In the realm of electronics and specifically in the display technology segment, OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) displays have emerged as a popular choice for their excellent color reproduction, fast response time, and low power consumption. Among the various sizes and configurations of OLED displays, the 128x64 resolution stands out as a popular choice for applications where a compact yet legible display is desired.


0.96 Inch PMOLED Ilcd Module for Massage Gun and Electronic Scale,128x64 Pixel SSD1315 IIC Interface


    When integrating a 128x64 OLED display module into a system, it's crucial to understand its electrical characteristics and communication interfaces. One such interface commonly used with OLED displays is the I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) bus. I2C is a simple two-wire bus that allows devices to communicate with each other, eliminating the need for multiple cables and connectors. It's widely used in embedded systems due to its low cost, small size, and ease of use.

    The 128x64 OLED display module with an IIC (Inter-Integrated Circuit) interface, often referred to as I2C for simplicity, requires a specific I2C address for communication. This address serves as a unique identifier for the display module on the I2C bus, allowing it to be distinguished from other devices connected to the same bus.

    The standard I2C address for a 128x64 OLED display module is typically set to 0x3C. However, it's important to note that the I2C address can sometimes be modified, allowing for flexibility in system design. In some cases, the address may be changed to 0x3D or other values, depending on the manufacturer's specifications or the requirements of the system integrator. Modifying the I2C address is typically done through programming or hardware jumper settings, depending on the specific display module.

    When it comes to powering the 128x64 OLED display module, it typically requires a supply voltage (Vcc) of 3.3V. This voltage powers the internal circuitry of the display, ensuring its proper operation. It's crucial to provide a stable and regulated power supply to avoid any issues with display performance or reliability.

    In addition to the supply voltage, the I2C interface on the OLED display module has specific logic levels for the data line (SDA) and clock line (SCL). These logic levels refer to the voltage levels used to represent digital signals on the I2C bus. For the 128x64 OLED display module, the logic level for both SDA and SCL is also typically set to 3.3V. This ensures compatibility and reliable communication between the display module and other devices on the I2C bus.

    In summary, the I2C address for a 128x64 OLED display module is typically 0x3C, but it can be modified to 0x3D or other values depending on the manufacturer's specifications. The display module requires a supply voltage of 3.3V and uses 3.3V logic levels for both SDA and SCL on the I2C bus. Understanding these electrical characteristics is essential for properly integrating and operating a 128x64 OLED display module within a system.