neewer 750ii ttl flash speedlite with lcd display manufacturer

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neewer 750ii ttl flash speedlite with lcd display manufacturer

" ...  The zoom function is okay, though I haven"t found much use for it yet (I"ll update my review if that changes) and without the iTTL it"s mostly just more work for the same results that I was getting using a much cheaper Amazon Basics flash.  ...  "

neewer 750ii ttl flash speedlite with lcd display manufacturer

I am new to flash photography so I apologize if I am doing something simple but I am having trouble with my new flash (Neewer Speedlight 750II) when using it on camera with my Nikon D5300.

The flash when mounted on camera is firing before the shutter and so it cannot be seen on the photos. I have tested this at multiple shutter speeds even as slow as 1" and the flash can still not be seen. This is in TTL mode and Manual mode.

The flash can obviously communicate with the camera as the settings on the LCD screen of the flash are showing the correct settings of ISO and f stop of the camera and the Flash does fire every time I take a photo it just fires early.

What I find even more strange is that the flash works perfectly in sync when used with the Wireless trigger off camera. Obviously I have to set it to Manual but the flash can be seen in the photo every time. This seemed a little backwards and after a lot of googling I can only find people who have a delay issue when using wireless triggers not when using the flash on camera.

When I first used the Flash out of the box it worked perfectly on camera but then after testing the flash with the wireless triggers I had this issue.

neewer 750ii ttl flash speedlite with lcd display manufacturer

I got this flash not too long ago and I have to say that I"m pleasantly surprised at how good it is. The construction of the flash feels top notch and certainly doesn"t look like it"s $70. I"ve never had much experience with the $300 flashes mainly because I can"t justify spending that much money at the moment, but pretty much everything about this flash is superb. The LCD screen is very informative, it syncs with your camera so that it knows aperture, zoom and ISO settings, and it provides TTL, manual, slave 1 and slave 2 modes. As far as I can gather, the slave 1 mode makes the camera flash as soon as it senses a flash from the master (a typical slave function), and slave 2 makes it so that the master somehow creates a sync flash before the picture is taken just in case the slaves are misfiring. Don"t quote me on that though because as I will get into in a bit, the manual is so absolutely horrid that I can"t really tell what"s going on.A really nice feature that I like is the flash zoom. It"s a pretty standard feature on mid and upper range speedlights but it"s nice to see it on a $70 flash. It can be set either to automatically sync with your camera or can be manually set up to 180mm. This unit also gives you the option to plug it into external power, which either charges the batteries inside or makes the flash run solely off of the charger. I"m not sure which one it is because again, the manual is so horrible.The wide-angle diffuser is also a nice feature. Once you pull it out, the flash will automatically go to 14mm zoom and it doesn"t seem like you can change that. There is also a white card reflector that pops out so that if you are reflecting your flash off a ceiling or something, you can also pull the card out so that a little bit of it hits your subject directly.This speedlight also comes with a laser grid that helps your camera focus in low light. When your camera doesn"t have enough light for auto focus to function, the flash will project a laser grid onto the subject you"re trying to photograph so that your camera can focus. It"s very helpful and my camera focuses just as if there was a lot of light. I think this is a standard feature on most flashes but I thought I"d put in here anyways for those of you who don"t know.Now onto the big gripe. As is pretty customary with Chinese-made electronics, the manuals tend to have very shoddy English, but usually you can get by with what they"re trying to say. This manual? It"s barely intelligible. The English is so bad in certain places that I literally cannot understand what they"re saying and I"m just left wondering how I"m supposed to make this feature or that feature work on my own. Here are some excerpts from the manual, and keep in mind I"m typing every word (and misspelling) exactly:"The flash light is abnormal?Switch off the powr of flash light and camera,mount the flash light on the hot shoe...""In use process have function abnormal or part of the failure of function, can detach flash to installed the new battery then trun on again for recover normal use. For abnormal use may caused error state, under turning on status,replacement battery directly,the battery capacity lack, hot shoes too loose to happen badness contact, etc." (Wow, that was painful to write)"*Caution: long time no use, please featch out batteries.""If these demands conflict with your hoped direct ion of light irradiation..." (What, are we in a nuclear apocalypse now?)"Whenever which mode your flash, press the "[up arrow]" "[down arrow]" button for more than 2 seconds, then you can reset the parameter of the flash by fast-forward or fast-backward."It just goes on and on, and I could keep giving you more examples of how horrible it is. It"s almost like they used Google Translate to do all this, but even then that might be an insult to the makers of Google haha, so I don"t really know. A lot of the sentences don"t go together, and there"s hardly any useful information at all so you"re left wondering what the hell they are trying to say.Bottom line, this is an excellent and affordable flash, but I am warning you that if you decide to buy it, the manual is almost completely useless with all of its spelling errors and grammatical inconsistencies. That"s enough to warrant a reduction of one star because if you"re selling a product, you need to put at least a little bit of effort into telling your customers how to use it. I understand that the makers probably don"t speak English, but they could have hired a translator or something. It is a major frustration of mine, but I think I can look past it.Update: July 14, 2014Okay so I figure out what S1 and S2 modes are. S1 is apparently a manual expose slave function and S2 is a TTL function. I"m not sure how the S2 will work because the flash would need some kind of data connection to the camera so it knows how to expose it properly (based on what the camera meter says). Regardless, you have that option if you can figure it out.The flash is still operating very well. I"m still using the same 4 AA batteries I put in to begin with and it"s still going strong after some moderately heavy use. I expected to replace the batteries much more often than this but it seems they last quite a while.I"d also like to make a note about high speed sync. This flash does NOT offer high speed sync. It offers up to 1/250 for TTL and you can squeeze 1/320 out of it if you use the strobe function. The strobe is a bit more involved and takes some getting used to if you really want the extra shutter speed but it doesn"t come close to the true high speed sync of the Nikon flashes. Nikon uses a strobing technique for the high speed sync as well but the strobes are MUCH faster than the Neewer flash. That"s why it can use 1/8000 shutter speed.