Electric scooters have become the latest mode of transportation around the cities, especially in recent years. They are compact, lightweight, eco-friendly, and economical. Many manufacturers are continuously innovating their electric scooters to make them more efficient, reliable, safe, and stylish. A significant part of this innovation is driven by using modern technologies such as OLED screens and displays. OLED technology has been around for a few years and is now being used in a range of applications including smartphones, televisions, and electric scooters. OLED technology is not only making the electric scooters more visually attractive but is also enhancing their functionality, making them better in performance, and providing an improved user experience.


What is OLED Technology?


OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diodes, and it is a technology that is changing the future of display devices. OLED displays are essentially made of carbon-based materials – organic compounds that light up when they come in contact with electricity. Unlike LED and LCD displays, OLED displays have the ability to create their illumination without requiring a backlight, thereby consuming less power and making them thinner and lighter in weight.

OLED displays are capable of emitting light through each pixel on the screen, making visuals appear more vibrant, detailed, and crisp. Additionally, OLED provides unlimited contrast ratios, meaning that it can deliver true blacks by turning individual pixels off, which is not possible with LED and LCD displays.


How is OLED Technology Revolutionizing the Electric Scooter Industry?

OLED technology is opening up new possibilities for electric scooter manufacturers, and they are taking full advantage of this to enhance their products. Here are a few ways that OLED technology is revolutionizing the electric scooter industry:


1. Better Display

The most common application of OLED technology in electric scooters is the use of OLED display screens. The OLED display screens on electric scooters provide better visibility, brightness, and contrast compared to LED and LCD displays. OLED screens are also thinner, more flexible, and lightweight, making them an ideal option for electric scooters that require compact displays. The high-resolution OLED display screens on electric scooters can display real-time information like vehicle speed, battery charge level, and range, which are crucial for riders to track and monitor their trips better.


2. Longer Battery Life

The OLED displays consume less power compared to LED and LCD displays. Therefore, electric scooters equipped with OLED screens can potentially achieve more extended battery life compared to those with LED or LCD screens. Longer battery life is a critical factor for electric scooter riders, as it means they can ride farther on a single charge, thereby reducing the need for frequent charging.


3. Enhanced Safety

The OLED screens on electric scooters can also display critical information in real-time that is essential for safe riding. For instance, OLED displays can show warning signals for critical situations such as low battery, technical issues, and more. Real-time alerts on the OLED displays can also help riders to stay safe on the road by providing them critical information about their surroundings and the traffic situation.


4. Modern Look and Feel

Electric scooter manufacturers are using OLED technology to give their products a modern and premium look and feel. OLED displays have the potential to display vibrant colors, sharp visuals, and sleek designs that can attract more customers. The modern look and feel of OLED displays also align with the rising trend of smart city transportation, which is becoming increasingly popular in urban areas worldwide.


5. Improved User Experience

Electric scooters with OLED displays offer an enhanced user experience as they provide multi-functional features that can be easily accessed through the user interface. For instance, OLED displays can provide easy navigation, ride tracking, social media connectivity, and more, thereby making electric scooter riding more engaging, more comfortable, and more fun.




OLED technology is transforming the electric scooter industry by enhancing their performance, appearance, and user experience. With OLED displays, electric scooters are becoming more advanced, more energy-efficient, and more practical. As more and more electric scooter manufacturers adopt this technology, we can expect electric scooters to become smarter, more reliable, and more accessible to riders worldwide. OLED technology is opening up new avenues for innovation in transportation, and we can expect this technology to be a significant driver of change in the world of transport in the years to come.