With the continuous development of technology, the game industry is also constantly advancing. From the earliest simple card game to today's three-dimensional, holographic game screen. One of the most important developments was the advent of gaming consoles with OLED screens.

An OLED screen is a screen made of organic molecular materials, which has more excellent advantages than traditional LCD screens, such as higher contrast ratio, wider color saturation and so on. These advantages make OLED screens an ideal choice for game console manufacturers to provide more experiential graphics.

For players, the biggest feeling brought by OLED screen game consoles is a more realistic and three-dimensional game screen. When the traditional LCD screen displays black, it needs backlight illumination, so even in the case of total blackness, the screen will have some dark halos, while the OLED screen can completely achieve "true black", avoiding glare. Halo happens. Beyond that, the bright, rich colors of the OLED screen make games more vibrant and lifelike, and can be viewed from all angles without color distortion or fading.

In addition, the response speed of OLED screen game consoles is faster than that of LCD screens, which can better present high-speed graphics in games. Traditional LCD screens need to wait for the ToD (Tine over Drive) process to complete the response rate that cannot be achieved by itself, so that players can feel the "high-speed" picture. The response time of OLED is small, without the influence of ToD, which allows players to better enjoy high-speed games.

In addition, OLED screen game consoles also have better power saving. Traditional LCD screens require a backlight to illuminate the screen, which consumes more energy, while OLED screens can adjust the brightness of the illumination in a more flexible way to achieve more power-saving purposes.

In general, the advent of OLED screen game consoles makes the game screen more "live", allowing players to truly immerse themselves in the game world. For gamers, choosing an OLED screen game console will be a better choice, especially for users who pursue the visual experience of games. I believe that with the support of OLED screens, the game world will become more exciting.