serial graphic lcd module in stock

Hi , i am using this backpack with my Graphic LCD 240x128 with T6963 Controller and i have a strange problem. It’s look like the display is shifted in horizontal for at least 70% and a pixel up in vertical after this 70% . I flash it again the firmware but it is still with the same problem. Hope to find some help!

I like this! Good balance between price, performance, and how hard it is to use (not very hard). I wrote up a different take on "getting started", as I was working my way through the, as usual, excellent support material from Sparkfun. My notes are at...

In GENERAL, I still like the modules, but would appreciate help on how to get the "erase" parameter to work... or to see the "ASCII commands" section of the "help" revised to reflect what the module can/ cannot do.

I bought my first Aurduino (UNO Eleven) with this LCD and backpack 2 days ago. I got the backpack on the LCD with the idea it would simplify the interface to the LCD. I quickly came to the realisation that the rendering of this display was very slow and there was no flow control (e.g. Xon, Xoff) which ment I was going to run into trouble real quick with having to put delays in my code. Looking around I found SummoningDark"s firmware at and I wanted to try it but didn"t know how to get the main.hex into the ATmega168. I finally worked it out and this is what I did:

With the LCD powered by the +5V from my Arduino (Arduino plugged into the USB) and the programmer cable connected to computers LPT1 I typed "make program" at the command prompt and avrdude proceded to flash the ATmega168 on the backpack. It said "verification error" and "safemode lfuse changed! Would you like this fuse to be changed back? y/n" I typed "n" and pressed did the same for hfuse and efuse and I said no to all three. I then flashed it again to check and it said fuses OK avrdude DONE. Thank You.

Hi, I can"t to able the LCd with serial conection, the lbrery an instructions ar ok when I have compiled, but the screen not show nathing. I used the arduino one.

Hello guys, I tried this backpack with PG24064E lcd 240x64 with Toshiba T6963C as a controller but I can not make it work, has anyone ever tried it? , Ideas?

Does anyone know what the required code changes are to use the code at ( for use with the 160x128. Is it just the hard coded display size or is driving the 160x128 different in any way to the 128x64?

I love you, Sparkfun, so I gotta be honest with you: for me, this board is a fail. Without flow control, there"s no way I could build this into my product. I started coding a NetMF library for this display only to realize that I could not reliably control the unit without slowing down the baud rate to 9600 and putting huge delays between sequential writes, or clearing the screen every few seconds and re-writing the screen so the user didn"t notice the garbage pixels that appear all the time. Neither choice is adequate. The worst part is, occasionally the unit will misinterpret one of my commands as LCD Brightness, and then you can"t see the screen.

I think if you re-worked this board to add flow control or use SPI (my preference), you could sell a lot more of them. But as it stands, I will have to look around for a LCD that supports SPI directly, or a module that supports SPI or Uart+Flow control.

Problem loading new firmware from:, i hocked up an "Arduino One" as programer, and downloaded firmware, used CommandPrompt in Win7 with avrdude.

There are a lot of +/- 3.2" 320x240 Touch TFT LCD"s on eBay from Hong Kong for < $20 with a 2x20 pin 0.1" pitch header and built-in sd card cage. Is there any possibility we might see a backpack/carrier board for this? I think larger LCD"s with touch input, coupled with SD access would be a very attractive option for developers.

I don"t believe so. That library and backpack serve the same purpose; to provide a layer between the low-level LCD I/O lines, and high-level easy to use commands. The library would be better suited to a bare graphic LCD with a driver chip supported by the library.

I purchased one of the 128x64 displays along with the serial backpack to be included on my robot which is operated by the Orangutan SVP MCU by Pololu. I am the most extreme novice when it comes to coding. My question is, what all functions must I include in my code if I simply wish for my screen to display 4 digits, each of which is 1" tall? As of right now, whenever I send any serial data, the display simply starts to fill in the pixels from left to right.

I just found a graphic LCD backpack in the mailbox today. What code would be programed into the Flash? Should I solder up an ICSP header and head over to SourceForge?

I too have been having trouble with the responsiveness of the display. Over the weekend I did an almost complete re-write of the code with many speed improvements. There are still some bugs which I plan to work out soon, but if people want it, the beta code is here:

the text rendering is ~10 times faster. the line and circle algos are ~2 times faster, the display responds to CR/LF, there is support for sprites and bitblt-type image transfers. as well as low-level access to the LCD interface. I changed the coordinate system to (0,0) in the upper left, increasing down and right.

I"ve increased the RX buffer to 256 characters and added draw/clear functionality to the box() functions and now it"s perfect for me. It even runs on Adafruit"s MONOCHRON white-on-black display (I also had to make an adapter for the LCD connector pins), where the native firmware had trouble. Thanx a lot for this contribution!

In contrast, my 20x4 line displays can render the entire LCD in probably a tenth of a second ( you can barely see it ). This is my first foray into graphic LCD"s, and if this is normal then set me straight. ;)

I fixed the last bug that currently annoys me, and have a new main.c to distribute. For my purposes, it not only works better, but it turns out that I no longer ever get an X-OFF character. Still, it"s good to have it built in so noone, including me, needs to worry about overrunning the Serial Graphic LCD Backpack input buffer.

Looks like mine already had the latest firmware though (bought it Monday, 5/17), as I didn"t notice any change... graphics seem to work ok, aside from the box command not reading the on/off flag, but character stuff is pretty problematic.

Tip for anyone who already has the backpack but no programmer, you can turn your Arduino into one and program the new LCD code without buying any new hardware.

Many thanks to Eric Gaertner for his code additions. We have reviewed and assimilated his code, and all the backpacks that we currently have in stock (including the ones attached to LCDs) have been pulled from the shelves and reprogrammed accordingly. The source code links have also been updated. And I owe Eric a 4-pack of SFE pint glasses. You rock, dude.

Don"t waste your time, guys. The Graphic Serial LCD Backback"s firmware is quite buggy (to the point it won"t handle carriage returns (CR) or linefeeds (LF). Additionally, there are other, even stranger bugs (like you can only draw a line from, say, 23, 35 to 39, 48; but if you try drawing the same line 39, 48 to 23, 35, you get crap--caused by a missing absolute value expression in the firmware)

Using a logic probe the backpack is reciving. I see the lcd screen dim for a split second when I send the code but nothing happends. Sending the demo code.

Found it and that was the problem. I am talking to the screen now but when I generate a vertical line above the value of 59 I get a weird horizontal line at 60. Using an arduino to send the serial.

serial graphic lcd module in stock

The 12864B Graphic LCD module is a 128 x 64 pixel LCD display with a blue backlight and white foreground. The display is fully programmable and can display a combination of both graphics and text. It can operate in both parallel and serial (SPI) modes which can be configured by the external pin PSB. In SPI mode only 3 data pins are required to drive this display. No potentiometer is required to set the contrast as this is pre set by the factory to optimum level.

serial graphic lcd module in stock

This LCD module uses a 128x64 liquid crystal display that support Chinese character,  English characters and even graphics. It is suitable for interactive work with Arduino.

It features a backlit control, pallerlel or serial control, contrast adjust. It can be connect to our interface shield for arduino via IDC6 socket and Cable for Shiftout.

The LCD is shipped in Pallelel mode in default.  The R9 is used to set the interface mode. To switch to SPI mode, the R9 resistor need to be moved to R10

serial graphic lcd module in stock

Description:This is a smaller version of our serial graphic LCD. The Serial Graphic LCD backpack is soldered to the 128x64 pixel Graphic LCD and provides the user a simple serial interface to a full range of controls.

Besides writing text, this serial graphic LCD allows the user to draw lines, circles and boxes, set or reset individual pixels, erase specific blocks of the display, control the backlight and adjust the baud rate. Additionally, all source code for the ATMega168 processor is compiled using the free WinAVR compiler and is free for downloading.

serial graphic lcd module in stock

ERC12864FS-1-S7 is 1.4 inch white background with 128x64 monochrome black pixels cog(chip on glass) lcd module,ST7565S controller,compact size,high contrast,wide operating temperature,wide view angle,white led backlight,fstn lcd,fpc connection,optional zif connector and led backlight connector.It supports 6800 8-bit,8080 8-bit parallel and 4-wire serial spi interface.

serial graphic lcd module in stock

The 32128A is our smallest standard monochrome graphic LCD module. This LCD is ideal for remote controls and hand held products, as well as for applications that require a small, high-resolution display. The COG IC is the Sitronix ST7565V. This LCD has a FPC interface.

The ST7565V is a single-chip dot matrix LCD driver that can be connected directly to a microprocessor bus. 8-bit parallel or serial display data sent from the microprocessor is stored in the internal display data RAM and the chip generates a LCD drive signal independent of the microprocessor.

serial graphic lcd module in stock

A module that allows microcontrollers systems like the PICAXE to display messages and images on a 128x64 GLCD (white on blue GLCD included). Interface via one serial line. Self assembly kit. Optional software (LED043) also available to enable download of graphics into the modules EEPROM memory.