2.8 tft lcd shield arduino mega manufacturer

I"m sorry about the ambiguity regarding the pin names, studying the references I realize there are a number of ways to read them. Among other things I had the ATmega processor pins mixed with the pin numbers printed on the pcb, not to mention that I read the pin numbers on the two row connector from the wrong side of the pcb...

The SD card is connected directly to the two row connector at the short end of the Arduino Mega (the XIO-connector?). These pins are numbered 50-52 on the pcb which - if I have understood it correctly - translates to D50-D52?

Other ways to describe those pins are : PB0-3 which - according to "The Unofficial Arduino MEGA Pinout Diagram" (found here Tresdeland - Tu mundo 3D) - are the port pin designations.

I did use a multimeter to test which Arduino pins were connected to which resistor pack e.g. RP1 .. RP5 and the information translated to Dnn becomes :

2.8 tft lcd shield arduino mega manufacturer

SainSmart 2.8" TFT LCD Display is a LCD touch screen module. It has 40pins interface and SD card and Flash reader design. It is a powerful and mutilfunctional module for your project.The Screen include a controllerILI9325, it"s a support 8/16bit data interface , easy to drive by many MCU like arduino families,STM32 ,AVR and 8051. It is designed with a touch controller in it . The touch IC isXPT2046, and touch interface is included in the 40 pins breakout. It is the version of product only with touch screen and touch controller.

Voltage type: 5v or 3v voltage input voltage,input is selectable. Because TFT can only work under 3.3 V voltage, so when the input voltage VIN is 5V, need through the 3.3 V voltage regulator IC step down to 3.3V , when the input voltage of 3.3 V, you need to use the zero resistance make J2 short , is equivalent to not through the voltage regulator IC for module and power supply directly.(Click here)

2.8 tft lcd shield arduino mega manufacturer

2.8"" TFT Touch Shield is an Arduino UNO/ Mega compatible multicolored TFT display with a 4-wire resistive touch-screen. It is available in an Arduino shield compatible pinout for attachment. The TFT driver is based on ST7781R with 8bit data and 4bit control interface.

2.8 tft lcd shield arduino mega manufacturer

2.8"" TFT Touch Shield is an Arduino UNO/ Mega compatible multicolored TFT display with a 4-wire resistive touch-screen. It is available in an Arduino shield compatible pinout for attachment. The TFT driver is based on ST7781R with 8bit data and 4bit control interface.

2.8 tft lcd shield arduino mega manufacturer

Arduino 2.8" TFT LCD Touch shield is an Arduino UNO/ Mega compatible multicolored TFT display with touch-screen and SD card socket. It is available in an Arduino shield compatible pinout for attachment. The TFT driver is based on ILI9325DS with 8bit data and 4bit control interface.

2.8 tft lcd shield arduino mega manufacturer

A wide variety of arduino tft lcd options are available to you, You can also choose from original manufacturer, odm arduino tft lcd,As well as from tft, ips, and standard.

2.8 tft lcd shield arduino mega manufacturer

This TFT Touch Shield is Arduino/Crowduino/Arduino Mega compatible, it integrated a 2.8” TFT Display and a resistive touch panel, to make this shield suitable for handheld devices.

This TFT Touch Shield has 240x320 pixels with individual pixel control, it uses the ILI9341 driver and SPI interface to communicate with controllers such as Arduino, saving you much Arduino pins for other usages in your projects. Besides, A SD card socket is also added to help you develop applications that data storage is needed such as digital picture album.

2.8 tft lcd shield arduino mega manufacturer

As you may have read in the previous post, after careful consideration I ordered up a bunch of hardware. For the sake of this article, however, only two items will be important from that list. They are the Seeeduino Mega 2560 ADK dev board and the 2.8″ TFT Touch Shield. The problem I was experiencing was that when I plugged the 2.8″ TFT Touch Shield (“shield”) into the Seeeduino Mega 2560 ADK (“Seeeduino”), all I got was a white background with the backlight on. There was nothing else going on. I tried just about every library under the sun, every example, my own code, searching Google for solutions, etc. I saw that lots of folks were having this problem, but no one had any solutions. So, I eventually posted the problem to the Seeduino forums.

I didn’t get any replies, only more people with the same issue getting in on the action. Fortunately someone at Seeeduino took pitty on me and emailed me about it. After a couple of emails back and forth it turns out the fix is quite easy. It has to do with the Mega 2560 pinout being different than the standard arduino/seeeduino. As you can see in the image below, the regular Arduino (Uno for instance) has 14 Digital I/O pins and 6 analog input pins whereas the Mega 2560 has 54 digital I/O pins and 16 analog input pins.

Due to this difference the screen has to use different pins. Unfortunately the example sketches in the TFT library don’t tell you that you have to change anything so what you wind up with on the Mega 2560 boards is the TFT screen with a blank white background and the backlight on.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully fixed the TFT library so that you can use it with a Arduino or Seeeduino Mega 2560 or Mega 2560 ADK! On my board I tested it out and everything was great after that! Try the drawCircle sketch from the library examples once you fix this.

2.8 tft lcd shield arduino mega manufacturer

This module is a 2.8-inch TFT LCD module with “320X240” resolution and suitable for Arduino Uno and Mega2560 development boards. It’s a touch display shield and uses 8-bit parallel port communication.

The 2.8-inch display is a ready-made shield for Arduino Uno, which can also be placed on the Arduino Mega. The pins of this shield are designed to be easily installed on the Arduino. The bad point about these displays is that they use all Arduino Uno pins.