With the development and innovation of technology, intelligent manufacturing is becoming an important development trend in modern manufacturing. In smart manufacturing, PMOLED technology, as a reshaper in the new era, has broad application prospects and irreplaceable advantages.


What is PMOLED?

PMOLED is the abbreviation of Passive Matrix OLED, which is passive matrix organic light-emitting diode technology. Different from traditional AMOLED (Active Matrix OLED) technology, PMOLED uses a resistance-based driving method and is suitable for small-size screens and low-resolution displays. PMOLED has the characteristics of low energy consumption, high brightness, and fast response speed, and is suitable for fields such as watches, mobile phone screens, and car displays.


Application of PMOLED in intelligent manufacturing

PMOLED technology has broad application prospects in smart manufacturing and can be applied to many industries and fields, such as:

1. Consumer electronics

In consumer electronics such as smartphones and tablets, PMOLED technology can provide better display effects and lower energy consumption. At the same time, PMOLED technology can also be applied to wearable devices, such as smart watches, smart glasses, etc., to provide users with clearer and more accurate displays.

2. Automobile manufacturing

PMOLED technology can be applied to automobile dashboards to provide clearer and more accurate displays. Compared with traditional liquid crystal display technology, PMOLED technology has higher response speed and lower energy consumption, which can improve the safety and stability of car driving.

3. Medical health

In the medical and health field, PMOLED technology can be applied to portable medical devices, such as heart rate monitors, blood pressure monitors, etc., to provide clearer, more accurate displays and lower energy consumption.

4. Industrial manufacturing

In industrial manufacturing, PMOLED technology can be applied to display screens of industrial instruments. Because PMOLED technology has the characteristics of fast response and high definition, it can improve the efficiency and accuracy of instruments and equipment, thereby improving the production efficiency of the entire industrial manufacturing.


Advantages of PMOLED


PMOLED has many advantages and is widely used and promoted in smart manufacturing, including:


1. Low energy consumption

PMOLED technology consumes much less energy than traditional LCD display technology, thanks to the self-luminous technology of PMOLED.

2. Glow and highlight

The luminous brightness of PMOLED technology can reach up to more than 1000nit, with higher brightness and contrast, which can provide a clearer and brighter display effect.

3. Fast response

The response speed of PMOLED technology is very fast, which can display the picture more accurately and clearly, avoiding blurring in the process.

4. Display stable

When PMOLED technology is displayed on multiple displays at the same time, it is not prone to screen splitting or image ghosting, and has a more stable display effect.


in conclusion

PMOLED technology is a reshaper of smart manufacturing in the new era, with broad application prospects and irreplaceable advantages. We believe that in the future, PMOLED technology will continue to develop and innovate, providing strong support and guarantee for the development and progress of intelligent manufacturing.