With the continuous improvement of people's living standards and the continuous development of science and technology, the electronic product market is also constantly changing. In the past, traditional display screens were the most common screen type when people used electronic products, but with the emergence and continuous improvement of e-paper e-ink displays, more and more people have begun to choose to use this new type of screen. rather than a traditional display screen. So, why does this trend occur?


1. Better visual experience

The biggest advantage of e-paper e-ink display compared to traditional display screens is that it has better visual effects. Traditional displays require backlighting for brightness adjustment, but this can easily cause user fatigue or even headaches. The e-paper e-ink display does not require backlight, allowing users to read more comfortably without irritating the eyes. In addition, the e-paper e-ink display has clearer picture quality and more natural colors, which can better present the authenticity of text and pictures, making users more immersed in reading or watching.


2. Save more electricity

The e-paper e-ink display does not require backlight and does not need to refresh the screen as frequently as traditional displays, so it can save more power. Products such as e-books, electronic two-color screens, and e-ink screens produced using e-paper e-ink displays can enjoy longer use times without the need for frequent charging.


3. More in line with environmental protection concepts

Traditional display screens require the use of many harmful substances, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, etc., which are harmful to the environment and human health. The e-paper e-ink display does not need to use these harmful substances and is more environmentally friendly. This is very in line with people's needs and values ​​in the context of the current environmental protection concept that continues to receive attention.


4. More suitable for outdoor reading

Because the e-paper e-ink display does not require a backlight, it can reflect brightness and clarity the more it is under strong light. For outdoor readers, this screen type will be more suitable, allowing them to have no reading difficulties and providing a very thin, light and portable experience.


5. More convenient to carry and operate

The portability of electronic products is one of their most important features. e-paper e-ink display not only has this characteristic, but also has the advantages of being more portable and operational because of its thinner and lighter size. Some e-books, electronic two-color screens, electronic ink screens and other products can be easily carried and used, allowing people to enjoy reading and watching anytime and anywhere.


The above are the main reasons why e-paper e-ink display is becoming more and more popular. It is worth noting that although this new type of screen has many advantages, it cannot completely replace the traditional display screen. Different screen types have their own advantages and scope of application. Only by selecting and using them according to customer needs and actual conditions can their advantages be more effectively utilized.