The pointer drift on the capacitive touch screen means that the position of the pointer will deviate during use, resulting in the inconsistency between the actual click position and the touch operation position. This phenomenon may affect the user experience, especially in situations that require high-precision operations, such as games, drawing, etc.

The reason for the pointer drift may be related to many factors, such as the material of the capacitive touch screen sensing panel, the gap between the plates, the magnetic field next to the touch screen, etc. One of the most common reasons is that the material of the sensing panel of the capacitive touch screen is uneven or has been disturbed by the outside world. This will cause the sensor panel to fail to accurately identify the position of the pointer when the pointer moves on the touch screen, resulting in a drifting phenomenon.

In order to avoid pointer drift, some measures can be taken, such as adjusting the sensitivity of the touch screen, changing the material of the touch screen, etc. In addition, for applications that require high-precision operation, other types of touch screens, such as resistive touch screens, can be used.

In English, pointer drift can be described as "pointer drift" or "touchscreen drift". These terms all refer to the inaccurate position of the pointer on the touch screen. Similar to Chinese, the reasons for pointer drift mainly include the material of the sensing panel and the interference of external factors. In order to avoid pointer drift, the recommended measures in English also include adjusting the sensitivity of the touch screen, changing the material of the touch screen, etc., and using other types of touch screens to replace the capacitive touch screen.