Matrix LCD is one of the most widely used display technologies at present. Whether it is a smartphone, a TV, or even a car dashboard, there are applications. So, why does this display have ultra-high clarity and color reproduction?

First of all, matrix liquid crystal displays use liquid crystal materials to achieve display effects. Liquid crystal materials have very good transparency and linear optical properties. The interior of the liquid crystal screen is composed of two layers of parallel electrodes, one of which is made of transparent conductive material, and the other electrode is made of metal film or transparent conductive material. When an electric field is applied between the two electrodes of the LCD screen, the liquid crystal molecules will be aligned in the direction of the electric field, thereby changing the light transmission performance of the LCD screen.

In addition, matrix LCD screens use a backlight. Backlight refers to a light source that is mainly used to illuminate the image behind the LCD screen. At different positions of the liquid crystal, the backlight adjusts the amount of light transmitted through the corresponding liquid crystal molecules, thereby forming an image. When the liquid crystal is fully open or fully blocked, the corresponding area will be able to achieve the whitest or blackest display effect.

In the color restoration of the image, the matrix LCD screen adopts a variety of technologies, such as puzzle algorithm, physical color fitting and so on. These algorithms can combine different colors of red, green, and blue in different proportions to present various colors and ensure the naturalness and authenticity of the image.

In short, the matrix liquid crystal display has completed the display effect of ultra-high definition and unparalleled color reproduction by virtue of the good combination of its liquid crystal material, backlight source, color restoration algorithm and other technologies. This kind of display screen is not only widely used in daily life, but also plays a very important role in the era of digital display. It can be said that the development of matrix LCD has continuously promoted the development and upgrading of global digital display technology, creating a more high-quality and convenient visual experience for people.