there, I really believe that this should"ve been in the vanilla game since the LCD"s were introduced and also believe that it would elevate the game play so much.

Having the ability to view a camera image from an LCD in a basement - which is what I nearly always end up building in order to protect my gear from meteorites - would be a massive boon.

Also, displaying multiple camera images on LCDs means that a ship could have a decent bridge buried deep inside it and still have good visibility of the surrounding space, without needing to cycle through cameras while sitting in a control seat.

Having the ability to view a camera image from an LCD in a basement - which is what I nearly always end up building in order to protect my gear from meteorites - would be a massive boon.

Also, displaying multiple camera images on LCDs means that a ship could have a decent bridge buried deep inside it and still have good visibility of the surrounding space, without needing to cycle through cameras while sitting in a control seat.

The mod is smart about it and makes it so that the LCD can "share" frames instead. So it can update at 30 fps but it doubles the GPU Render Load, or all the way down to 1fps which divides evenly amongst other LCDs. So if you had the setting at 30fps they"d each run at 15fps, which would divide further as you added more.

The mod is smart about it and makes it so that the LCD can "share" frames instead. So it can update at 30 fps but it doubles the GPU Render Load, or all the way down to 1fps which divides evenly amongst other LCDs. So if you had the setting at 30fps they"d each run at 15fps, which would divide further as you added more.

The Mods we had, are more or less a collection of workarounds to make this feature somewhat functioning, but someone with unrestricted access to the source code, should be able to implement, at least the frame work, for such a function, without all too heavy performance impacts. Furthermore we are in an age, of ridiculously powerfull GPU like the Nvidia 30 Series and Space Engineers never was a casual game, requirement wise. And for those with a too weak system, we could make a tab in the world settings to disable this feature.

The Mods we had, are more or less a collection of workarounds to make this feature somewhat functioning, but someone with unrestricted access to the source code, should be able to implement, at least the frame work, for such a function, without all too heavy performance impacts. Furthermore we are in an age, of ridiculously powerfull GPU like the Nvidia 30 Series and Space Engineers never was a casual game, requirement wise. And for those with a too weak system, we could make a tab in the world settings to disable this feature.

i would make lcd refresh rate based on distance to closest player, that is looking at that lcd - so game would crank up lcd fps only when someone is actually looking at it and "freeze" display when nobody is around or looking on something else ....

i would make lcd refresh rate based on distance to closest player, that is looking at that lcd - so game would crank up lcd fps only when someone is actually looking at it and "freeze" display when nobody is around or looking on something else ....

If a remote camera LCD isn"t in visible range to a player, then don"t gather render data from the camera nor render the camera onto the LCD. I do not believe this is something that a modder could do, since it would require access to a player"s rendering data and being able to detect if any remote camera LCDs are within what"s being rendered.

Any camera feeds are sampled at a lower resolution and also rendered to LCDs at a lower resolution than when a player views through the camera directly. With a lower resolution on both sampling and rendering I would expect GPU stress to be lower as well.

Nested camera LCDs (any LCD"s rendering a camera that are THEN viewed by a later camera and rendered to a later LCD) would be only rendered at 1fps and only when the player is looking at the later LCD, otherwise it is not rendered. Or just don"t render nested camera LCDs at all, though that might confuse some players if done without explanation.

If a remote camera LCD isn"t in visible range to a player, then don"t gather render data from the camera nor render the camera onto the LCD. I do not believe this is something that a modder could do, since it would require access to a player"s rendering data and being able to detect if any remote camera LCDs are within what"s being rendered.

Any camera feeds are sampled at a lower resolution and also rendered to LCDs at a lower resolution than when a player views through the camera directly. With a lower resolution on both sampling and rendering I would expect GPU stress to be lower as well.

Nested camera LCDs (any LCD"s rendering a camera that are THEN viewed by a later camera and rendered to a later LCD) would be only rendered at 1fps and only when the player is looking at the later LCD, otherwise it is not rendered. Or just don"t render nested camera LCDs at all, though that might confuse some players if done without explanation.

Many games implement in-view screens of the game world. This isn"t new and not impossible just something Keen chose not to implement with their time. Other priorities. The LCD displays in the game and the cameras seem like a perfect match.

Many games implement in-view screens of the game world. This isn"t new and not impossible just something Keen chose not to implement with their time. Other priorities. The LCD displays in the game and the cameras seem like a perfect match.

The troll face says it all. PC gamers also have low end hardware. There is a bit of psychology at work here though. If your PC can"t handle the camera-to-LCD feature you may chose to turn it off for now, maybe consider a GPU or RAM upgrade or just accept it for now. For cool screenshots you can always turn it back on temporarily. You feel like it"s all in your hands. On a console on the other hand, graphics and complexity are often locked down, like the number of planets or asteroids. You can"t upgrade a hardware component or decide for yourself if camera-to-LCD is worth the performance hit. Others decide what your console can handle. You begin to feel disenfranchised compared to a PC gamer with comparable hardware.

The troll face says it all. PC gamers also have low end hardware. There is a bit of psychology at work here though. If your PC can"t handle the camera-to-LCD feature you may chose to turn it off for now, maybe consider a GPU or RAM upgrade or just accept it for now. For cool screenshots you can always turn it back on temporarily. You feel like it"s all in your hands. On a console on the other hand, graphics and complexity are often locked down, like the number of planets or asteroids. You can"t upgrade a hardware component or decide for yourself if camera-to-LCD is worth the performance hit. Others decide what your console can handle. You begin to feel disenfranchised compared to a PC gamer with comparable hardware.

As can be seen in this YouTube Video ( implementing a camera feed to the LCD screens shouldn"t be thatdifficult. Now one difference would be the need to dynamically alter the position of the projection but even as an inexperienced programmer that is not an issue. If the devs have some competence (which I would assume given they developed this game) it should not be a problem to implement at all, except of course the issue with consoles other users mentioned. Drawing a second camera is expensive for the render engine but if not done at full resolution, unless the player is accessing the camera directly, I fail to see any issues except poor performance on low end pc"s and console, which imo is already the case so that would be a drop of water in an ocean.

As can be seen in this YouTube Video ( implementing a camera feed to the LCD screens shouldn"t be thatdifficult. Now one difference would be the need to dynamically alter the position of the projection but even as an inexperienced programmer that is not an issue. If the devs have some competence (which I would assume given they developed this game) it should not be a problem to implement at all, except of course the issue with consoles other users mentioned. Drawing a second camera is expensive for the render engine but if not done at full resolution, unless the player is accessing the camera directly, I fail to see any issues except poor performance on low end pc"s and console, which imo is already the case so that would be a drop of water in an ocean.

space engineers wide lcd panel quotation

Space Engineers Ultimate Edition includes the base game and all of the past DLCs for Space Engineers. Our newest DLC is sold separately (PC version only). Enjoy the definitive version of Space Engineers as you build and explore across the stars!

Space Engineers is a sandbox game about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. You can build space ships, space stations, planetary outposts of various sizes and uses, pilot ships and travel through space to explore planets.

Space Engineers: Warfare 2 “Broadside” pack includes Warfare Ion Thruster, Warfare Reactor, Warfare Hangar Door variants, Warfare Rocket Launcher, Warfare Gatling Gun, Searchlight, Bridge Windows, Passenger bench, Light panel, Helm, Warfare Battery, Heat vent, Sliding Hatch Door, Woodland Camo Armor Skin, Shark mouth helmet skin, “Rock paper scissors” emotes, “Salute” Emote

Space Engineers “Heavy Industry” pack includes Large Magnetic plate, Beam Blocks, Industrial conveyor pipes, Cylindrical Column, Vertical button panel, Large Hydrogen Tank Reskin, Large Cargo Container Reskin, Industrial Refinery, Industrial Assembler, Industrial Hydrogen Thrusters and Hazard pattern armor skin.

Space Engineers “Warfare 1: Field Engineer” pack includes Fire Cover Block, Half window Block, Weapon Rack Block, Five new passage blocks, Embrasure Block, Two new Emotes and the Assault Suit skin.

Space Engineers “Wasteland” pack includes Off road wheels, Exhaust pipes, Buggy cockpit, 2 View port blocks, Barred Window, Offset Light, Offset Spotlight, 3 Storage Shelves, Concrete Armor Skin, Dust Armor Skin, Rust 2 Armor Skin, Retro future Armor Skin, Scavenger Character skin, and 2 new character emotes.

The Space Engineers - Sparks of the Future includes the Sci-Fi LCD, the Neon Tubes, the Sci-Fi Ion Thrusters, the Sci-Fi Atmospheric Thrusters, the Sci-Fi Interior Wall, the Bar Counter, the Sci-Fi Control Panel, the Sci-Fi 1-Button Panel, the Sci-Fi 4-Button Panel, the Sci-Fi Sliding Door, the Sci-Fi Armor Skin, the 2 Neon Armor Skins, the 8 new character emotes.

The Space Engineers - Frostbite includes: the Frostbite Scenario, the Antenna Dish, the Dead Engineers, the Gate, the Offset door, the Frozen Armor Skin, the I"m Cold Emote, the Check Wrist Emote and the LCD Posters.

The Space Engineers - Decorative Pack #2 includes the Dispenser, the Jukebox, the Lab equipment, the Shower, the Window walls, the Medical station, the Transparent LCD, the Grated catwalks, the Grated stairs and half stairs, the Railings, the Rotating Light and the Freight.

The Space Engineers - Economy Deluxe Pack includes the Miner suit, the Soldier suit, the Disco armor skin, the Silver armor skin, the Glamour armor skin, fourteen Safe zone skins, thirty two Faction icons, the Vending machine and the ATM machine.

The Space Engineers - Style Pack includes four character skins, four character emotes and four armor skins. The character and armor skins, as well as the emotes included in the Style Pack, do not bring new functionality and game mechanics to Space Engineers; they are purely decorative and provide an extra layer of entertainment for players.

The Space Engineers - Decorative Pack #1 includes the decorative blocks, which can be used for various decorations of your spaceships, vehicles and space stations.

space engineers wide lcd panel quotation

- Scenarios - offer linear story with action-packed gameplay, while the majority of Space Engineers scenarios feature unique sandbox environments where players create their own challenges.

space engineers wide lcd panel quotation

Visual Script Builder allows you to create Space Engineers scripts with a user interface. You don"t need to know anything about programming. Just enter the name of the block you want to control and choose what to do with it. Chain logic statements together to create complex behaviors.

A large number of Space Engineers players are unable to utilize programming. The scripting documentation is poor, and the in-game editor doesn"t provide any help. Many people are unfamiliar with coding, and C# in Space Engineers doesn"t make for a simple beginner language. There are scripts available on the Steam Workshop, but those rarely work for custom applications.

I developed this tool to let anyone capable of playing Space Engineers write their own custom scripts. I tried to make it as feature-rich as possible while still being easy to use.

In Visual Script Builder, everything is driven by logic chunks. One logic chunk can either check a condition (e.g. If Light X is ON), or apply an action (e.g. Turn Light Y ON). You can insert logic chunks and remove logic chunks at any point in the script. There is no limit to the number of logic chunks you can use. Each logic chunk consists of the logic type, the in-game Space Engineers block it applies to, and the in-game block"s data.

When writing the text you want displayed on an LCD panel, you can use any variables that you created in your script by surrounding them with brackets. For example, if you saved a variable called totalpower, you could display its value on an LCD panel by writing [totalpower]. This can be combined with any other text, or any other variables. Total Power: [totalpower] would display Total Power: 3.00MW. See additional information about using LCD panels below.

Don"t worry about highlighting and copying, just click the button to copy your entire script to the clipboard and paste it into the editor in Space Engineers.

As you can see, our variable (here named variableName) is followed by a question mark (?), the text to display when true (trueText), a colon (:), and the text to display when false (falseText). For use on the LCD panel, we must enclose this whole string in brackets. In a more realistic scenario, we might want to display ON when our Reactor is on, and OFF when our Reactor is off. We can create a boolean variable called reactorOn for the Reactor"s On/Off state by typing a new variable name (reactorOn) into the Save As box for the OnOff property of the Reactor. For this property, true means the reactor is on. To get the text to display correctly, we can type the following into an LCD panel.

As of Update 1.0.3, it"s also possible to do calculations right inside the text of the LCD panel. This allows you to display your power percentage. Mathematically, power percentage is:

The Block Name box is where you enter the name of the Space Engineers block you want to work with. If this is left blank, the default value will be used for the chosen block type. Leave this blank.

That"s it! You"re now ready to try the script out. Click the Copy Script To Clipboard button, and paste the code into a Programmable Block in Space Engineers. Running the code will toggle on/off an Interior Light with the name "Interior Light".

In Space Engineers, create a Programmable Block. Go into the Programmable Block"s menu and click Edit. Delete everything in the editor and paste in your script. CTRL-C and CTRL-V work in the editor. Click Check Code to check the code for errors, then click Remember & Exit to save. Be careful, as using ALT-TAB to switch out of Space Engineers will revert your script to the last saved script. It is easy to lose your changes.

To run the script, open the Programmable Block"s menu and click Run. You can also assign this action to your toolbar in a ship, or to a button panel by dragging the Programmable Block to the bar and choosing Run with default argument.

If you want your script to be run constantly (for example, waiting for a door to open and triggering the lights to turn on) you can use the Frequency dropdown in the Script Settings menu. It will automatically run your script every 1, 10, or 100 ticks. There are 60 ticks per second in-game. This feature was introduced in version 1.0.8, but can cause issues when trying to use Arguments in the Programmable Block. With older versions, or to avoid issues with Arguments, you have to use a timer block. Create a Timer block and set the Trigger Delay to 1 second. Click Setup Actions, and drag your Programmable Block to the first space on the bar. Again, use Run with default argument. Then drag your Timer block to the next space on the bar and choose Start. Now start the Timer block, and your script will be executed every second.

space engineers wide lcd panel quotation

China"s space industry workers are known for their ability to create engineering marvels such as sending a rover to roam the moon"s farside and landing a robot to explore the Red Planet.

Engineers from China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, the country"s leading space contractor, were tasked with 11 major components of the 140-minute ceremony.

The "ice cube", a cubic structure covered by LED screens, was an example of how engineers took advantage of their know-how to handle technical challenges, the statement said.

The main body of the 400-metric ton cube weighed 180 tons and needed to be gradually elevated during the ceremony"s performance section, requiring engineers to devise a reliable method to lift it.

Another visual marvel – a 10,100-square-meter ground-based display screen – was built by engineers from the Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute.

They used industrial internet technologies to connect tens of thousands of individual screens and monitor their conditions. To make sure there would be no mistake during the important ceremonies, engineers also prepared four data links for the colossal screen, leaving sufficient backup.

One of the world"s largest space industry enterprises, CASC is the developer and maker of the Long March series carrier rockets, Shenzhou spacecraft, Tiangong space station and Chang"e lunar probes.

The space industry giant was selected in 2019 as one of the leading contractors of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, because the games" organizing committee hoped that the company could use its experience and expertise in sophisticated programs to support the sports events.

space engineers wide lcd panel quotation

return new String(" ", spaces - (spaces / 2)) + new String("\u00AD", bars / 2) + text + new String("\u00AD", bars - (bars / 2)) + new String(" ", spaces / 2);

space engineers wide lcd panel quotation

Materials engineers typically need a bachelor’s degree in materials science and engineering or in a related engineering field. Completing internships and cooperative-engineering programs while in school may be helpful for gaining hands-on experience.

Entry-level jobs for materials engineers typically require a bachelor’s degree in engineering. Programs typically last 4 years and include classroom and laboratory work focusing on engineering principles.

Analytical skills. Materials engineers often work on projects related to other fields of engineering. They must determine how materials will be used and how they must be structured to withstand different conditions.

Math skills. Materials engineers use the principles of calculus and other advanced topics in math for analysis, design, and troubleshooting in their work.

Problem-solving skills. Materials engineers must understand the relationship between materials’ structures, their properties, how they are made, and how these factors affect the products they are used to make. They must also figure out why a product might have failed, design a solution, and then conduct tests to make sure that the product does not fail again. These skills involve being able to identify root causes when many factors could be at fault.

Speaking skills. While working with technicians, technologists, and other engineers, materials engineers must state concepts and directions clearly. When speaking with managers, these engineers must also communicate engineering concepts to people who may not have an engineering background.

Writing skills. Materials engineers must write plans and reports clearly so that people without a materials engineering background can understand the concepts.

Licensure for materials engineers is not as common as it is for other engineering occupations, nor it is required for entry-level positions. A Professional Engineering (PE) license, which allows for higher levels of leadership and independence, can be acquired later in one’s career. Licensed engineers are called professional engineers (PEs). A PE can oversee the work of other engineers, sign off on projects, and provide services directly to the public. State licensure generally requires

The initial FE exam can be taken after earning a bachelor’s degree. Engineers who pass this exam are commonly called engineers in training (EITs) or engineer interns (EIs). After meeting work experience requirements, EITs and EIs can take the second exam, called the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE).

Each state issues its own licenses. Most states recognize licensure from other states, as long as the licensing state’s requirements meet or exceed their own licensure requirements. Several states require continuing education for engineers to keep their licenses.

Junior materials engineers usually work under the supervision of experienced engineers. In large companies, new engineers may receive formal training in classrooms or seminars. As engineers gain knowledge and experience, they move on to more difficult projects where they have greater independence to develop designs, solve problems, and make decisions.

Eventually, materials engineers may advance to become technical specialists or to supervise a team of engineers and technicians. Many become engineering managers or move into other managerial positions or sales work. An engineering background is useful in sales because it enables sales engineers to discuss a product’s technical aspects and assist in product planning, installation, and use. For more information, see the profiles on architectural and engineering managers and sales engineers.