stone tft display quotation

STONE Tech is a manufacturer of HMI display modules (Intelligent TFT LCD). We provide LCD modules/LCD Display, Graphic LCM, smart Display LCD, TFT LCM, Custom LCD Module Display…

stone tft display quotation

A: We don’t have to write any code for the display or program the driver. Our display set include CPU and memory, you can directly use .jpg file to generate a GUI and use it to send HEX command set to communicate with your micro control unit.

A: We provide 3 years unconditional warranty for our I-serial and A serial display, 1 year unconditional warranty for the C-serial display. You can get a free replacement if your display was damaged or failed.

stone tft display quotation

Displays have over time, emerged as one of the best ways to drive user interactions on any device. They make it easy to collect inputs and present information (outputs) to users in a graphical, easy to understand format. This usefulness has led to improvements in their quality, with improved resolution and low power features, but almost little has changed when it comes to the complexity of creating beautiful user interfaces for them. This is why the team at STONE Tech created the STVC035WT-01 intelligent Smart display which we will explore for today’s tutorial.

The STONE STVC035WT-01 display is a 16-bit, 3.5″ display with a 320×480 (RGB) resolution, has a 49.0 x 73.4mm viewing area, and pixel spacing of 0.1905mm×0.0635mm (H×V). The display is a Class A industry Panel with an Industry level 4 wire resistance based touch screen, all layered on an integrated CPU, driver, and flash memory with several communication interfaces to enable it to connect to data sources like microcontrollers. For communication with a microcontroller, the display supports serial communication protocols likeUART/TTL, RS232, and RS485, ensuring it can communicate with any kind of microcontroller or industrial computers. The UART/TTL pin on the Display supports both 3.3v/5v logic level which adds another layer of ease to the use of the display as users need not worry about the need for logic level shifters when building using a microcontroller that operates on either of the voltage level mentioned.

One of the major benefits of using this display is its compatibility with the STONE TOOL GUI Designer which allows the development of User Interfaces in a fast and easy manner.

To demonstrate the capabilities of the display, we will build a heart rate monitor using an Arduino Uno with the MAX30100 pulse oximetry and heart rate sensor. The Arduino will serve as the brain of the project and perform the simple task of obtaining the heart rate and blood oxygen data from the MAX30100, displaying it on the screen.

At the end of this tutorial, you would know how to interface Arduino boards with the STONETech displays, and also how to interface sensors like the MAX30100 with the Arduino.

Our development process for today’s project will follow this outline. We will first create the GUI for the project after which we will proceed to write the firmware to interface the microcontroller with the display.

As mentioned during the introduction, today’s tutorial will focus on creating a heart rate and Oxygen-level monitoring system using the display and to get things started, we create the GUI image (shown below) using Photoshop.

The design is quite simple, we illustrate label elements to hold the date, the project title, and the values from the microcontroller. The values from the microcontroller include; the status of the connection between the microcontroller and the display, the heart rate, and the oxygen levels.

With the GUI Image done, we then proceed to import it into the STONE TECH GUI tool. This obviously mean we need to install the STONE TOOL first, so head over to the STONE Tool GUI Designer page and download it. The STONE TOOL software requires no installation and it can be directly opened and run by decompression on your computer.

1. With the software downloaded on your computer, launch it and go to File>New Project. This will launch the “New Project dialog box ” where you will be expected to fill in the details of your display, set the storage path, and the name of your project. Since we will use the STVC035WT-01 display which has a  resolution of 320*480 and a default flash space size of 128Mbyte (expandable to 1024MByte), I have entered its details as shown in the image below. If you are using any of the other StoneTech displays, you will need to enter the details of that display instead.

4. Next, we add fonts to the project’s assets to determine how texts appear on the display. Right-click the “Font” file, and select the appropriate font to add to the project. For this tutorial, we will use the ASCII 24 by 48 font. With that done we are now ready to begin adding the GUI elements.

5. We will only use the “Text Display” GUI element since the display is only meant to display data from the MAX30100. The text display elements are capable of holding texts that can be changed programmatically by updating the data stored in their memory addresses. Add text displays on the lines as highlighted in the image below. Also, create a text display for the day-time section at the top of the display image to help users note the date/time each reading was observed.

6. Next, we set the properties of the text displays especially their memory addresses. The properties of each GUI element will be available on the right-hand side of your PC screen after clicking on the element. Note the memory address down as it will play an important role later.

7. With all of these done, we compile the GUI and upload it to the screen. To do this, click on button 1 in the image below to Compile the GUI design and click on button 2 to upload the GUI to your display.

Uploading the GUI display requires you either connect the display directly to your computer or you put the GUI on a flash drive and plug the flash drive into the USB port of the display. Because of the little complexity associated with the second option, we will be going with it.

Plug the USB flash drive into the computer then click the “Download to u-disk” button on the STONE GUI TOOL.With the “download to u-disk” process complete, pull out the USB flash disk, insert it into the USB interface of the display module and wait for the completion of the upgrade. When the upgrade is completed, there will be a prompt sound.

The model of the STONE display being used for this tutorial communicates via RS232, as such, to be able to interface the display with the Arduino, we have to connect it through a MAX3232 chip. This extra requirement can be avoided by using one of the STONE displays with a TTL interface.

Due to the simplicity embedded in the design of STONETECH displays, the microcontroller’s interaction with any of the GUI components is usually via the “memory address” of each component. for instance, to send a message to the display from the microcontroller (the Arduino in this case), the message has to be published to the memory address of the GUI Component (in this case, the text-display component). The same holds for GUI Components that are meant to send data to the microcontroller, as the microcontroller has to poll their memory address to obtain information from them. As a result of these, we need to obtain the memory address of all the GUI components before proceeding. For each GUI component, the memory address is usually listed among the properties of the component, under the property toolbar, at the right-hand side of the STONE TOOL interface.

With this obtained, we can now proceed to write the code for the project. One of the good things about using the STONETech displays is the fact that you don’t need a library to write code for them because of their simplicity, but since we will use serial communication, we will use the software serial library to avoid having to use the hardware serial port on the Arduino Uno. To interface with the MAX30100, we will also need to install the MAX30100 library. The Max30100 library can be installed using the Arduino Library Manager or by downloading it from the attached link and installing manually by extracting the file, copying its content and pasting it in the Arduino libraries folder. The software serial library comes pre-installed with the Arduino IDE.

Next, we initialize the MAX30100 and send the status of the initialization to the display. If the initialization fails, 0x00 meaning 0 is sent to the display, but if successful, 0x01 meaning 1 is sent to it.

We start the void loop() function by calling for updated readings, after which we check if the reporting period has elapsed. If the reporting period has elapsed, it means we need to take new measurements, so we call the pox.getHeartRate and pox.getSp02 commands to get new heart rate and oxygen levels. These new readings are displayed on the serial monitor and also sent to the display.

With the code complete, connect your Arduino board to your computer and upload the code to your setup. Place a finger on the Max30100 and after a while, you should see the live pulse rate and oxygen levels appear on the display as shown in the image below.

While this project only demonstrates less than 35% of the capabilities of the STONE TECH display, it provides a good foundation for you to build amazing projects. As an engineer, the key benefit of the display to me is the ease of use both in the creation of the GUI and also the development of the code to tie it together with a microcontroller. The fact that the display doesn’t require any library makes it perfect for use with any language and any microcontroller with serial port access.

The quality, size ανδ variety of the STONE TECH displays makes them perfect for HMI Applications and one of my next projects will be a Home Automation Panel using one of the STONETECH displays.

stone tft display quotation

RGB lamp is a kind of lamp that we often see in our daily life. It is widely used, such as: city night scene, light show, indoor lighting, auxiliary lighting, advertising module lighting, luminous word, counter lighting, shopping mall lighting, jewelry display case lighting, etc.

stone tft display quotation

The 6.5“ TFT colour display and BMW Motorrad Connectivity. Connect your smartphone with your F 900 R via Bluetooth. The 6.5 inch TFT display will now show you all information relevant to your ride and also offers additional features like navigation, music and telephony.Gear Shift Assist Pro.

stone tft display quotation

I refer to the TFT, there are some that have a chip dedicated to pixel management, it is generally incorporated into the PCB in addition to the screen"s controller chip itself. The advantage is that you can implement complex graphical environments, which take the burden off the MCU.

Other examples are: TFT SmartGPU 2, which implement the graphics controller with a STM32F103 chip, or the 4DSystems Diablo or Picasso graphics chip, Nextion TFT, Stone TFT, etc. They are not cheap TFTs, and I have not seen at the moment any with the resolution you are looking for.

stone tft display quotation

The 6.5“ TFT colour display and BMW Motorrad Connectivity. Connect your smartphone with your F 900 R via Bluetooth. The 6.5 inch TFT display will now show you all information relevant to your ride and also offers additional features like navigation, music and telephony.Gear Shift Assist Pro.