gopro lcd touch screen manual supplier

We recommend checking out our discussion threads on the GoPro LCD Touch BacPac ALCDB-401, which address similar problems with connecting and setting up Other Action Cam Accessories GoPro.

User manual for the GoPro LCD Touch BacPac ALCDB-401 The user manual for the GoPro LCD Touch BacPac ALCDB-401 provides necessary instructions for the proper use of the product Camcorders - Action Cam Accessories - Other Action Cam Accessories.

The LCD Touch BacPac mounts seamlessly to select GoPro HERO cameras, enabling monitoring and providing an intuitive way to access the camera"s menu. You can use it to frame up shots before and during shooting as well as play back what you"ve already shot - including slow-motion replay. To operate the controls, simply tap and touch the screen - and with the HERO4 you can even use swipe gestures for faster navigation.

If you own a GoPro other action cam accessories and have a user manual in electronic form, you can upload it to this website using the link on the right side of the screen.

You can upload and download the manual for the GoPro LCD Touch BacPac ALCDB-401 in the following formats: *.pdf, *.doc, *.txt, *.jpg - Other formats are unfortunately not supported.

The user manual for the GoPro LCD Touch BacPac ALCDB-401 can be downloaded in .pdf format if it did not come with your new other action cam accessories, although the seller is required to supply one. It is also quite common that customers throw out the user manual with the box, or put the CD away somewhere and then can’t find it. That’s why we and other GoPro users keep a unique electronic library for GoPro other action cam accessoriess, where you can use our link to download the user manual for the GoPro LCD Touch BacPac ALCDB-401.

The user manual lists all of the functions of the GoPro LCD Touch BacPac ALCDB-401, all the basic and advanced features and tells you how to use the other action cam accessories. The manual also provides troubleshooting for common problems. Even greater detail is provided by the service manual, which is not typically shipped with the product, but which can often be downloaded from GoPro service.

If you want to help expand our database, you can upload a link to this website to download a user manual or service manual, ideally in .pdf format. These pages are created by you – users of the GoPro LCD Touch BacPac ALCDB-401. User manuals are also available on the GoPro website under Camcorders - Action Cam Accessories - Other Action Cam Accessories.

gopro lcd touch screen manual supplier

Make sure the GoPro is charged. Charge the GoPro by using provided USB connector and plugging it into a computer. You can also use the GoPro wall or automobile charger.

If the GoPro still does not charge, please use the microSD/Micro USB Port Assembly Replacement guide to replace your assembly. A poor connection inside the Micro USB port may prevent your GoPro from charging.

Older computers do not have the hardware to support HD playback. Ensure your computer can play the video by checking if it meets the GoPro Studio Software minimum requirements here.

You can have choppy video playback if you play the video streamed from the camera over USB. What this means is if you have the camera connected to a computer by the USB cable and you play the video from the files on the camera, without transferring the file to your computer, it can come out choppy. This is due to the USB connection not being fast enough to play the HD video back in real time. Before playing back a HD video, copy or transfer the file from your GoPro to your computer, then playback the video.

gopro lcd touch screen manual supplier

FeaTUres 1. Seamlessly attaches to back of GoPro cameras. 2. LCD Touch BacPac screen allows for easy visual control of camera and settings. 3. Preview and playback videos and photos including instant slow motion playback. 4. PLAYBACK button 5. Integrated speaker with audio control...

YOUr lCD TOUCH BaCPaC ATTACHING THE LCD TOUCH BACPAC TO YOUR GOPRO CAmERA TO ATTACH: 1. The LCD Touch BacPac can be attached to the HERO3, the HD HERO2 and original HD HERO. 2. Slide hooked end of the LCD Touch BacPac (A) into groove on right side of the camera body (B).

TO REmOvE: 1. Pull back on left side of the LCD Touch BacPac marked with the arrow to disconnect from the HERO Port. 2. Slide hooked end of the LCD Touch BacPac (A) out of the camera groove (B).

SWAPPING HOUSING DOORS A deeper housing backdoor is required when using the HERO3 with the LCD Touch BacPac attached. There are three backdoor options to choose from: Waterproof, Touch (enables touch functionality when in the housing) and Skeleton (non-waterproof backdoor for better sound quality by allowing more sound to reach the camera’s microphone.

UsInG THe lCD TOUCH BaCPaC You can operate your GoPro camera via touch using the LCD Touch BacPac screen, via control button using buttons on your GoPro camera or using a combination of both methods. When touch functionality is not available, for example when using the camera underwater, follow the button control instructions.

CAPTURING PHOTO/BURST/TImE LAPSE/ CONTINUOUS PHOTO* When capturing a Photo, the following icons appear on the LCD Touch BacPac screen: 1. Camera Mode 2. Resolution/FOV 3. Advanced Settings Modes 4. Interval Setting (Time Lapse, Photo Burst) 5. Wi-Fi Mode 6. Battery Level 7.

PLAYBACk videos and Photos can be viewed directly on the LCD Touch BacPac screen. To PLAYBACk—press on the side of the LCD Touch BacPac or access via touch on the LCD screen—in the mode menu tap the video and Photo files saved on your memory card will appear as thumbnail images on the LCD screen.

PLAYBACk vIDEO (CONTINUED) via Touch Screen 1. From the full screen view on your LCD, tap play button. 2. To see additional files, press 3. To exit and return to the thumbnails screen, tap via Button Controls 1. Use to toggle to and highlight the playback button. Press on your camera to select.

PLAYBACk PHOTO Using the LCD Touch BacPac screen, you can view and delete (touch screen only) your Photo, Photo Burst, Time Lapse and Continuous Photo files. 1. Previous file/Next file 2. Return to thumbnails 3. Delete file via Touch Screen 1.

PLAYBACk PHOTO (CONTINUED) via Button Control From the thumbnails menu on your LCD screen, use to toggle to a Photo file. Press to make selection. 1. To exit use to highlight . Press to select.

ACCEPTABLE TEmPERATURE RANGE FOR LCD TOUCH BACPAC Low or high temperature conditions may temporarily shorten the battery life or cause the LCD Touch BacPac to temporarily stop working properly. Avoid dramatic changes in temperature or humidity when using the LCD Touch BacPac, as condensation may form on or within LCD Touch BacPac.

gopro lcd touch screen manual supplier

GoPro has introduced the Hero+ LCD camera, sharing many features with the entry-level Hero with the addition of a touchscreen. The Hero+ LCD is waterproof to depths up to 40m/131 ft, and adds both Bluetooth and integrated Wi-F with support for the Android and iOS GoPro App. Videos can be recorded at up to 1080p/60, and 8MP still image capture is offered.

The Hero+ LCD"s features include HiLight Tagging for marking notable moments while recording or playing back footage, as well as in-camera video trimming for rapid editing and sharing without the use of a computer. Content can be shared directly to Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Like the Hero, the Hero+ LCD offers a QuikCapture setting, allowing the user to power the device on and start recording with one button press. The battery allows for about two hours of recording per charge; microSD cards up to 64GB are supported.

The Hero+ LCD will launch in the United States at retailers and online on June 7 for $299.99 USD. The camera will then go on sale internationally on July 12.

SAN MATEO, CALIF. (June 1, 2015) – GoPro, Inc. (NASDAQ:GPRO), enabler of some of today"s most immersive and engaging content, has announced the availability of its new HERO+ LCD camera. Capturing life-like high definition 1080p60 video and 8MP photos, the HERO+ LCD features a convenient touch display for easy shot framing, settings control and access to an all-new in-camera video trimming feature. Like the entry-level HERO, the HERO+ LCD is built directly into its waterproof housing. The simplicity of this all-in-one design now combines with expanded features to make capturing life’s memorable moments easier than ever.

Rugged and waterproof to 131’ (40m), HERO+ LCD also includes advanced features like HiLight Tagging and in-camera video trimming to make it easier to identify and share your favorite moments. HiLight Tagging lets you mark key moments while recording and during playback so you can easily find them later, and the all-new video trimming feature allows you to create short clips in-camera for easier sharing without a computer.

Built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® connect the HERO+ LCD to your GoPro App-enabled smartphone or tablet for easy camera control and shot preview when your camera is mounted or out of reach. The GoPro App also allows for easy content sharing to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and more and combines with the new in-camera video trimming feature to form a convenient content sharing solution.

“HERO+ LCD illustrates that even as we push the limits of life capture with bleeding-edge devices like the HERO4 Black, we’re also focused on delivering accessible, high-quality capture solutions to anyone wanting to GoPro,” said Nick Woodman, founder and CEO of GoPro.

Whether you are a first-time user or a GoPro veteran, the HERO+ LCD is an impressive capture solution. It combines GoPro’s famed image quality, versatility and durability with WiFi connectivity, long battery life and touch display convenience in an all-in-one design.

HERO+ LCD will be available for purchase in the U.S. at authorized GoPro retailers and beginning June 7, 2015. International availability will begin July 12.

gopro lcd touch screen manual supplier

I will share tips and tricks on how to build and use the “naked” GoPro 8 – a stripped down GoPro Hero 8. You can reduce the weigh of the camera from 126g to only 15g. Using a BEC, you can power it directly from your drone’s LiPo battery.

This guide will focus on the GoPro Hero 8. I have another post just for the Hero 6, the GoPro Hero 9, and Naked GoPro Hero 10 (officially made by GoPro)

Going forward, I think the GoPro Hero 8 might be a better alternative, because of Hero 6’s diminishing supply of spare parts as it’s been discontinued for years.

GepRC is selling the naked GoPro in their injection molded plastic case, all ready to go! It’s a little pricey but no DIY required:

If you don’t have the time or skills to decase a GoPro, you can try and make a naked GoPro  from spare parts. All you need is a sensor module and a logic board. The only problem is that spare parts are not always available but worth a look.

connect USB module to logic board, then connect USB cable, hold down power button to see if the GoPro powers on, is there image showing on the screen?

The GoPro 8 mainboard takes 5V only, so you can use a BEC (voltage regulator) to convert higher voltage to 5V and power the GoPro from one of the 5V input pads as indicated in the pinout diagram above.

I’d recommend at least a 1.5A BEC, because the GoPro Hero 8 is more power hungry than the Hero 6, and it draws more current. It’s more reliable to have a dedicated BEC. I don’t think it’s a good idea to power it from your flight controller. In case of lack of power, your GoPro may reboot or stop recording randomly.

There are other ways of powering the Naked GoPro, but in my opinion it’s way easier and hassle-free to use one of the aftermarket BEC boards. These manufacturers also make cases for the stripped down GoPro 8 that you can mount on FPV drones and cinewhoops.

BetaFPV board has straight plug (facing out), while Nameless’s and iFlight’s plugs are facing sideway. If you want to use the naked GoPro between drones, it’s easier with the BetaFPV board, the Nameless board is slightly more difficult to insert the cable.

When it comes to case, both Nameless and iFlight offer a 3D printed case, but BetaFPV doesn’t have one. Note that the iFlight one has allows you to install the front LCD. The Nameless doesn’t, but there are custom front plate you can 3D print yourself for that.

If you power down the GoPro without stopping recording, the file will be corrupted and you will lose your footage. Make sure you stop recording before disconnecting your battery.

Or you could use the GoPro App on your phone, however GoPro has since removed Protune feature from their App, so you can no longer change certain camera settings such as shutter speed. You can try to install the older version of the App though.

GoPro Labs gives your GoPro the ability to scan QR codes through the lens and register camera settings. This allows you to change most camera settings without touching a button on the camera, including resolution, frame rate, shutter speed, ISO, Lens (field of view), White balance, stabilization etc.

To update firmware and install GoPro Labs on your camera, you need the original battery connected, so it’s best if you install it before you do the decasing.

One useful application of GoPro Labs is the “WiFi Hack”. Simply scan the below QR code and connect your GoPro to the APP on WiFi. It requires GoPro Labs installed on the camera.

Naked GoPro’s are fragile due to the lack of housing. The ribbon cables can tear, therefore take good care when attaching/unplugging connectors. For those connectors that don’t need to be disconnected you may want to use some kind of removable glue (e.g. E6000).

The other cause could be overheating. The GoPro 8 is known to get hot and likely to intermittently stop recording. One fix is to put heatsinks on those chips on the motherboard.

Heatsink is not required, but the GoPro can get really hot, putting a small heatsink on the processor can avoid potential issues on a hot day. Some 3D printed cases normally leave cutout just for that. The CPU measures 14x14mm, so heatsinks for the Raspberry Pi should also work:

Solder a piece of wire to the WiFi antenna pad on the Naked GoPro 8, this will extend your WiFi range as well as reducing heat that build up in the main board.

You can remove it from the GoPro, but it’s glued very well to the case, so it’s not easy to remove. You can just buy the LCD for around $10-$15 on eBay/AliExpress, if you can’t remove it. See spare parts section below for link.

To remove the front LCD, I first put it on my 3D printer heated bed (facing down), turned the heat up to 100 degree, and leave it there for 5-10 minutes.

Very carefully pry up the LCD display around the edges with a plastic tool like a prop, and gently lift it up. DO NOT use metal tools. The glass can break easily so do this very lightly.

You could damage the display if you scrape too hard, you can see the screen on the right, there are some scratches, it still works though. Be gentle and patient, and it will come out perfect like the left one :)

Prepare for the worst if you decide to invest in a Naked GoPro, as it’s a risky project. Stripped down GoPro is extremely flimsy and fragile, a damaged lens module and motherboard can easily cost you $100-150 each to replace. I have only damaged 1 GoPro logic board so far and I consider myself pretty lucky compared to some others :)

gopro lcd touch screen manual supplier

The $199 GoPro Hero comes from a strong lineage, bringing good audio and video performance, an easy-to-use touch-screen interface, remote control via a mobile app, and image stabilization to an affordably priced action camera. For those not interested in 4K resolution or super-high frame rates, the GoPro Hero may be the go-to action camera in this price range, but it faces steep competition from the Yi Lite, which costs $100 less. Still, there"s enough to recommend this camera that it made it to our list of best action cameras.

On the rear is a two-inch touch screen with menu items and information that run along the top and bottom edges. A wheel-like interface allows users to easily change these settings.

Compared with the carbon-fiber front of the Yi 4K+ action camera, the design of the GoPro Hero looks a little "blah." However, its native waterproof capability certainly makes up for that.

Compared with the carbon-fiber front of the Yi 4K+, the design of the GoPro Hero looks a little "blah," but its native waterproof capability (up to 33 feet) certainly makes up for that.

The GoPro Hero comes with a few accessories, including the most important one: a frame-like housing that allows the camera to be mounted to any number of GoPro and third-party accessories. Unlike the Yi 4K+ and the Yi Lite, however, the GoPro does not have a built-in tripod mount — a slight disappointment.

Like its big brothers, the Hero 5 and the Hero 6, I was able to turn on Wi-Fi in the camera and connect to it using the Google Pixel 2 and the iPhone 6s Plus without any issues. Through the app, I could change settings, view previously recorded clips and start recording while watching the output of the camera on my phone"s screen. When I turned the phone on its side, the video changed to landscape, which was nice.

Unfortunately, 1440p and 1080p at either 30 or 60 fps are the only two resolution/frame-rate combinations available. Surprisingly, 720p is not offered, and there’s no slow-motion option, unlike more expensive models in GoPro’s lineup.

Video shot during a road trip through Vermont was impressive. Trees were lush and a deep shade of green, while the sky appeared a saturated blue with white, wispy clouds. The lines and the signs on the road were the appropriate colors of white and yellow. Additionally, the GoPro Hero did an adequate job of recording details in the shadows of the trees.

The GoPro does not need a plastic housing to be waterproof. Instead, it relies on a frame that allows it to mount to accessories. The benefit of this design is that the audio quality will be much better than that of a camera that does need a waterproof housing.

Compared with the sound in video taken with the Yi Lite, the GoPro Hero"s audio quality was slightly better at foreground voices and noises. However, the wind-noise reduction in the GoPro Hero video was far superior, outputting a usable clip.

The $199 GoPro Hero is a solid performer, offering quality video up to 1440p, adequate image stabilization, a waterproof housing, an intuitive interface and a great app.

If you"re looking for a budget action cam, check out the Yi Lite ($99), which also has image stabilization and shoots video comparable to that of the GoPro. There are a few trade-offs, however: Iit needs a housing ($40, sold separately) to make it waterproof, its Android app is a bit wonky and it lacks a touch screen.

If recording 4K or slow-motion video is important to you, move up to the Yi 4K+ or last year"s GoPro Hero5 Black, both available for $299. But if you want a great midrange action cam, the GoPro Hero is a great bet.

gopro lcd touch screen manual supplier

The Skeleton Backdoor is not waterproof... This backdoor enables access to the touch display, provides enhanced cooling, and allows more direct access to the microphone... Use this backdoor only when sand, excessive dirt/dust, and water damage are not a risk... This backdoor is also recommended for use inside vehicles...

CAMERA SOFTWARE UPDATES To get the latest features and best performance from your HERO+ LCD camera, make sure you are using the most current camera software... You can update your camera software via the GoPro App or GoPro Studio software... For more information, visit gopro... com/getstarted...

TOUCH DISPLAY The integrated touch display on the back of the camera lets you control your camera and its settings, and preview and play back videos and photos... You can also use it as a viewfinder so you can see what your camera sees for easy shot-framing...

CREATING SHORT CLIPS FROM A VIDEO Video trimming lets you create short clips of your favorite shots from your video files... Clips are saved as new files that can be shared through the GoPro App and used during editing in GoPro Studio...

PLAYING BACK VIDEOS AND PHOTOS ON A COMPUTER To play back your video and photos on a computer, you must first transfer these files to your computer... For best results, visit gopro... com/getstarted to download GoPro Studio software...

Resolution, FPS, and FOV HERO+ LCD includes the video resolutions listed below... All resolutions include Auto Low Light at the 60 fps setting... Auto Low Light automatically optimizes fps according to lighting conditions... FPS refers to frames per second... FOV refers to field of view...

Resetting Your Camera"s Wireless Name and Password 1... Power on the camera... 2... Tap the mode icon, and then tap Setup... 3... Tap Wireless... 4... Tap the down arrow, and then tap Wi-Fi Reset Settings... 5... Tap Reset... The password is reset to the default: goprohero...

With QuikCapture, you can quickly turn your camera on and begin capturing video or Time Lapse photos... The options for this setting are On and Off (default)... Note: You cannot start QuikCapture with the GoPro remote or the GoPro App...

The Temperature icon appears on the camera status screen when the camera becomes too hot and needs to cool down... Simply let it sit and cool before attempting to use it again... Your camera was designed to identify conditions of overheating and is designed to respond accordingly...

WARNING: Failure to follow these steps each time you use your GoPro can result in leaks that may damage or destroy your camera... Water will damage both the camera and the battery, which could cause an explosion or fire... Your warranty does not cover water damage resulting from user error...

MAXIMIZING BATTERY LIFE To maximize battery life, close the GoPro App or turn off wireless... To maximize battery life when shooting longer-duration activities, turn off the touch display... Extreme cold temperatures can decrease battery life... To maximize battery life in cold conditions, keep the camera in a warm place prior to use...

GoPro, HERO, the GoPro logo, the GoPro Be a Hero logo, BacPac, Protune, SuperView, and Wear It... Mount It... Love It... are trademarks or registered trademarks of GoPro, Inc... in the U... S... and internationally... Other names and marks are the property of their respective owners...