tft display interface with 8051 free sample
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The display is a critical component in every project, impacting the case, firmware, electrical design, user interface, and even battery life. For these reasons, and because it is the most visible component of your product, it must be approved by the mechanical design team, management and marketing.Before these teams can approve, they need to see it in action. But it can take days or weeks to connect a display to your platform, initialize it and build a code library able to create believable demonstrations. Meanwhile, the whole project is on hold.Our 8051 development kit / demonstration board can solve this problem. Use it to get the display seen, demonstrated and approved for your project.
ER-DBT035-6 is a microcontroller 8051(80C51) demonstration and development kit for ER-TFT035-6 product that is 3.5 inch tft lcd display with ILI9488 controller.The kit includes MCU board controlled by STC12LE5A60S2,ISP(In System Programming) with USB port and cable to customize the demonstration that includes your own bitmap images,personalized fonts,symbols,icons and burn sketches,microSD card that is written graphic and text into it,the power adaptor,the adaptor board with various pitch dimension used to connect MCU board and display.Optional for 8080 8-bit,8080 16-bit parallel interface and 3-wire,4-wire serial interface.
The display is a critical component in every project, impacting the case, firmware, electrical design, user interface, and even battery life. For these reasons, and because it is the most visible component of your product, it must be approved by the mechanical design team, management and marketing.Before these teams can approve, they need to see it in action. But it can take days or weeks to connect a display to your platform, initialize it and build a code library able to create believable demonstrations. Meanwhile, the whole project is on hold.Our 8051 development kit / demonstration board can solve this problem. Use it to get the display seen, demonstrated and approved for your project.
ER-DBTM028-4 is a microcontroller 8051(80C51) demonstration and development kit for ER-TFTM028-4 product that is 2.8 inch tft lcd display with ILI9341 controller and adaptor board.The kit includes MCU board controlled by STC12LE5A60S2,ISP(In System Programming) with USB port and cable to customize the demonstration that includes your own bitmap images,personalized fonts,symbols,icons and burn sketches,microSD card that is written graphic and text into it,the power adaptor,the adaptor board with various pitch dimension used to connect MCU board and display. Optional for 8080 8-bit,8080 16-bit parallel interface and 3-wire,4-wire serial interface.
This is a small graphics library, specifically aimed at ATtiny microcontrollers, for the variety of small colour TFT displays available at low cost from suppliers like Adafruit, AliExpress, or Banggood:
It"s an updated version of my Tiny TFT Graphics Library. This latest version of the library supports both the classic ATtiny processors, such as the ATtiny85, and the new 0-series, 1-series, and 2-series ATtiny processors, such as the ATtiny402. Like the original library it allows you to plot points, draw lines, draw filled rectangles, and plot characters and text with an optional scale factor, in 16-bit colour.
This version adds the ability to plot outline rectanges, and outline and filled circles. I"ve included demo curve-plotting and histogram-plotting programs that adjust to fit any display.
This library supports TFT displays that use an SPI interface and require four pins to drive the display. This leaves one pin free on an 8-pin chip such as the ATtiny85 or ATtiny402. If you need more pins choose a larger chip, such as the ATtiny84 or ATtiny404.
Unlike my Compact TFT Graphics Library which uses standard Arduino SPI calls, this library uses direct I/O pin manipulations. This means that you can use any assignment of pins to the four I/O lines needed by the display, and makes it about twice as fast as one using SPI calls. I"ve also added support for some additional displays, so it now supports 16 different TFT displays.
So provided you set all the pins to their disabled state at startup, the display routines can simply toggle the appropriate pins to enable or disable them.
The differences between each family of processors are handled by constants to define the pin assignments, and preprocessor macros to define the bit manipulations. If you use the circuits given below you won"t need to change anything, apart from specifying which display you"re using.
The ClearDisplay() routine has been optimised further by realising that we don"t need to keep setting the mosi bit, since to clear the display it is always zero, so the routine only needs to toggle the sck bit the appropriate number of times. I"m grateful to Thomas Scherer for suggesting this.
The library occupies less than 4K bytes, including the character set and demo programs, and so will fit on microcontrollers with 4K flash such as the ATtiny45 and ATtiny402.
This library will work with displays based on the ST7735 which supports a maximum display size of 162x132, or the ST7789 and ILI9340/1 which support a maximum display size of 320x240. It includes parameters for the following colour TFT displays:
* These Adafruit displays conveniently all have the same edge-connector layout, so you can make a prototyping board or PCB that will take any of them, such as my Universal TFT Display Backpack.
Some of the AliExpress displays include a LDO 3.3V regulator, but not logic-level translation, so I recommend only interfacing them to a processor running from 3.3V.
The Adafruit displays all include an LDO 3.3V regulator and logic-level translation, so can be safely interfaced to processors powered from either 5V or 3.3V.
On the AliExpress red 160x128 display you need to connect the backlight pin to Vcc to turn it on. This doesn"t seem to be necessary with the other displays.
The library will probably support other TFT displays that use the same ST7735, ST7789, ILI9340/1 driver chips, but you may need to experiment with the parameters to get the image scaled and centered correctly.
The display needs to be connected to the microcontroller via four I/O lines: MOSI, SCK, CS, and DC. You can use any pins for these, but they should all be in the same port. You need to specify the port pin numbers of the pins you are using at the start of the Tiny TFT Graphics Library listing.
The 33kΩ pullup resistor from the display"s CS pin is optional; it is only needed on the AliExpress displays, and holds the chip select high to prevent the display from flickering while programming the ATtiny85.
The different displays are catered for by seven constants which specify the size of the display, the offsets relative to the area supported by the display driver, whether the display is inverted, the rotation value, and the order of the colours; for example:
By default the parameters give the correct orientation assuming you"re using the display with the header pins along the top, except in the case of the larger displays which have the header pins along the shorter edge, in which case the header pins are assumed to be on the left.
To check or adjust the values for each display you can run the TestChart() program, which draws a one-pixel border around the display area, and plots a red "F" to show the orientation:
The library will probably support other TFT displays that use the same driver chips, but you may need to experiment with the parameters to get the image scaled and centered correctly.
The library includes basic graphics routines for plotting points and drawing lines. These work on a conventional coordinate system with the origin at lower left. For example, on the 80x160 display:
DrawRect() draws an outline rectangle andFillRect() draws a filled rectangle in the foreground colour with width w and height h, and the bottom left corner at the current drawing position:
DrawCircle() draws an outline circle andFillCircle() draws a filled circle in the foreground colour with radius radius, and the centre at the current drawing position:
You can plot larger characters by setting the global variable scale, default value 1. After plotting a character PlotChar() moves the drawing position to the start of the next character to make it easy to plot several characters in a row without needing to call MoveTo().
Pay once and never worry about it again. Once you buy Visual TFT you are entitled to a lifetime of free upgrades. Upgrading the software takes only a few minutes and a few clicks. We are constantly adding new features, and you can keep track of what is happening on the Software Roadmap page.
The Visual TFT currently supports 17 graphics controllers from leading manufacturers. You can be a part of the process by letting us know what graphics controllers you wish to see supported next, by using our helpdesk and submitting a ticket.
Visual TFT supports a total of 17 TFT controllers and many different display sizes, from 131x131 to 800x600 pixels. The most popular ones are the 320x240 TFT displays running on ILI9341controller. This display is found in many embedded devices worldwide. All MikroElektronika multimedia boards have this display integrated, so you’ll have all the hardware you need to get started. You can also order TFT displays separately from MikroElektronika’s online store.
Visual TFT also supports FTDI chip™ - the latest EVE GUI Platform and FT8x and FT81x families of graphics controllers. These powerful devices allow for sophisticated forms of human-machine interaction and more satisfying user experiences, including video playback. EVE integrates display, audio and touch onto a low cost, easy-to-use, single-chip solution. The EVE family has an object-based structure (where objects can be images, fonts, etc). This offers you an easy way to design more effective GUIs for TFTs, with all the display, audio and touch functionality included. Visual TFT is the first software in the world to provide full support for many of EVE’s powerful features like sound, transparency and anti-aliasing fonts. There are many new components available for GUI design, which are natively supported in the controller itself.
Visual TFT supports all our development and multimedia boards, so you will find all the hardware you could possibly need in one place. Each board has a hardware pattern, a configuration template with hardware connections for TFT and touch screen, and you can do all necessary settings with a single click.
Three major compiler groups are currently supported: mikroC, mikroBasic and mikroPascal for PIC, dsPIC, PIC32, AVR, ARM and FT90x. This means that no matter what compiler you will write your project in, source code generated by Visual TFT Tool will be integrated smoothly.
The Visual TFT Interface is really easy to use, and implements standard intuitive behavior, so you will feel like using any other vector graphic editors. But we have mixed functionalities from both worlds: world of design and world of programming. There are several palettes of most useful components that you can use in your application. Just drag a component onto a pixel grid display screen and it will be drawn instantly. Use Object Inspector to edit component properties and to assign desired events.
Do you need more space for your images and fonts? Do you want to create image slideshows, or to even play a video from MMC/SD Card? With new Resource file feature, Visual TFT software brings you all this and much more. If this option is selected, after code generation, Visual TFT will store all of your images and fonts in the resource file and will optimize them as much as possible for faster utilization. You just have to copy that file onto your MMC/SD card and you are ready to go.
The help file is the best place to start if you want to get to know the Visual TFT software. The easy-to-read format and detailed explanations of every functionality and feature will make you an expert in no time.
Nobody likes complicated settings and options at the beginning of each project. With new hardware templates, single click on a dropdown list item does all the work for you. Everything will be automatically set.
Hi guys, welcome to today’s tutorial. Today, we will look on how to use the 1.8″ ST7735 colored TFT display with Arduino. The past few tutorials have been focused on how to use the Nokia 5110 LCD display extensively but there will be a time when we will need to use a colored display or something bigger with additional features, that’s where the 1.8″ ST7735 TFT display comes in.
The ST7735 TFT display is a 1.8″ display with a resolution of 128×160 pixels and can display a wide range of colors ( full 18-bit color, 262,144 shades!). The display uses the SPI protocol for communication and has its own pixel-addressable frame buffer which means it can be used with all kinds of microcontroller and you only need 4 i/o pins. To complement the display, it also comes with an SD card slot on which colored bitmaps can be loaded and easily displayed on the screen.
The schematics for this project is fairly easy as the only thing we will be connecting to the Arduino is the display. Connect the display to the Arduino as shown in the schematics below.
Due to variation in display pin out from different manufacturers and for clarity, the pin connection between the Arduino and the TFT display is mapped out below:
We will use two libraries from Adafruit to help us easily communicate with the LCD. The libraries include the Adafruit GFX library which can be downloaded here and the Adafruit ST7735 Library which can be downloaded here.
We will use two example sketches to demonstrate the use of the ST7735 TFT display. The first example is the lightweight TFT Display text example sketch from the Adafruit TFT examples. It can be accessed by going to examples -> TFT -> Arduino -> TFTDisplaytext. This example displays the analog value of pin A0 on the display. It is one of the easiest examples that can be used to demonstrate the ability of this display.
The second example is the graphics test example from the more capable and heavier Adafruit ST7735 Arduino library. I will explain this particular example as it features the use of the display for diverse purposes including the display of text and “animated” graphics. With the Adafruit ST7735 library installed, this example can be accessed by going to examples -> Adafruit ST7735 library -> graphics test.
Next, we create an object of the library with the pins to which the LCD is connected on the Arduino as parameters. There are two options for this, feel free to choose the most preferred.
Next, we move to the void setup function where we initialize the screen and call different test functions to display certain texts or images. These functions can be edited to display what you want based on your project needs.
All the functions called under the void setup function, perform different functions, some draw lines, some, boxes and text with different font, color and size and they can all be edited to do what your project needs.
Uploading the code to the Arduino board brings a flash of different shapes and text with different colors on the display. I captured one and its shown in the image below.
That’s it for this tutorial guys, what interesting thing are you going to build with this display? Let’s get the conversation started. Feel free to reach me via the comment section if you have any questions as regards this project.
HY-TFT320 is a 3.2 inch TFT LCD Screen module, 320*240 (resolution), 65K color, 34pins interface , not just a LCD breakout, but include the Touch screen, SD card. So it’s a powerful extension module for your project.
This Screen includes a controller SSD1289, it’s 16bit data interface, easy to drive by many MCU like STM32 ,AVR and 8051.HY-TFT320 is designed with a touch controller in it . The touch IC is XPT2046 , and touch interface is included in the 34 pins breakout. Another useful extension in this module is the SD Card socket . It use the SPI mode to operate the SD card, the SPI interface include in the 40pins breakout.
The UTFT library is required to be installed to get this screen model display. This library is especially designed for 3.2” TFT LCD screen using 16 bit mode. The library require the following connections.
Note: The TFT controller model needs to be declared in the initializing statement. ITDB02 myGLCD(38,39,40,41) needs to be modified as myGLCD(38,39,40,41,ITDB32S) when using Arduino Mega2560.ITDB02 myGLCD(19,18,17,16,ITDB32S) needs to be commented when using Aduino UNO. Otherwise it just show a blank screen. In practice, RS, WR, CS, RSET can be connected to any free pin. But the pin number must be in accord with myGLCD(RS,WR,CS,RST).
The LCD has a 3.2" 4-wire resistive touch screen lying over it. The Touch libraryneeds to be installed to get it works. This library is designed for 2.4’’ TFT, 3.2” TFT LCD screen module.
Note:TCLK, TCS, TDIN, TDOUT, IRQ also can be connected to any free pin. But the pin number must be in accord with the touch screen initializing statement myTouch(DCLK,CS,IN,OUT,IRQ).
The default setting is accurate for 2.4” TFT module, but you need to calibrate when using 3.2” TFT module. A program to calibrate the touch screen is included in the example. If you touch screen is inaccurate, you need to run touch_calibration. Follow the on-screen instruction to calibrate the touch screen. Better not use your finger to calibrate it, use your accessory touch pen to pressure the frontsight with stength. Then record the calibration parameters and apply them in ITDB02_Touch.cpp in your touch screen library.
There is built-in SD card slot in the shield, so we can use it to upload images. But the images need to be converted RAW format first. SD libraries tinyFAT and tinyFAT_16 need to be preinstalled for displaying the image.
Note: The library only supports FAT16 fomatted SD card up to 2GB, so you need to fomat your SD card to FAT16. 4GB FAT16 fomatted SD card is tested not working. Long file names are not supported. Keep your file names compliant with 8.3 standard.
HY-TFT280 is a 2.8 inch TFT LCD Screen module, 320*240 (resolution), 65K color, 40pins interface , not just a LCD breakout, but include the Touch screen, SD card. So it’s a powerful extension module for your project.
This Screen includes a controller ILI9331, it’s 16bit data interface, easy to drive by many MCU like STM32 ,AVR and 8051.HY-TFT280 is designed with a touch controller in it . The touch IC is XPT2046 , and touch interface is included in the 40 pins breakout. Another useful extension in this module is the SD Card socket . It use the SPI mode to operate the SD card, the SPI interface include in the 40pins breakout.
The TFT library is required to be installed to get this screen model display. This library is especially designed for TFT LCD screen using 16 bit mode. The library require the following connections.
Note: The TFT controller model needs to be declared in the initializing statement. ITDB02 myGLCD(38,39,40,41) needs to be modified as myGLCD(GEEE28,38,39,40,41) when using Arduino Mega2560.ITDB02 myGLCD(GEEE28,19,18,17,16) needs to be commented when using Aduino UNO. Otherwise it just show a blank screen. In practice, RS, WR, CS, RSET can be connected to any free pin. But the pin number must be in accord with myGLCD(RS,WR,CS,RST).
The LCD has a 2.8" 4-wire resistive touch screen lying over it. The Touch library needs to be installed to get it works. This library is designed for 2.4’’ TFT, 2.8” TFT LCD screen module.
Note:TCLK, TCS, TDIN, TDOUT, IRQ also can be connected to any free pin. But the pin number must be in accord with the touch screen initializing statement myTouch(DCLK,CS,IN,OUT,IRQ).
The default setting is accurate for 2.4” TFT module, but you need to calibrate when using 2.8” TFT module. A program to calibrate the touch screen is included in the example. If you touch screen is inaccurate, you need to run touch_calibration. Follow the on-screen instruction to calibrate the touch screen. Better not use your finger to calibrate it, use your accessory touch pen to pressure the frontsight with stength. Then record the calibration parameters and apply them in ITDB02_Touch.cpp in your touch screen library.
There is built-in SD card slot in the shield, so we can use it to upload images. But the images need to be converted RAW format first. SD libraries tinyFAT and tinyFAT_16 need to be preinstalled for displaying the image.
Note: The library only supports FAT16 fomatted SD card up to 2GB, so you need to fomat your SD card to FAT16. 4GB FAT16 fomatted SD card is tested not working. Long file names are not supported. Keep your file names compliant with 8.3 standard.
To be able to display a character on the first line of the LCD, we must provide written instructions (80h + DDRAM address where our character is to be displayed on the first line) in the Instruction Register-IR and then followed by writing the ASCII code of the character or address of the character stored on the CGROM or CGRAM on the LCD controller data register, as well as to display characters in the second row we must provide written instructions (C0H + DDRAM address where our character to be displayed on the second line) in the Instructions Register-IR and then followed by writing the ASCII code or address of the character on CGROM or CGRAM on the LCD controller data register.
As mentioned above, to display a character (ASCII) you want to show on the LCD, you need to send the ASCII code to the LCD controller data register-DR. For characters from CGROM and CGRAM we only need to send the address of the character where the character is stored; unlike the character of the ASCII code, we must write the ASCII code of the character we want to display on the LCD controller data register to display it. For special characters stored on CGRAM, one must first save the special character at the CGRAM address (prepared 64 addresses, namely addresses 0–63); A special character with a size of 5 × 8 (5 columns × 8 lines) requires eight consecutive addresses to store it, so the total special characters that can be saved or stored on the CGRAM addresses are only eight (8) characters. To be able to save a special character at the first CGRAM address we must send or write 40H instruction to the Instruction Register-IR followed by writing eight consecutive bytes of the data in the Data Register-DR to save the pattern/image of a special character that you want to display on the LCD [9, 10].
We can easily connect this LCD module (LCD + controller) with MCS51, and we do not need any additional electronic equipment as the interface between MCS51 and it; This is because this LCD works with the TTL logic level voltage—Transistor-Transistor Logic.
The voltage source of this display is +5 V connected to Pin 2 (VCC) and GND power supply connected to Pin 1 (VSS) and Pin 16 (GND); Pin 1 (VSS) and Pin 16 (GND) are combined together and connected to the GND of the power supply.
Pins 7–14 (8 Pins) of the display function as a channel to transmit either data or instruction with a channel width of 1 byte (D0-D7) between the display and MCS51. In Figure 6, it can be seen that each Pin connected to the data bus (D0-D7) of MCS51 in this case P0 (80h); P0.0-P0.7 MCS-51 connected to D0-D7 of the LCD.
Pins 4–6 are used to control the performance of the display. Pin 4 (Register Select-RS) is in charge of selecting one of the 2 display registers. If RS is given logic 0 then the selected register is the Instruction Register-IR, otherwise, if RS is given logic 1 then the selected register is the Data Register-DR. The implication of this selection is the meaning of the signal sent down through the data bus (D0-D7), if RS = 0, then the signal sent from the MCS-51 to the LCD is an instruction; usually used to configure the LCD, otherwise if RS = 1 then the data sent from the MCS-51 to the LCD (D0-D7) is the data (object or character) you want to display on the LCD. From Figure 6 Pin 4 (RS) is connected to Pin 16 (P3.6/W¯) of MCS-51 with the address (B6H).
Pin 5 (R/W¯)) of the LCD does not appear in Figure 6 is used for read/write operations. If Pin 5 is given logic 1, the operation is a read operation; reading the data from the LCD. Data will be copied from the LCD data register to MCS-51 via the data bus (D0-D7), namely Pins 7–14 of the LCD. Conversely, if Pin 5 is given a voltage with logical 0 then the operation is a write operation; the signal will be sent from the MCS51 to LCD through the LCD Pins (Pins 7–14); The signal sent can be in the form of data or instructions depending on the logic level input to the Register Select-RS Pin, as described above before if RS = 0 then the signal sent is an instruction, vice versa if the RS = 1 then the signal sent/written is the data you want to display. Usually, Pin 5 of the LCD is connected with the power supply GND, because we will never read data from the LCD data register, but only send instructions for the LCD work configuration or the data you want to display on the LCD.
Pin 6 of the LCD (EN¯) is a Pin used to enable the LCD. The LCD will be enabled with the entry of changes in the signal level from high (1) to low (0) on Pin 6. If Pin 6 gets the voltage of logic level either 1 or 0 then the LCD will be disabled; it will only be enabled when there is a change of the voltage level in Pin 6 from high logic level to low logic level for more than 1000 microseconds (1 millisecond), and we can send either instruction or data to processed during that enable time of Pin 6.
5(R/W¯)Sets the operating mode, logic 1 for reading operations and logic 0 for write operations, the information read from the LCD to μC is data, while information written to the LCD from μC can be data to be displayed or instructions used to configure the LCD. Usually, this Pin is connected to the GND of the power supply because we will never read data from the LCD but only write instructions to configure it or write data to the LCD register to be displayed.