In the realm of electronics, displays are a crucial component, enabling users to interact and understand the functionality of devices. Among various types of displays, OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) displays have gained popularity due to their superior color reproduction, high contrast, and low power consumption. The 0.96-inch OLED display module, with a resolution of 128x64 pixels, is a popular choice for many applications, especially in wearables and IoT devices. This article delves into the intricacies of this display module, specifically addressing the question: What is the I2C address for the 0.96 OLED display?



0. 96 Inch PMOLED for Massage Gun and Electronic Scale, 

128*64 Pixel White Color with 3/4-Wire SPI, 

12C Interface SSD1315 Driver Ic


    Before delving into the I2C address, it's important to understand what I2C is. I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a bi-directional, two-wire bus used for communication between integrated circuits (ICs). It is commonly used in microcontrollers and other low-power devices to connect peripherals like sensors, displays, and memories. The two wires, typically labeled SDA (Serial Data Line) and SCL (Serial Clock Line), enable data transfer and synchronization between devices.

    Now, coming back to the 0.96-inch OLED display module, this display typically communicates with a microcontroller using the I2C interface. The I2C address is a unique identifier that allows the microcontroller to recognize and communicate with the display module. Each I2C device on the bus must have a unique address to avoid conflicts.

    The specific I2C address for the 0.96-inch OLED display module can vary depending on the manufacturer and the version of the display module. It is typically specified in the datasheet or technical documentation provided by the manufacturer. Commonly, the I2C address for such displays ranges from 0x3C to 0x3F, but it's important to refer to the specific documentation for the exact address.

    Once you have the correct I2C address, you can configure your microcontroller to communicate with the OLED display. This typically involves initializing the I2C interface, setting the correct address, and then sending commands and data to control the display. Commands can include setting the brightness, clearing the display, drawing text or graphics, etc.

    It's worth mentioning that while the I2C interface is a convenient way to communicate with the OLED display, it's not the only option. Some displays might use other interfaces like SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) or parallel interfaces, depending on the manufacturer and the specific requirements of the application.

    In summary, the I2C address for the 0.96-inch OLED display module is a unique identifier specified by the manufacturer and documented in the technical specifications. It enables communication between the display and a microcontroller using the I2C interface. When working with this type of display, it's essential to refer to the manufacturer's documentation for accurate and reliable information on the I2C address and other relevant details.