singer xl 580 lcd panel not working brands

There are now several versions of the software for SINGER® Futura™ and AutoPunch available on the market. The most current is version To determine what version of either software you have, you will find this information around the inside rim of the CD at approximately 4 o"clock. Before loading AutoPunch into your computer, check the version and then follow the steps below.

singer xl 580 lcd panel not working brands

I purchased my Singer Futura XL-550 in September 2014, but only after doing a great deal of research by reading 100’s of pro’s and con’s on the XL-400 and XL-550. The biggest complaint about the Futura was thread problems & breaking needles which I figured was operator error, that they made a mistake and blamed it on the machine. But I started having these problems right away; in the first 10 minutes I had 5 or 6 bird’s nests and that happened while I was just trying out the Futura as a sewing machine. And while trying to embroider something I broke my first needle within 2 minutes and 5 more needles in the first hour. I also had problems with the large hoop. It just would not hold the fabric in place and I was not able to embroider a simple pattern that came with the machine. Also, I would get this error message “wrong size hoop installed” about a minute after I started an embroidery project. After all the research I did, to say I was pissed is putting it mildly. I was ready to take an ax to this “machine” (I won’t write down what I really said about this machine). It turns out that my first assumption about it being operator error was wrong, and I want to APOLOGIZE to everyone that post their problems; the ones that I did not believe. I was feeling like an idiot for buying this piece of junk and that old saying of “if it’s too good to be true” is right, this Singer Futura is a real problem.

Singer at one time stood for QUALITY, but lately Singer’s quality SUCKS. By making their machines oversea in places like Vietnam and others, the new owners of Singer Company appear not care about their quality control because it is not there. And YES, there is a learning curve to all new equipment, but it’s hard to learn how to use the machine when it has so many problems that are clearly out of the operator’s control. The Futura XL-550 sewing abilities are okay, but the embroidery part has problems, and I bought this machine to do embroidery. If the manufacture had tighter quality controls, people would not be having these problems. After trying to get my Futura to work, I found a number of problems with it. And in time I came up with some modifications that I used to repair my Futura. I took each problem one at a time and broke it down, and I was able to find the reason for each problem and then I worked out a solution for each problem.

I found that my Futura was having 5 major problems that had to be worked out if I was ever going to be able to embroider anything. Here are the 5 problems I was having: 1. Birds nest in the bobbin case, 2. Breaking needles, 3. Large hoop problem, 4. Wrong size hoop, and 5. Machine would stop over and over on a new project. These are the problems I was having with my Singer Futura XL-550, now for the modification.

The modification I made to my Singer Futura XL-550 has improved its abilities by eliminating the birds nest in the bobbin holder area and stopped the needles from breaking. And what I had to do to fix the problem with the large hoop. I had to deal with these problems and here is the list of problems and the modifications I made to fix them:

Solution: I filed off about 1/32 to 1/16 of an inch to remove the nick, and I have not had that major bird’s nest problem since then. If you don’t have a file you can use an emery board, the plastic is not that hard.

Update to Problem #1: I had to replace the bobbin holder, the plastic does not hold up; it would last longer if it was made from a stronger, harder plastic or maybe some sort of metal.

Within 1 hour of using the Futura XL-550 embroidery part I broke 6 needles, the first needle was in the first two minutes. What I found was the needle was hitting the edge of the bobbin cover plate. The needle was hitting the edge about 1/32 to 1/16 of an inch above and below the needle slot.

Solution: What I did was to file a small notch into the bobbin cover plate right to the point of impacted. The small notch is only 1/32 to 1/16 of an inch on both sides of the needle slot. After I filed the notches into the cover plate I have not broken one needle. You will need a very small round file to notch the cover plate and it will take a little time to do the job.

Follow up: The notch I filed into the cover plate was not the reason for the nick on the bobbin holder. The nick in the bobbin holder happened within minutes while trying to use the sewing machine setup.

The large hoop was not holding the material while I was running an embroidery design. And believe me I tried everything to get the hoop to hold the material, I even hand stitched the material in the hoop to help the hoop hold the material, but it didn’t work. I used the Futura customer help website to get some help with the large hoop. After waiting on hold for over and hour the person in Customer support gave me the "RUN AROUND" about “are you making sure that the hoop is tight and the material makes a drum sound. Is the notch & grove lined up“ and stuff like that. I told them the hoop was to thin and to flexible to hold the material and that I wanted it replaced. And that only happened after I sent them a picture of the hoop with the material hand stitched into the hoop. They also told me that the hoop replacement they will be sending me is the same as the one that came with my Futura XL-550. Well, after three weeks of waiting the replacement hoop finally showed up. This replacement hoop was not the same, so they lied to me about the replacement hoop. That replacement hoop was about a half an inch longer on the long side and overall was about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch thicker then the one that came with the machine. But even with these differences in size the replacement hoop still did not hold the material tight enough; it would slip out just enough to mess up the design.

Solution: The modification I came up with strengthened the inner hoop a great deal. What I did was to epoxy a thin aluminum plate to the bottom of the inner hoop. The plate has to be cut to fit and filed and sanded smooth. Now I have the tools to fabricate this sort of thing and I know not everyone can do this. I"m sorry, but this is the only solution I was able to come up with to strengthen the hoop, I also had to add some anti-slip strips to the inside edge of the hoop (you can get the anti-slip strips at any hardware store, it looks like sandpaper with an adhesive backing) and this helps to hold the material from slipping.

Update to Problem #3: After I made these modifications I still have to keep an eye on the fabric to make sure it does not slip. If the manufacture would place a small steel rod inside the plastic of the inner hoop that would stiffen up the inner hoop and would help to solve this problem.

This problem would come up just after I started to embroider. And it would happen every time; I would turn off the machine and restart it. I would remove the hoop and put it back in, nothing worked. The problem is between the hoop and the switch that the hoop touches when it is installed.

Solution: The problem happens when the hoop is installed, the switch that the hoop touches is not placed at the right spot or the hoop’s small knob that touches the switch is not the right size. I fixed it by placing a piece of duck tape on the hoop’s knob, it was just enough to fix this problem.

Update to Problems #4: The tape is only a quick fix, I have tried some epoxy on the knob to build it up but it did not hold. For now the tape will have to remain as the fix but I will keep trying.

I found that the software is somewhat old and has some problems, but you can work around them. When I made a modification to a project and send it to the machine it would not embroider. It would start up for 10 or 15 seconds then just stop and no matter what I did it would stop over and over.

Solution: Before you try to embroider that project you just modified, you have to save it (use a new name for that modified project). After you have saved it turn off the Futura XL-550 and close down the software. After you do that, restart the Futura machine and the software, you have to do this to clear out any software problems. You can re-open your saved project and send it to the machine. I know it’s a problem to do that every time you make a modification to a design, but it’s the only way I have found to get around this problem.

The Futura XL-550 “OUT OF THE BOX” gets an overall rating of 1 stars, that"s only because Amazon will not let you give a zero star rating. The sewing machine part is okay and gets 3 stars, but the sewing machine is not why I bought this machine in the first place; I bought this Futura for its embroidering abilities and that part gets a minus 1 stars. I know that many of you are having problems with your Futura and YES “OUT OF THE BOX” it should work without any problems. Don’t give up, most of these machine can be fixed with a little work (and YES, Singer should pay for all the shipping to get it fixed), but they won’t do that. But, after I made the modification to my XL-550 I have enjoyed embroidering custom patches for my Karate Studio and making gifts for friends and family. So, after ALL the modifications to my Futura “My Modified Singer Futura XL-550” gets an overall 4 stars, I reduced the score by a half stars because it is a very noisy machine and another half star because you have to watch the Futura throughout the embroidery project. I came up with these fixes to solve the problems I was having, and I hope this helps you.

UPDATE: I found a service manual for my XL-550 online, and believe me you need this service manual. I use my Futura a great deal, so every 3 or 4 months I clean and lubricate it and adjust the X-Y axis points on the embroidery arm and also reset the needle depth point. If you use your machine like I do, you really need to do this servicing. I am not going to waste my time and money to ship my Futura to someone that might fix it. If their quality control is not there (AND IT‘S NOT), can you really trust them to service your machine? I hope the modification I came up with helps you.

I have been using my XL-550 for more then 3.5 years now and I have made many custom patches for the students at the Karate studio and for friends and family. I even embroider the student’s karate belts with their name and belt number along with the studio name. I searched the internet for a belt hoop for my Futura XL-550 but no luck, so I fabricated a belt hoop for my Futura and it works great.

I have one thing to say to the people that own the Singer Company now. If you want people to keep buying your products you need to upgrade your quality control from nothing (which is what you have right now), and make "QUALITY" the companies most important thing you can offer. Bring back the “SINGER QUALITY“, stand by your product; and if a customer that just bought your product is having problems with it "FIX IT FOR FREE". Pay for the shipping (both ways to a repair center) because your company sold that customer a defective product, and STOP giving your customers the old "RUN AROUND".

One last thing for anyone that is thinking about buying a Futura XL-550, you must understand what I"m saying. I use my machine a great deal but there are some things you just can not do with THIS MACHINE. You can not walk away from your machine; "YOU MUST STAY WITH YOUR MACHINE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE PROJECT". This machine must be watched at all times, you just can"t set up your project start up the machine and come back an hour or two and find a finished project. You have to sit with your machine throughout your project from the every beginning to end. So, if you are looking for a machine that you can set up and then just walk away, "DON"T GET THIS MACHINE".

singer xl 580 lcd panel not working brands

ENTREDEUX STITCH Useful for decorative stitching on borders and for use in heirloom sewing. The Entredeux stitch is most often sewn with a Wing Needle (SINGER Style 2040) to create holes in the stitch pattern.

Le point entredeux et le plus en costuras antiguas. La puntada “Entre dos” es más souvent cousu à l’aide d’une aiguille aile (Style Singer 2040) comúnmente usada con una aguja “de ala” (Singer estilo pour créer des trous dans le motif du point.

up the fabric in the center of the buttonhole. Be careful not to cut any of the bartack threads. CORDED BUTTONHOLES Spur Saliente Tige spur and pull both ends of the cord forward under the foot and tie off the cord as shown in the illustration. Sew buttonhole so that zigzag stitches cover the cord.

ENFILAGE DU FIL SUPÉRIEUR ENHEBRADO DEL HILO SUPERIOR Reportez-vous aux page 16 - 19. Consulte las página 16 - 19. NOTA : Se recomienda enhebrar antes de transferir los datos. transmettre un dessin à la machine pour la broderie. PLATEAU DE RALLONGE BASE DE EXTENSION 1.

10. AutoPunchTM et fichiers graphiques - 10.-FORMATOS Vector art Y Bitmap art Mode Vectoriel contre Mode Point. Cuando usted elige una imagen, note que hay muchos formatos diferentes. AutoPunch dá los mejores resultados Il y a plusieurs types différents d’images ou de formats de al usar imágenes tipo vector, tales como .wmf.

8. Once point A is entered, the PC screen and machine display will prompt you to enter in points B and C. Follow the same procedures for inputting points B and C. In a case where the three points were input wrong, and they do not form an exact right angle, the software will show the following error message and give you an opportunity to enter the alignment points again.

At this point, you have 3 options from which to choose: OK if no changes are desired, Cancel to cancel the procedure and move back to the Machine Navigator dialogue box, upper and lower designs closer or further away, allowing you to preview how you want your endless embroidery designs to be positioned relative to one another when they stitch out.

Helpful Tips: When embroidering larger or heavier pieces of fabric, it is helpful to support the fabric on a table in front and back of the machine. When working with specialty threads (such as metallic threads) or designs with dense stitch areas, it is recommended that you lower the embroidery speed.

Pour coudre la séquence que vous avez mémorisée, appuyez sur le rhéostat ou sur le bouton de marche/arrêt (Start/Stop). Notez bien que lorsque le bouton Mode de Programme ABC est illuminé en rouge, la séquence que vous avez mémorisée sera cousue et la machine s"arrêtera ensuite. L’information programmée va coudre un cycle et s’arrêtera automatiquement.

Para coser la secuencia que ha ingresado, presione el pedal controlador o el botón de Inicio/Paro. Note por favor que cuando se ilumina el botón ABC Program Mode (Modo de Programa ABC) en rojo, la máquina coserá una secuencia del programa luego se detendrá. La información programada se coserá durante un ciclo y se detendrá...

singer xl 580 lcd panel not working brands

Singer Sewing Company warrants this Product for a period of twenty-five (25) years against defective materials and/or workmanship. Two (2) years on motors, light assembly, wiring, switches, speed control and electrical components. Ninety (90) days parts and labor FREE of charge!

GENERAL These warranties may only be used by the original consumer owner of the sewing machine. They are not transferable to any subsequent owners. Service under these warranties may only be obtained within the 48 contiguous states, Alaska and Hawaii.

Service under the above warranties may be obtained by returning the sewing machine with this warranty document and proof of purchase to the Authorized SINGER® Sewing Specialty Retailer from whom the machine was purchased or to a SINGER® SERVICE CENTER. Please consult the enclosed list of centers or contact the Singer Sewing Company to obtain the location nearest you.

This sewing machine is warranted only in normal household (non-commercial) use. These warranties do not cover failures caused by abuse, lack of maintenance in accordance with Singer Sewing Company care and cleaning instructions, misuse, or events beyond our control. These warranties give you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state. Any implied warranty, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, applicable to this sewing machine is limited in duration to the duration of this written warranty. Singer Sewing Company shall not be liable for consequential economic damages resulting from breach of this warranty or any implied warranty. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty will last or the exclusion or limitation of consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. The Singer Sewing Company does not authorize any person to create for it any obligation or liability in connection with the above machine and parts beyond those set forth herein. The Singer Sewing Company disclaims liability under this warranty for any damage or defect resulting from the use of other than Singer parts and approved service in the repair and maintenance of your machine. To keep your machine operating properly, we recommend that you follow the operating instructions and periodically have your machine serviced and tuned by an authorized Singer sewing machine technician.

For Creativity that Knows No Limits! The SINGER Futura XL-580 embroidery and sewing machine includes innovative features that allow you to do more than ever before. With an endless hoop, knee lifter for hands-free presser foot lifting, extra-large sewing space for quilting and 250 built-in embroidery designs � including 50 endless designs � it�s just what you need to make your sewing creativity truly limitless.

Convenience features like the SwiftSmart threading system with automatic needle threader, Drop & Sew bobbin system with automatic bobbin thread pick-up, and presser foot sensor make getting started quick and easy. Six StayBright LED lights keep your extra-large sewing space well lit when working on big quilting and sewing projects.

Get the same quality embroidery results as high-end embroidery machines but at a fraction of the cost by using your own PC. Simply connect your PC to the Futura XL-580 sewing and embroidery machine via the included USB cable, use the included software with built-in tutorials, and send the design to the machine. Push a button and you"re embroidering.

New innovations like a knee lifter for hands-free raising and lowering of the presser foot, USB Key so you can edit embroidery designs without being connected to the SINGER Futura embroidery machine and 250 built-in all new embroidery designs keep you ahead of the curve.

singer xl 580 lcd panel not working brands

All trademarks, service marks, product names and logos appearing on this site are the property of their respective owners. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.

singer xl 580 lcd panel not working brands

Instruction hints and tips for the Singer Futura by Jenny’s Sewing Studio is here!I have gathered my best observations and sage wisdom on the Singer Futura embroidery machine and placed it here for you to refer to. I will update the page from time to time as I learn a new technique…yes I am always learning! I hope it helps you have a successful sewing and embroidery experience with the machine. I have enjoyed hours of fun and achieved many embroidery projects and my best advise when having a problem is to stop, look and listen to the machine. It will tell you what is wrong if you are there to listen.

The Futura is a home sewing and embroidery machine. It is not made for industrial use. You can embroider a few designs but running the machine for hours and hours and hours on end will probably end up in a frozen machine in need of service.

More stabilizer does not improve the embroidery. You should be comparing your build up of stabilizer to a light to medium weight denim. Any more than that will break thread and not look right when you finish. Stabilizer choice is essential.

Computer needs: The Futura cannot be used with a tablet. Windows O/S is necessary for the Futura. The software may install on the Surface Pro which is not a traditional tablet.

If the program included with the Futura is on a CD then it must be installed via the CD. You will have to purchase a CD reader if you do not have the drive. Compucon says you cannot move the program to a USB stick. You also must use the Futura that was intended for the software. If you install a more recent software on you computer and plug in an older futura you will loose a lot of the software and option features not intended for the machine you are using. ( some newer Futura now come with the program on a USB.. XL580, XL420)

This tip is from – If you need to stop your embroidery in the middle and resume later….You can easily resume where you were stitching if you follow these steps. Before shutting down the machine, be sure to save the design that you were working on. This is important if you can change the size or the position of the design. Take note of which color block that you were working on. Now, you are ready to exit the navigator and shut down the program and the machine. You can remove the hoop from the embroidery unit if you need to, but DO NOT remove the fabric from the hoop. To resume embroidering, turn on the machine, open the program and reattach the hoop if you removed it. Send the design to the machine. Use the double arrow box to the right of the send block box to advance to the color that you were sewing out when you turned off the machine. If you had already started embroidering that color, use the needle up/down touch to move the needle to a few stitches ahead of the place where it last stitched. Thread the machine and start embroidering.

If you want to switch from the small hoop to the large hoop….SINGER® FUTURA™ machines report the hoop attached to the computer only one time, when the SINGER® Futura™ program is started. If there is no hoop attached the program will assume that the large hoop is mounted. So, if a user decides to use a different hoop than the one the machine has detected, it is necessary to change the program’s setting before embroidering. However, there is a correct procedure/sequence to set up the SINGER® Futura™ machines for embroidery. Preparing to embroider out of sequence will cause the computer to display an Error Message if the small hoop is used: The proper way to set up for embroidery on the SINGER® Futura™ machines is as follows:

4. If the Large Hoop is on the SINGER® Futura™ machine, but it is desired to change to the Small Hoop, remove the Large Hoop and replace with Small Hoop. However, before selecting a design, it is necessary to go to the Main Menu and select Tools>Select Hoop, then choose Small Hoop. (The same is true for moving from Small Hoop to Large Hoop, once the program has been opened).

Note: If the machine is turned on with the small hoop already attached, the “Start Button” on the sewing machine will flash red. It will not be possible to proceed unless the machine is turned off, the hoop removed, and then the above steps followed in correct sequence.

* Options for the CE150, 250, 350, SES 2000 will not work in the XL400, SEQS600 or other newer Futura models. 4. The new Quintet has it’s own software package to work with the endless hoop. The endless hoop is not available on any other model at this time.

singer xl 580 lcd panel not working brands

The Singer has been making solid sewing machines since the 1850’s. Their sewing machines were known for being so reliable that they were passed down for generations.

Singer ran into some problems in the 1960s and 70s. The quality went downhill. Eventually, the company ended up in the hands of a major corporation that also owns the Pfaff and Husqvarna companies.

You might think the more expensive the machine, generally speaking, the better it will run. That’s not true. Brother and Singer produce very good inexpensive sewing machines for those on a low budget.

I will say that if you have a very low budget, go with the Brother XM2701 or the XL2600i. They have more features than the Singers low budget sewing machines.

In Singer versus Brother sewing machines battle, it came down to personal preference and brand preference. (Yes, I do still own my Harley Dyna Low Rider. I need to get out driving again soon, but I’m having too much fun sewing.)

Both Singer and Brother have a specialized line of heavy duty sewing machines. They have a sturdier metal frame than a regular sewing machine. This allows them to sew through thick layers without burning out the motor.

The difference between the Singer sewing machines is the number of built-in stitches available. They’re all great for beginners and people who do a lot of sewing items that use mostly straight stitches.

So, I hear you asking, doesn’t Brother have a heavy duty machine? Yes, they have. Just like the Singer, these are mechanical machines with no computerized anything.

For me, Singer wins the battle hands down when it comes to heavy-duty machines. Singer heavy duty machines have been around longer, more popular than Brother heavy duty machines and are sturdier.

SE600 has color and bigger LCD as compared to the black and white smaller LCD of 9960 (for better display, Singer has a 9985 model which would cost you more).

Singer 9960 wins if you need more sewing speed and stitches, but SE600 is better for embroidery and has a more prominent and colorful display. Ultimately, It comes down to your sewing and embroidery needs.

Singer provides downloadable software for you to use to create designs. Singer also has a universal power supply so you can take the machine internationally. And Singer has a free online owner’s class that you can take.

The Singer has 215 built-in stitches and 250 embroidery designs. It has a small LCD. People find it to be a good sewing machine, but some people had difficulties getting the embroidery to go smoothly.

One very cool quality of the Singer is that it includes a knee lifter attachment. You can use it to raise and lower the presser foot with your knee to allow you to keep your hands on what you’re sewing.

The Singer comes with 10" X 6", 4" X 4" and 6.75" X 4" endless hoop. The Brother has 5"x 12" and 5" x 7" hoops. Bother have the multi-hooping capability.

So while the Brother SE1800 could be good for beginners, the Singer 580 isn’t. Unless you’re a super patient beginner, who doesn’t mind making lots of mistakes while trying to figure something out. I’m not that sort of person.

Although the Singer has 40 more stitch options, the Brother is a more versatile machine. The Brother has more different types of stitches as compared to the Singer which has most of its lead in decorative stitches.

If you want to do decorative stitching on clothing or linens, then you’ll want the Singer because it has 76 built-in decorative stitches compared to only 20 on the Brother.

The Singer One Plus has 221 stitches built-in. You can use the interface to elongate and mirror stitches. Plus there’s built-in memory to save and edit the stitches later. There are threading system and an automatic needle threader.

Both are the amazing machines. So honestly, neither wins. If you need more stitch options, then pick the Singer One plus otherwise go with the Brother XR9550.

singer xl 580 lcd panel not working brands

Embroidery is an art which adds beauty and creativity to your work all the time. It’s obviously not easy to search for the affordable way to start embroidery.

For some of the sewers, it’s hard to look for the best embroidery machines which must be in the budget and efficient in performance as well. Today in this review about the best Singer embroidery machines, you will be able to make a decision.Top 5 Best Singer Embroidery Machines:

No matter if you are looking for a beginner level machine or expert level, you are going to have everything here. We are about to list the best Singer embroidery machines to simplify your work and so you can enjoy every bit of your creativity.

From tablecloths to draperies or fashionable clothes to printing tasks, SINGER XL-580 Futura embroidery machine can do all such tasks with smoothness.

However, if you are a beginner who is not familiar with the embroidery process and don’t know how to operate a computer, then it is a bit hard for you to operate this machine.

Singer Futura XL-580 is among the best embroidery sewing machines which have the ability to provide everything at the best quality. The creative and innovative features of the machine will make you always go for this one.

SINGER SE340 comes with a sleek design that offers 250 built-in stitches, 6 alphabet options, 200 embroidery designs and a USB stick embroidery design transfer.

This stylish embroidery and sewing machine is just not going to help you in completing the work as fast as possible but it will also help you in winding up the project quickly. The easily adjusted LCD screen will help you in reviewing the work and edit it before applying.

Besides this minor fault, the SINGER SE340 sewing and embroidery machine is ideal for different sewing purposes and durable enough to serve for home stitching project over a long time span.

This sewing and embroidery machine Singer SE340 is the best choice for advanced sewers. People who want something extraordinary from the machine, then this is the best pick up for them. The advanced features will make you go addict to this machine.

The most exciting thing about the Singer embroidery machines is how easily they amalgamate the technological brilliance with creativity and a prime example of this feat is the

The Singer embroidery machine has 125 embroidery designs and 30 built-in stitches. It has five different fonts and outline lettering as well. The automatic needle threader has made things much easier and effortless.

Futura XL-400 comes with a warranty period of 25 years which makes this product superior as compared to other similar products that are available in the market.

If you are looking for the best budget embroidery machine then your choice must be Singer Future XL-400. For the beginners, this sewing and embroidery machine is an ideal match for all the working needs.

This machine is more like a one-man show. You can have several functions at just one place without using different machines for different functions. At the time of working on the bigger quilting projects, stay bright LED lights are going to help you in focusing.

Singer Futura XL-550 is the answer to all your questions related to the embroidery or sewing. No matter if your project is big or small, this machine is going to support the whole project with the help of amazing and easy to use features.

Singer XL-420 sewing and embroidery machine has the ability to deal with the basic editing of all the designs and just by one click you can send the design to the machine.

The Singer Futura XL-420 is an amazing choice for everyone who needs a user-friendly machine and it has everything you were looking for. From the basic to the advanced features, you can have anything in this machine to simplify the work.

These best Singer embroidery machine reviews are based on performance and customers satisfaction. At the time of attempting embroidery, no matter for the practice or for the professional purpose, you must have a great and efficient machine on the table. Without a proper machine, this is not possible to achieve the desired and high-end results.

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singer xl 580 lcd panel not working brands

Singer sewing and embroidery machines have a deserved reputation for quality, precision and reliability. They’ve been making high-quality sewing machines for well over 100 years and their timeless designs are regarded as some of the most stylish creations of the 19th and 20th centuries. You’ll see the old cast iron ones still going for good money because they’re excellent machines. But that’s the old Singer machines, what about the new ones? Singer has maintained their reputation and improved upon it: they’re at the cutting edge of sewing machine technology and lead the way with their advances. We’ve assembled a guide to which Singer sewing and embroidery machine could be best for you. Our top ten rated Singer sewing and embroidery machine reviews will hopefully give you a clear idea of what the advantages and disadvantages of each machine are, as well as a good overview of the Singer sewing and embroidery machine range.

We’ve been reviewing for about 4 years on this site, so we think we’ve got a good handle on sewing machines. All our team are passionate about what we do, they get very excited when word comes from on high to go forth and gather new products. Especially so for Singer, we’ve all used them and a chance to really get to grips with them is a treat. We compare a lot of different data on the products we review, it takes a lot of work but it’s worth it because we get really precise comparisons. Keep reading, you’ll see this is the place for Singer sewing machine reviews.

For this article, we’ve looked at about 20 different Singer sewing and embroidery machines and tested most of them. After roughly 55 hours of internet research, a week doing thorough and in-depth testing with our devoted testing community and personal testing, we’ve come up with the following top 10 Singer sewing and embroidery machine guide.

We don’t have any particular affiliation with Singer, we’re just reviewing their products for you. By reading our page you make it possible for us to make more of these fine reviews. It’s what we do, we like to be unbiased, unpretentious and fair, we hope you find what follows to be just that.

Isaac Singer basically started it all: he invented the world’s first practical sewing machine. There had been attempts before but they had all suffered from one shortcoming or another. The first proper Singer was patented in 1851 and for the next 167 years, Singer has been at the forefront of the innovative sewing machine and production technology. If you’ve ever used a sewing machine, you’ve used technology invented by Singer. One of the first truly mass-produced products, the Singer sewing and embroidery machine has a fascinating history of patent battles, ruthless business techniques and sometimes downright unfair behaviour.

It couldn’t be said that Isaac Merritt Singer was a nice guy, but he left an indelible mark on American business and the world of sewing alike. Embroiled in the Sewing Machine War, he emerged dominant after a dirty fight to establish patent control and market dominance.

Amongst the innovations of the Singer company are the first zig-zag sewer and the worlds first electronic sewing machine. While Singer has diversified since a corporate takeover in 1988, they still manage to be at the top of the pack when it comes to high quality and reliable sewing and embroidery machines. It is a trend they are likely to continue into the future.

Making the right choice when buying an embroidery sewing machine is of utmost importance. Singer makes a huge range of machines, so here’s a quick low down of the major types:

The standard Singer you’ll find today, most of the machines they sell are electrical at least in part. A wide range of capabilities is possible with the Singer electrical sewing machines.

Singer machines are all good, of course, but knowing what to look for in a Singer sewing and embroidery machine is really useful. Try looking for the variety of the stitches and designs the machine has built in, also whether it has expandable memory or can have new designs and stitches loaded in.

Singer makes a sewing and embroidery machine for everyone. There is a large range to choose from, from the cheap, entry-level models with limited capabilities, to the high end, all singing all dancing models. Beginners will find themselves well catered for, there are plenty in the affordable range that can do a great deal of the sewing and embroidery you could ask for, while still being well made and reliable.

For the intermediate and more experienced crowd, there are more advanced versions with a wider range of capabilities and functions. These are more expensive but are well worth the price. And for the seasoned pros and business workers, there are the top end ones designed for intensive, complicated work in shops and studios. The most expensive of the Singer range, you get what you pay for.

Singer sewing and embroidery machines are excellent tools, first and foremost. They aren’t toys and if you know how to use them properly, they’ll be extremely useful. Being able to repair your clothes can save you a huge amount of money in replacements or paying to have them repaired. Often it’s a very simple repair you just wouldn’t have been able to do without a sewing machine.

If you’re a fashionista, you can stay on top of the fashion curve with your own Singer; you see it on the catwalk and you can make it the same day. That’s worth having a machine for.

Make alterations and changes to your clothes. Be original and creative, free yourself with a Singer and get making your own fashion statements. You could even start to sell them. Making your own clothes can be lucrative if you’re good, it’s a fascinating job as well. Why not give it a go.

Our selection process started when we got the word to look at Singer sewing and embroidery machines. We assembled the team, our lovely lot of volunteers and staff who dedicate themselves to finding all the products we review and collecting all the information they can about them, and we set them loose. When they all trundled back with the Singers in tow, we had about 20 to whittle down to 10. After some arguing and lots of testing, we managed it. After 4 years of this, we still argue, but it does get us better reviews.

There is an intensive comparison process we use to measure the performance of our tested products. For the Singers, we analysed their appearance, size, weight, manufacturing quality, usability, adjustability, performance and more. After comparing all these we chose the following products.

We have carefully researched, used lots of the products and consulted lots of users. This makes us confident that the Singer sewing and embroidery machines detailed below are generally the best you could get on the market.

This versatile computerized sewing machine lives up to Singer’s reputation and is made of the standard high quality and great design that Singer is known for.

In our analysis of the 65 most important features of Singer sewing machines, we found that while this machine does not contain the maximum number of positive features, it has a unique combination of features we felt made it the Top Pick.

Our Top Pick also allows you to select the stitch you want with just ones press of a button. Settings for width, length and tension are configured automatically and are adjustable with changeable stitch lengths and widths. All these factors made the Singer 7258 our Top Pick.

This is what we think Singer does best: simple but powerful machines. It doesn’t look like the highest end machine out there, and it’s not, but under that simple façade is a very versatile sewing machine.

First of all, when we took it out of the box, we noticed it had a fair weight to it, not too heavy but not light enough that it would fall over easily. This isn’t a tiny machine either, with a good amount of space to arrange the fabric you’re working on under the clear light.

Then we tested the different functions. It took us some time to go through the 100 stitches that come installed on this machine, the 9 basic ones were just that, basic but good; the 8 stretches the same, the 76 decorative stitches were all surprisingly good, we could find fault with very few of them, and even then it was an aesthetic dislike, not a practical one. The automatic buttonholing worked really well on all 7 of its settings.

An affordable, versatile sewing machine from Singer with the standard high quality and great design we’ve come to expect from them. Lots of built-in stitches, a high stitch speed and ease of use all make this our Top Pick.

From our research report, you can see that this is another fantastic Singer sewing machine, just not quite having as many positive features as our Top Pick. The combination of positive and effective features is an excellent, however, and makes it stand out from the rest of the competition.

This extremely powerful and best-selling Heavy Duty Singer sewing machine is well-built, with 23 built-in stitches, and has a 1,100 stitches per minute capacity.

Our runner-up is a bruiser of a Singer sewing machine. It’s no-nonsense and pretty brilliant. The Heavy Duty 4423 is exactly that, heavy duty. Made from tough grey plastic, with simple dials and mechanical workings, it is a very dependable and extremely solid machine you can be confident will not only sew even the most difficult to sew things, but last a lifetime of dings and bangs as well. Clearly designed with the anticipation of hard use in mind, it’s a survivor born and bred.

The frame of the Heavy Duty is heavy duty stainless steel, meaning this isn’t the lightest machine out there. But it’s not meant to be, it’s meant to be tough. There’s a reason this is the best-selling Singer machine in their range.

Only missing out on our top slot because of the lack of different stitches, this Heavy Duty Singer is remarkably well built, solid and extremely powerful. It’ll stitch anything, it seems to say to you.

One of the most effective Singer sewing machines we tested at this very low price, in fact, it is the lowest priced of any of our products here. The 6 built-in stitches have pre-set lengths and width setting, making stitch selection a breeze. Its automatic needle threading system is the biggest time saver in sewing, it’s one of the essentials on a modern machine. The high speed of 1,100 stitches per minute let you bring your creative ideas to life quickly.

What a great, simple little machine. We thought this was our best Budget Pick not only because it was cheap, on sale for less than $75, but because it had a lot of the features you’d want from a Singer machine at that low price. You probably know, buying a cheap sewing machine is worth it if you do it right.

We picked this as our Budget pick and recommend it as a first sewing machine for a beginner. A child or adult starting out into the wonderful world of fabrics needs a good machine to start on that won’t set them or their parents back too much money. The Singer 1234 is light (7 pounds) and cheap, it’ll suit a young girl or boy’s first machine perfectly as it can do a wide range of different sewing tasks with ease. What you don’t want is for the beginner to be struggling against the machine, nothing is more likely to turn them off. This won’t do that.

By taking a look at our research report you’ll notice this computerized Singer has the highest number of built-in stitches (600) and a lot of advanced features. Ever so slightly more expensive than most of the Singers we’ve looked at here, this product has several excellent features such as 5 alphanumeric fonts and 13 1-Step Buttonholes and a buttonhole under the plate.

It also has mirror imaging for reversing your designs and a stitch elongation feature, giving you even more opportunities to get creative. This Singer also has a top sewing rate of 850 stitches per minute.

The Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 is a behemoth of a personal sewing machine. It really, really impressed us. Which we were hoping it would, given that it can be found on sale for just under $345, making it one of the most expensive sewing machines we reviewed for this list.

For that amount of money, you’d expect to get a serious amount of capabilities, and you’d not be disappointed with the Quantum Stylist 9960. It has fully 600 (!) stitches built in, giving even the most talented and experienced sewer out there a run for their money. It could do anything we could think of, and clearly a lot more besides. It covers all the bases: basic stitches to home décor and crafting, plus there’s a selection of fonts you can choose from.

There are 13 buttonholes built in, more than nearly any we’ve tried, and they’re all good. The max speed of the Quantum Stylist 9960 is 850 stitches, easily enough for just about anyone. There is a huge area for working under the needle, meaning you can do the most detailed and delicate work, as well as quilting with confidence. The 2 LEDs are very bright and cover the extension table completely.

And that’s what we’ve got here with the Singer Start 1304. This little marvel weighs in at 7 pounds and handles really easily. We tried taking it places and not only was it easy to get there, but it still worked when it arrived. Small and tough is a perfect combination for our portable pick. You’ll surely get this factor once you know what to consider when buying a sewing machine.

It’s not the most hugely versatile machine in the world, having 6 built-in stitches and one 4 step buttonhole, but that would be to miss the point of the machine. It’s not meant to be versatile, it’s meant to be cheap, tough and portable, which it is.

On sale for under $80, this is a steal of a portable Singer, it’s got a good sewing capability and a smooth action. Very well made too, it doesn’t have any strange rattles or hums and works quite quietly. There is a storage compartment that can be removed for all the accessories, a neat touch if you don’t want to take them all with you.

This machine has a 25-year warranty, an incredible fact considering the sale price. You can rest assured that if you don’t smash it to bits, it’ll keep on working for a long time, and when it needs a bit of tender loving care, Singer will sort you out.

The Singer Futura is a powerful sewing and embroidery machine, loaded with amazing features such as a computerized embroidery system with 125 embroidery designs and a large work area.

Take a look at our research report, it’s clear that this is the best Singer Futura sewing machine combo. This combo machine has 30 popular built-in sewing stitches with two fully automatic one-step buttonholes and also boasts 125 built-in embroidery designs with five fonts and outline lettering.

An embroidery and sewing machine is a potent combination. Unfortunately, some machines that do both don’t do either well. Not so the Singer Futura XL-400. This is one seriously impressive Singer Embroidery and Sewing machine.

It comes already loaded with 125 embroidery designs, these are all very nice and customizable but it’s the ability to load more on that’s the real selling point. It supports a wide range of different formats for your designs, and you can edit them to your heart’s delight on your computer, download them onto the Singer and get rolling. Monogram, embroider and stitch with the LX-400.

On sale for less than $500, this is not in the affordable range of Singer sewing and embroidery machine but it is definitely worth the extra cash for that added element of versatility the embroidery and monogram brings.

A large and powerful Singer sewing and embroidery machine, it’s the best combo machine on our list because it has a large work area, bright LEDs, is updatable with your new designs and is easy to use.

The Singer Heavy Duty range is fantastic, they’re simple, no-nonsense sewing machines that look like they could survive World War III. They probably could, come to think of it. I bet there are some survivalists out there who pick this as their choice of sewing machine to return civilisation to the world when the smoke clears.

It’s not a pretty machine, the Singer Sewing 4432 Heavy Duty Extra High Speed, but for what it lacks in good looks, it makes up for in power, speed and sheer attitude. The metal frame is solid, making this not exactly the lightest machine we’ve reviewed, and the stainless steel bedplate means that you can punch through just about any fabric with this Heavy Duty Singer.

The Extra Speed bit is very impressive indeed, giving the user a full 1,100 stitches per minute, even in the most adverse of conditions. This will sew so many things it’s unreasonable. The motor is extremely powerful, driving that needle through everything we could find to test it with. Not one to get your finger in the way of. You can make the best use of it if you know how to select needles for your machine.

There is a reverse switch, which really should be on all sewing machines in our opinion, that allows the user to reverse over stitches and reinforce them. This is a machine for the tough sewing jobs of the world. It’s also capable of very fine detail and precise sewing, so it’s not all just power and speed. Take a look at our research, it’s got much more data on the Heavy Duty you will appreciate.

For less than $120, you won’t get a better Singer sewing machine. Period. This is a powerful, fast and well-built machine that doesn’t sing or dance, it just gets on with the brutally efficient task of sewing.

Another superb Heavy Duty from Singer, this will have you stitching at high speed and doing curtains and heavy pleats in no time. Powerful, versatile, fast and really easy to use, it’s the clear choice at the price.

This little portable gem is a great choice for a child or traveller due to its lightweight and ergonomic design. It only weighs 13 pounds and has a good sized working space for such a small machine.

The Singer is well made and solid, it won’t fall apart on your budding designer, Singer back up their high-quality construction with a 25-year warranty, so you can rest assured that the $125 you’ve spent will pay itself off again and again over the years.

A portable Singer perfect for a child or traveller, we’d recommend this to a parent buying a first sewing machine for their child, it has plenty of potential for them as they grow and improve in the future.

This free arm sewing machine is ideal for people who are not heavy users, but need a reliable machine for their sewing projects. It is well made and sturdy, and has 19 built in stitches.

This Singer Tradition 2259 is the last one on our list, not because it’s the worst, but because it had to fight off a lot of competitors to even make it onto the list. It’s the result of a lot of comparisons, this list. You can see how we made those decisions by looking at our research report, which you can find above. You should be able to find all the data you need for your choice.

The Singer Tradition 2259 has 19 built-in stitches, built-in bobbin winding and a very simple operation. It’s nothing to brag about, except for the quality of the machine. All the Singers we’ve examined for this review have been really high quality, it’s been good to see them keeping up their standards well into the 21st century. This was no exception. For less than $95, you can grab one on sale and come away with a machine that will keep you going for years and years.

The 25-year warranty is Singer standing by their products and saying it will last, and we believe them. This was well made, quiet and ran fast. The heavy-duty metal frame will keep it sturdy for as long as it continues to work, which should be a very, very long time. We’re not sure how Singer can make quality like this so cheap but we’re not complaining.

Cheap, well built, efficient and with 19 built-in stitches you’ll be loving this Singer for years and years. It’ll keep going and going well for a long time, and when it needs repairing, just take it to Singer.

Taking care of your Singer is easy, just make sure they’re clean and tidy and they’ll take care of themselves pretty well. Make sure it’s unplugged when you’re not using it and all the feet are in contact with the surface it’s on before you start to operate.

Keep a good supply of spare needles in the storage compartment and oil what you can with the recommended oil. Maintenance for Singers is difficult without voiding the warranty, so it’s best just to send them off to Singer and let them do it. They all have a 25-year warranty after all. However, being familiar with the common sewing and embroidery machine problems and knowing how to fix them yourself will be of great help.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our reviews and guide to Singer sewing machines, we’ve sure enjoyed testing them all out and writing about them. They really impressed us, and we’d been hearing some things about Singer’s reputation recently. It’s good to see first hand they’re still on top of things.

It’s our job to make sure you have what you need to buy the right Singer, we hope we’ve done it well. Good luck with your shopping and do stop by again in future for more reviews and guides.