Electronic products have become an indispensable part of our lives, but when using them for a long time, they are often affected by the amount of harmful light emitted by the screen, which has a great negative impact on our eyes and physical health. Common electronic product screens include LED screens, LCD screens, CRT screens, etc. The light-emitting principles and methods of these screens are different, so the harmful light generated will also be different. So how to avoid harmful light emitted by electronic product screens? This article will answer this question for everyone based on the characteristics and advantages of e-paper display screens.


First of all, what is an e-paper display? The e-paper screen is a new display technology, also called an electronic ink screen. Such screens can display static text, images and patterns, similar to traditional paper and print. The e-paper screen uses a new type of technology - the piezoelectric effect and the Hertzian effect. By applying different voltages on both sides of the screen, the position of the electronic ink particles can be manipulated to display different patterns or text. Compared with traditional CRT and LCD screens, e-paper displays have several advantages.


1. Natural light illumination: e-paper display does not require backlight because it can reflect natural light to display patterns. This is different from traditional OLED and LCD screens, which require backlighting to produce images and text.


2. Low power: Since the e-paper display is driven by a passive matrix, it only needs to consume a small amount of power when changing. Therefore, when compared with traditional CRT, LCD and OLED screens, e-paper displays have lower power consumption, which is one of the reasons why e-paper displays are widely used in electronic devices such as e-books and smart watches.

3. Display effect: The e-paper display can naturally reflect external light, which makes the display effect more realistic. At the same time, because the principles and methods of the e-paper display are different from traditional hardware screens, it can present a higher resolution. This is another reason why it is widely used in products such as e-books and smart watches.


4. Eye health: Since the e-paper display does not require backlight and does not produce radiation, it is less harmful to human eyes. Long-term use of electronic devices and traditional CRT, LCD and OLED screens will produce radiation and irritation, but e-paper displays do not have this problem.


Based on the above advantages, e-paper displays have gradually been widely used, not only in e-books, smart watches and other fields, but also in smartphones, tablets, electronic wall decals and other fields. This is also a constant change and innovation in order to avoid the impact of harmful light emitted by electronic product screens.


All in all, the invention and application of e-paper display screens provide us with a new display technology that can replace traditional hardware screens. It does not require backlight, has low power consumption, has good display effects and protects human eyes. Therefore, electronic products that are widely used in modern society should also try to choose e-paper displays when choosing screens to protect our health.