esp8266 tft lcd factory

The ILI9341 TFT module contains a display controller with the same name: ILI9341. It’s a color display that uses SPI interface protocol and requires 4 or 5 control pins, it’s low cost and easy to use.

The resolution of this TFT display is 240 x 320 which means it has 76800 pixels. This module works with 3.3V only and it doesn’t support 5V (not 5V tolerant).

The ILI9341 TFT display board which is shown in project circuit diagram has 14 pins, the first 9 pins are for the display and the other 5 pins are for the touch module.

Pins D5 (GPIO14) and D7 (GPIO13) are hardware SPI module pins of the ESP8266EX microcontroller respectively for SCK (serial clock) and MOSI (master-out slave-in).

The first library is a driver for the ILI9341 TFT display which can be installed from Arduino IDE library manager (Sketch —> Include Library —> Manage Libraries …, in the search box write “ili9341” and choose the one from Adafruit).

The ILI9341 TFT display is connected to NodeMCU hardware SPI module pins (clock and data), the other pins which are: CS (chip select), RST (reset) and DC (data/command) are defined as shown below:

esp8266 tft lcd factory


esp8266 tft lcd factory

A number of display resolutions are supported. Assembled 480 x 320 TFT’s that have an SPI interface are rare. The 480 x 320 display supported by the library is an ILI9486 display designed for the Raspberry Pi by Waveshare. Clones are available 3.5″ and 4.0″ for circa $15. This RPi board design uses a 16 bit shift register (2x 74HC4094), a counter (1 x 74HC4040) and a hex inverter (74HC04). Many other RPi interface designs are sold that are not of this design so be careful if you are looking to buy a display!

The ILI9341 is typically a 320 240 TFT, these display drivers are good and almost work at 80MHz SPI clock rate (data sheet spec. is 25MHz). Expect some duff pixels at 80MHz but they seem to work reliably at 40MHz.

esp8266 tft lcd factory

For an upcoming new project I wanted a colour (UK spelling) LCD screen (ideally OLED), 256×256 (or greater) resolution and nice and cheap. It was not an easy 2 minute task. There were no OLED screens offering what I wanted (that I could see at the time). So compromises were made, in the end I purchased a 128×128 pixel screen (none OLED) for around $3.50 (£3.20, 3.50 Euro). Not as cheap as I thought I might get one for but the cheapest I could find. There were a lot of sellers offering this screen and it’s shown below.

Due to the planned game being more advanced than Space Invaders I needed a processor with more memory and speed than the Arduino could offer. Enter the ESP8266 processors which offer faster speeds and lots and lots more memory. Wifi is also available but will not be required for this project unless we implemented a World High Score Table perhaps! There are newer versions, ESP32, available with even more power but are more expensive and we don’t need that level of performance for this project. I’m using a NodeMCU from Lolin, which is basically a breakout board for the ESP8266 so that you can use it easily on breadboards or small production runs using through hole.

Power is self explanatory. LED adds a little extra brightness to the screen but it does still work if not connected. I’ve seen resistors added in series here and even variable ones to vary the brightness but I’ve ran it directly connected on this screen with no issues and wouldn’t want it dimmer as its not ultra bright. It is actually on even when not connected giving adequate brightness in my opinion. SCL is the SPI clock and goes to the NodeMCU’s hardware SPI pin (pin D5). SDA is actually the SPI MOSI connection and goes to the NodeMCU’s SPI MOSI pin (D7). RS is a Regsiter Select pin for ST7735 driver chips, this maps to a variable called TFT_DC in the Adafruitcode (explained later) that I was using for testing. This controls whether we are sending a command to the ST7735 chip or actual data. I think that Adafruit call it DC meaning Data Control, but I’m not sure. On some boards it may even be referred to as A0. For our purposed we connect it to D4. RST is the screen reset and and is connected to pin D3. These last two can connect to any NodeMCU pins that are not used for other functions. CS is Chip Select (usually referred to as Slave Select in the SPI protocol) and again can connect to any pin but I use D2. If this is pulled low then this device can receive or send data on the SPI bus. If only one device in your design you could pull this low permanently and not use D2.

Load up the example code that should now be available at “Files->Examples->XTronical ST7735 Library->GraphicsTestESP8266”. This is basically the Adafruit example with just some tiny changes (It goes through all the tests for each rotational position of the screen) so that it uses the new driver file and slightly altered initialisation routine.

esp8266 tft lcd factory

A 80*160 pixel color display has the particular advantage that it is small: screen diagonal of 0.96 inch. This makes it attractive for use in (literally) small applications, particularly in scale models: railways, homes, cities. Attached to a ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontroller these displays can produce animations or day/night scenes, illuminated shop windows, traffic boards, advertisement panels and so forth. Here we wire a 0.96’ TFT with ST7735S controller to ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontroller boards

Model railway displays can be made more attractive by the addition of ‘live’ decoration: train station arrival/departure boards, information screens, advertisement boards, etcetera. Another type of decoration is animated shop windows. For this genre of application a miniature display can be an interesting option. All these applications have in common that any display used needs to be small, flat, economical and easy to fit, sometimes as retrofit, into the interior of plastic model structures such as model railway homes and Lego buildings. They even may be placed in structures belonging to model Christmas or Easter villages. The market supplies small monochrome displays, e.g. 0.91 inch diameter, 128*32 pixel OLED, the slightly bigger (0.96 inch), 64*128 pixel OLED, and the recently introduced 0.96’ 160*80 TFT. The OLEDS can be found in different versions (white, blue, yellow monochrome color). Very attractive is the 0.96’ TFT because it is capable of displaying 64k colors. Driven by a powerful ESP8266 or ESP32, animations can be run such as miniature billboards and advertisement boards. Static displays that change between day and night such as shop window illumination, are also among the possibilities. In this article we deal with the connectivity between a 0.96’, 160*80 pixel TFT and ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontroller boards. The TFT’s controller is a ST7735S which is perfectly supprted by Bodmer’s TFT_eSPI library.

Whilst the early ESP8266 development work was done with a configuration consisting of a breadboard with the display on it and with connections through jumper wires such assemblies perform very irregular. The 0.96′ SPI TFT responds very critically to imperfect wiring: one slightly loose jumper wire and the display won’t work. A minibench with soldered pin connectivity was therefore constructed for ESP8266 experiments, designed to support a Wemos D1 mini ESP8266 and a TFT display. The Wemos was selected here because its small footprint makes it easy to hide this microcontroller board inside buildings constructed from Lego blocks. Components of the minibench: a double-sided 60×40 mm soldering prototyping board, three 8-pin headers sockets and wires. The design, wiring scheme and the result are shown in figures 2 and 3.

Connected with an ESP32 the TFT display feels at ease. Maybe this is so because Bodmer’s TFT_eSPI library provides a User_Setup example that did not need tweaking. The display responded immediately, fast and reliable. Hardware SPI pins on the ESP32 are used for clock and data: pin 18 is connected to SCL at the display while pin 23 is connected to SDA of the display (see figure 4). The other pins breathe familiarity as well: RST of the display to D4 of the Wemos, DC to D2 and CS to pin D6. The pin on the display marked BLK remains unconnected; I noted comments on several fora that BLK may be connected to the 3.3V pin, to any pin on the ESP32 that supports pulse width modulation, or that the BLK pin can be set HIGH (backlight ON) or LOW (backlight OFF). The display at hand has no voltage regulator which implies that if one wants to use it with an Arduino Uno the precaution must be followed that control signals to the display run via voltage level conversion.

There are two major libraries supporting ST7735 controller-based TFTs: the Adafruit_GFX.h library and Bodmer’s TFT_eSPI.h library. My experience with the Adafruit_GFX.h library is that although the common graphic functions perform well, support of animations via a series of instructions ‘drawBitmap ()’ is relatively slow. Adafruit_GFX seems to be created for 160*128 displays. The library does not support the instruction ‘pushImage ()’. By contrast the TFT_eSPI.h library supports graphics as good as the GFX library while animations perform perfectly and at high speed, both with ‘drawBitmap ()’ and ‘pushImage ()’ functions. We further discuss here the TFT_eSPI library and keep Adafruit_GFX.h in storage for future experiments.

The TFT_eSPI library is different from most libraries, e.g. Adafruit_GFX and U8G2 in the sense that the ‘constructor’ is inside a special file whose name is ‘Setup_xxxx.h’ that resides in the folder ‘User_setups’. These special files are ascii which makes them endlessly tweakable with a common ascii text editor. The specific Setup_xxxx.h is called in another setup file named User_Setup_Select.h that resides in the library’s main directory. Consider Bodmer’s ‘constructor’ systematics as a kind of two-stage rocket. Both stages need to be edited befor launch. The first stage is User_Setup_Select.h and the second stage is Setup_xxxx.h. After the editing has been done successfully the display will indeed perform ‘as a rocket’!

The display was with both platforms tested with graphical tests that are available for everyone in the Arduino IDE through File → Examples, while I also ran several of my own graphical tests as well that I created c-arrays of pictures and displayed these supported by the TFT_eSPI.h library. I recommend here to upload example TFT_Meter_5 available in the TFT_eSPI library ensemble (in the Arduino IDE: File → Examples → TFT_eSPI → 160×128 → TFT_Meter_5). Brilliant!

Below follows the complete listing of ‘Setup_FW_ESP8266_ST7735_TFT_017.h’. For intimi: this is a modified Setup43_ST7735.h. I post here a screen capture because the WordPress editor has problems with the character ‘#’.

One way to demonstrate what one can do with a small display that runs animations is to make it part of a building, let’s say a shop window or something similar. Fortunately the 0.96′ display nicely fits in portrait orientation a front door in the Lego plastic building block system. So I scooped up some material from my children’s Lego assortment and constructed a Swiss chalet that features in the front door the 160*80 TFT display. This display is powered by an ESP32WROOM32. The rooms were fitted with white leds that can be switched on and off. Switching is controlled by an Arduino Nano and is completely separate from all the action happening at the front door. For the purpose of preparing Figure 5 I replaced the animation by a static 160*80 Panda bear image – “there’s a bear at the front door, mama!”.

esp8266 tft lcd factory

In this guide we’re going to show you how you can use the 1.8 TFT display with the Arduino. You’ll learn how to wire the display, write text, draw shapes and display images on the screen.

The 1.8 TFT is a colorful display with 128 x 160 color pixels. The display can load images from an SD card – it has an SD card slot at the back. The following figure shows the screen front and back view.

This module uses SPI communication – see the wiring below . To control the display we’ll use the TFT library, which is already included with Arduino IDE 1.0.5 and later.

The TFT display communicates with the Arduino via SPI communication, so you need to include the SPI library on your code. We also use the TFT library to write and draw on the display.

The 1.8 TFT display can load images from the SD card. To read from the SD card you use the SD library, already included in the Arduino IDE software. Follow the next steps to display an image on the display:

In this guide we’ve shown you how to use the 1.8 TFT display with the Arduino: display text, draw shapes and display images. You can easily add a nice visual interface to your projects using this display.

esp8266 tft lcd factory

This is a 2.8” TFT Resistive Touchscreen Display. The module, with a resolution of 320x240, adopts ILI9341 as driver IC and SPI (4-line) communication mode. The board integrates touch chip XPT2046, which converts the touch data collected by the AD to SPI data. The module also integrates an SD card slot allowing you to easily read the full-color bitmap. There are two modes of wiring supplied, normal pin header wiring and GDI. The latter one requires to work with a main controller board with a GDI interface (e.g. FireBeetle-M0). You can use it with only one FPC line plugging in, which reduces the complexity of the wiring. Furthermore, it features high resolution, wide viewing angle, and simple wiring, which can be used in all sorts of display applications, such as, IoT controlling device, game console, desktop event notifier, touch interface, etc.

esp8266 tft lcd factory

FormikeGroup was founded in 1999, which engaged in R&D, design, manufactureand sales of LCD display solution, Wi-Fi / Bluetooth Module, Smart Watch as well asaccessories of cell phone.

Ourexperienced technical on OEM and ODM and managerial personnel, strict qualitymanagement system, competitive prices ensure that we always be at the forefrontof LCD, Wifi Module, Smart Watch and accessories of cell phone industry.

esp8266 tft lcd factory

In this article, you will learn how to use TFT LCDs by Arduino boards. From basic commands to professional designs and technics are all explained here.

There are several components to achieve this. LEDs,  7-segments, Character and Graphic displays, and full-color TFT LCDs. The right component for your projects depends on the amount of data to be displayed, type of user interaction, and processor capacity.

TFT LCD is a variant of a liquid-crystal display (LCD) that uses thin-film-transistor (TFT) technology to improve image qualities such as addressability and contrast. A TFT LCD is an active matrix LCD, in contrast to passive matrix LCDs or simple, direct-driven LCDs with a few segments.

In Arduino-based projects, the processor frequency is low. So it is not possible to display complex, high definition images and high-speed motions. Therefore, full-color TFT LCDs can only be used to display simple data and commands.

There are several components to achieve this. LEDs,  7-segments, Character and Graphic displays, and full-color TFT LCDs. The right component for your projects depends on the amount of data to be displayed, type of user interaction, and processor capacity.

TFT LCD is a variant of a liquid-crystal display (LCD) that uses thin-film-transistor (TFT) technology to improve image qualities such as addressability and contrast. A TFT LCD is an active matrix LCD, in contrast to passive matrix LCDs or simple, direct-driven LCDs with a few segments.

In Arduino-based projects, the processor frequency is low. So it is not possible to display complex, high definition images and high-speed motions. Therefore, full-color TFT LCDs can only be used to display simple data and commands.

In electronics/computer hardware a display driver is usually a semiconductor integrated circuit (but may alternatively comprise a state machine made of discrete logic and other components) which provides an interface function between a microprocessor, microcontroller, ASIC or general-purpose peripheral interface and a particular type of display device, e.g. LCD, LED, OLED, ePaper, CRT, Vacuum fluorescent or Nixie.

The LCDs manufacturers use different drivers in their products. Some of them are more popular and some of them are very unknown. To run your display easily, you should use Arduino LCDs libraries and add them to your code. Otherwise running the display may be very difficult. There are many free libraries you can find on the internet but the important point about the libraries is their compatibility with the LCD’s driver. The driver of your LCD must be known by your library. In this article, we use the Adafruit GFX library and MCUFRIEND KBV library and example codes. You can download them from the following links.

Upload your image and download the converted file that the UTFT libraries can process. Now copy the hex code to Arduino IDE. x and y are locations of the image. sx and sy are size of the image.

while (a < b) { Serial.println(a); j = 80 * (sin(PI * a / 2000)); i = 80 * (cos(PI * a / 2000)); j2 = 50 * (sin(PI * a / 2000)); i2 = 50 * (cos(PI * a / 2000)); tft.drawLine(i2 + 235, j2 + 169, i + 235, j + 169, tft.color565(0, 255, 255)); tft.fillRect(200, 153, 75, 33, 0x0000); tft.setTextSize(3); tft.setTextColor(0xffff); if ((a/20)>99)

while (b < a) { j = 80 * (sin(PI * a / 2000)); i = 80 * (cos(PI * a / 2000)); j2 = 50 * (sin(PI * a / 2000)); i2 = 50 * (cos(PI * a / 2000)); tft.drawLine(i2 + 235, j2 + 169, i + 235, j + 169, tft.color565(0, 0, 0)); tft.fillRect(200, 153, 75, 33, 0x0000); tft.setTextSize(3); tft.setTextColor(0xffff); if ((a/20)>99)

esp8266 tft lcd factory

This guide is about DWIN HMI Touch Screen TFT LCD Display. HMI Means Human-Machine Interface. DWIN is specialized in making HMI Touch screen displays that are compatible with all microcontrollers like Arduino, STM32, PIC, and 8051 families of Microcontrollers.

This is a Getting Started tutorial with 7-inch DWIN HMI TFT LCD Display. We will see the architecture, features, board design, components, and specifications. We will also learn about the TTL & RS232 interfaces. Using the DGUS software you can create UI and with SD Card you can load the firmware on display memory.

On the LCD board, you can see the flip-open connector. Just flip open the connector and insert the FCC cable. Keep in mind that the blue ends should be on top. Now you can just press the lock so the FCC cable is locked.

One of the method to load the firmware to the T5L DWIN LCD Display is by using the SD Card. An SD Card of up to 16GB can be used to download the firmware files. We can easily insert the Micro SD card into the SD Card slot on the backside.

After copying the file, remove the SD Card from your computer and insert it into the SD Card slot of DWIN LCD Display. Then power the display using the USB Cable. The firmware downloading process will start automatically.

The next part of this tutorial includes creating UI and interfacing DWIN LCD Display with Arduino. For that you can follow the DWIN LCD Arduino Interfacing Guide.

esp8266 tft lcd factory

I was excited to see a game "engine emulator and compiler readily available for the ESP8266. It"s pretty neat! You can make your game using corax89"s repository and upload it to the ESP8266 to play. I actually used a fork of corax89"s code under mali1741 where he uses a nunchuk instead of the PCF8574 button matrix or I/O expander. However, implementing the hardware wasn"t as straightforward as I thought it would be. Implementing it directly from corax89"s repository resulted in a repeated flashing screen and MCU reset. The instructions to do it isn"t as fleshed out as well. So I cobbled together my own configuration in hopes that it will help others to implement theirs. Here we go!

Go ahead and connect the hardware as shown above. One of the LCD pins,SDO/MISO, is left floating or no connection. Then we can do some sanity checks to make sure all the hardware are working properly using some sketches.

We"ll be using the files found in the repository and the zipped libraries. The project uses theNintendoExtensionCtrl,coos, andTFT_eSPIlibraries. Make sure to use the ones zipped because the new versions of these libraries are not compatible. I found this out the hard way after trying several versions of each library from their respective repositories.

SanityCheck#1:ILI9341 SPI TFT LCD Screen (240x320)// Demo based on:// UTFT_Demo by Henning Karlsen// web:*The delay between tests is set to 0. The tests run so fast you will need tochange the WAIT value below to see what is being plotted!This sketch uses the GLCD and font 2 only.Make sure all the required fonts are loaded by editting theUser_Setup.h file in the TFT_eSPI library folder.############################################################################### DON"T FORGET TO UPDATE THE User_Setup.h FILE IN THE LIBRARY ############ TO SELECT THE FONTS YOU USE, SEE ABOVE ###############################################################################*/// Delay between demo pages#define WAIT 0 // Delay between tests, set to 0 to demo speed, 2000 to see what it does!#define CENTRE 240#include // Hardware-specific library#include TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(); // Invoke custom library with default width and height#define TFT_GREY 0x7BEFuint32_t runTime = 0;void setup(){randomSeed(analogRead(0));Serial.begin(38400);// Setup the LCDtft.init();tft.setRotation(1);}void loop(){int buf[478];int x, x2;int y, y2;int r;runTime = millis();// Clear the screen and draw the frametft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK);tft.fillRect(0, 0, 480, 13, TFT_RED);tft.fillRect(0, 305, 480, 320, TFT_GREY);tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLACK,TFT_RED);tft.drawCentreString("* TFT_eSPI *", CENTRE, 3, 1);tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW,TFT_GREY);tft.drawCentreString("Adapted by Bodmer", CENTRE, 309,1);tft.drawRect(0, 14, 479, 305-14, TFT_BLUE);// Draw crosshairstft.drawLine(239, 15, 239, 304, TFT_BLUE);tft.drawLine(1, 159, 478, 159, TFT_BLUE);for (int i=9; i<470; i+=10)tft.drawLine(i, 157, i, 161, TFT_BLUE);for (int i=19; i<220; i+=10)tft.drawLine(237, i, 241, i, TFT_BLUE);// Draw sin-, cos- and tan-linestft.setTextColor(TFT_CYAN);tft.drawString("Sin", 5, 15,2);for (int i=1; i<478; i++){tft.drawPixel(i,159+(sin(((i*1.13)*3.14)/180)*95),TFT_CYAN);}tft.setTextColor(TFT_RED);tft.drawString("Cos", 5, 30,2);for (int i=1; i<478; i++){tft.drawPixel(i,159+(cos(((i*1.13)*3.14)/180)*95),TFT_RED);}tft.setTextColor(TFT_YELLOW);tft.drawString("Tan", 5, 45,2);for (int i=1; i<478; i++){tft.drawPixel(i,159+(tan(((i*1.13)*3.14)/180)),TFT_YELLOW);}delay(WAIT);tft.fillRect(1,15,478-1,304-15,TFT_BLACK);tft.drawLine(239, 15, 239, 304,TFT_BLUE);tft.drawLine(1, 159, 478, 159,TFT_BLUE);// Draw a moving sinewaveint col = 0;x=1;for (int i=1; i<(477*15); i++){x++;if (x==478)x=1;if (i>478){if ((x==239)||(buf[x-1]==159))col = TFT_BLUE;elsetft.drawPixel(x,buf[x-1],TFT_BLACK);}y=159+(sin(((i*0.7)*3.14)/180)*(90-(i / 100)));tft.drawPixel(x,y, TFT_BLUE);buf[x-1]=y;}delay(WAIT);tft.fillRect(1,15,478-1,304-15,TFT_BLACK);// Draw some filled rectanglesfor (int i=1; i<6; i++){switch (i){case 1:col = TFT_MAGENTA;break;case 2:col = TFT_RED;break;case 3:col = TFT_GREEN;break;case 4:col = TFT_BLUE;break;case 5:col = TFT_YELLOW;break;}tft.fillRect(150+(i*20), 70+(i*20), 60, 60,col);}delay(WAIT);tft.fillRect(1,15,478-1,304-15,TFT_BLACK);// Draw some filled, rounded rectanglesfor (int i=1; i<6; i++){switch (i){case 1:col = TFT_MAGENTA;break;case 2:col = TFT_RED;break;case 3:col = TFT_GREEN;break;case 4:col = TFT_BLUE;break;case 5:col = TFT_YELLOW;break;}tft.fillRoundRect(270-(i*20), 70+(i*20), 60, 60, 3, col);}delay(WAIT);tft.fillRect(1,15,478-1,304-15,TFT_BLACK);// Draw some filled circlesfor (int i=1; i<6; i++){switch (i){case 1:col = TFT_MAGENTA;break;case 2:col = TFT_RED;break;case 3:col = TFT_GREEN;break;case 4:col = TFT_BLUE;break;case 5:col = TFT_YELLOW;break;}tft.fillCircle(180+(i*20),100+(i*20), 30,col);}delay(WAIT);tft.fillRect(1,15,478-1,304-15,TFT_BLACK);// Draw some lines in a patternfor (int i=15; i<304; i+=5){tft.drawLine(1, i, (i*1.6)-10, 303, TFT_RED);}for (int i=304; i>15; i-=5){tft.drawLine(477, i, (i*1.6)-11, 15, TFT_RED);}for (int i=304; i>15; i-=5){tft.drawLine(1, i, 491-(i*1.6), 15, TFT_CYAN);}for (int i=15; i<304; i+=5){tft.drawLine(477, i, 490-(i*1.6), 303, TFT_CYAN);}delay(WAIT);tft.fillRect(1,15,478-1,304-15,TFT_BLACK);// Draw some random circlesfor (int i=0; i<100; i++){x=32+random(416);y=45+random(226);r=random(30);tft.drawCircle(x, y, r,random(0xFFFF));}delay(WAIT);tft.fillRect(1,15,478-1,304-15,TFT_BLACK);// Draw some random rectanglesfor (int i=0; i<100; i++){x=2+random(476);y=16+random(289);x2=2+random(476);y2=16+random(289);if (x2

Use this sketch by Henning Karlsen to check that your TFT wiring and libraries are working properly. It should display some graphics and cycle through them intermittently.

You can also use different pinouts, you"ll just have to changeUser_Setup.hfound in theTFT_eSPIlibrary in Arduino sketchbook folder/directory (this may vary depending on your setup. For example for mine, it"s found inDocuments/Arduino/libraries/TFT_eSPI). It should have something like this:// Only define one driver, the other ones must be commented out#define ILI9341_DRIVER#define TFT_CS PIN_D3 // Chip select control pin D3#define TFT_DC PIN_D4 // Data Command control pin#define TFT_RST -1 // Reset pin

You can check the size of your memory using the sketch by Markus Setller if you"re not sure:/*ESP8266 CheckFlashConfig by Markus SattlerThis sketch tests if the EEPROM settings of the IDE match to the Hardware*/void setup(void) {Serial.begin(115200);}void loop() {uint32_t realSize = ESP.getFlashChipRealSize();uint32_t ideSize = ESP.getFlashChipSize();FlashMode_t ideMode = ESP.getFlashChipMode();Serial.printf("Flash real id: %08X\n", ESP.getFlashChipId());Serial.printf("Flash real size: %u bytes\n\n", realSize);Serial.printf("Flash ide size: %u bytes\n", ideSize);Serial.printf("Flash ide speed: %u Hz\n", ESP.getFlashChipSpeed());Serial.printf("Flash ide mode: %s\n", (ideMode == FM_QIO ? "QIO" : ideMode == FM_QOUT ? "QOUT" : ideMode == FM_DIO ? "DIO" : ideMode == FM_DOUT ? "DOUT" : "UNKNOWN"));if (ideSize != realSize) {Serial.println("Flash Chip configuration wrong!\n");} else {Serial.println("Flash Chip configuration ok.\n");}delay(5000);}

We have it working but no games? It"s because we haven"t uploaded the games to theESP8266"s SPIFFS. There are numerous ways to do it, but we can use this Arduino plugin: installation instructions can be found on the repository. It"s easy to follow, but I"ll break it down here:

So get yourself acquainted with how things work either through the "help" function, the user guide (, or going through the code of other games on the web emulator and compiler: by choosing a demo game and clicking through here: