With the rapid development and progress of modern technology, many e-book readers have entered our lives. Among them, E-ink display (electronic ink screen) is a display screen using electronic ink technology. It is characterized by low power consumption, high resolution, low glare, and comfortable reading. Therefore, E-ink display has become a good choice for many people in reading. So, why is E-ink display more suitable for long-term reading than traditional screens? The following is my detailed elaboration on this issue.


1. Electronic ink technology

E-ink display uses electronic ink technology, and its display principle is similar to traditional printing technology. Its tiny particles can adjust color and change under electronic signals; at the same time, these tiny particles neither heat nor reflect light. The advantage of this technology is that it has high contrast, can produce brighter and clearer text, and is not harmful to the human eye. The resolution of E-ink display is higher than that of traditional screens, and there is very little specular reflection, which can reduce glare and eye fatigue.


2. No rear light source technology

E-ink display does not require the use of backlight, which makes e-book pages look similar to ordinary white paper and very easy to read. Traditional screens require backlighting, which causes them to produce strong glare and reflections when reading. Reading e-books for long periods of time can sometimes cause eye strain and discomfort, and prolonged use of traditional screens can even cause headaches and eye pain.


3. Low power consumption technology

E-ink display is very power-saving, its energy consumption is very low. Because it only needs to consume very little power when the screen is refreshed, it can remain in a fixed state without consuming power at other times. This also means that E-ink display can make the battery of electronic books more durable and does not require frequent charging. Traditional screen technology will cause the battery of electronic books to be exhausted quickly, requiring frequent charging.


4. High visual comfort

The E-ink display does not cause eye fatigue, which means it can enjoy continuous reading for extremely long periods of time without putting too much stress on the eyes. Because it uses e-ink technology, the human eye can easily adapt to its display.


5. Reduce stimulation

The color and brightness of the electronic ink used in the E-ink display are similar to paper, so that strong video stimulation elements will not be generated and unnecessary interference will be reduced. This is different from traditional backlit screens, which have very low contrast, so this can make the time spent on the screen longer.


6. Low UV radiation

E-ink displays produce much less ultraviolet radiation than other display types (such as LED, LCD, etc.), which can reduce irritation to users' eyes and make electronic reading more comfortable. The advantage of reading for a long time is that it can reduce the impact of ultraviolet stimulation and darkness on the user's eyes.


In short, there are many reasons why E-ink display is more suitable for long-term reading than traditional screens. For example, electronic ink technology increases screen contrast, increases visual comfort, reduces stimulation, and lowers ultraviolet radiation. For readers who read for long periods of time, E-ink display can reduce eye fatigue and uneven reading problems, making it an electronic bonding device worth trying. Therefore, if you want to benefit from books for a long time without putting too much pressure on your eyes, please choose E-ink display so that you can enjoy your reading journey happily.