With the continuous development of technology, the use of touch screens is becoming more and more common in our lives. However, not everyone can use a touchscreen properly, especially in a work production environment. Proper use of the touch screen can help us improve production efficiency and improve work efficiency. Therefore, this article will explain how to use the touch screen properly and provide some tips to improve productivity.


First of all, to use the touch screen correctly, you need to pay attention to the following points:

1. Keep the screen clean: Substances such as fingerprints, dirt and oil on the touch screen will affect its sensitivity and accuracy. Therefore, it is very important to keep the screen clean before using the touch screen. You can wipe the touchscreen with a clean, soft cloth or a professional cleaning solution.

2. Use correct fingers: try to use dry fingers to touch the screen, and use fingertips (not nails) to touch the screen. Long fingernails and gloves can interfere with the sensitivity and accuracy of the screen.

3. Don't apply too much force: the touch screen responds quickly and can be operated with a light touch. Excessive force can cause dead pixels and screen damage.

4. Do not wear gloves: Wearing gloves will affect the sensitivity and accuracy of the touch screen.


Second, here are some tips to help you use your touchscreen properly to increase your productivity:

1. Use suitable fingers for touch and swipe.

2. Familiarize yourself with the operating instructions for the touch screen device you are using.

3. Set the sensitivity of the touch screen according to your needs.

4. Clean the screen frequently and make sure no liquid drips.

5. Leave enough space for the touch screen to operate.

6. When you move your finger away from the screen, you must move it completely without staying.


Finally, ensuring that you have the right production tools is also a key factor in improving productivity. High-quality touch-screen tools can improve production efficiency and ease of operation. Therefore, when choosing production tools, we should fully consider the quality and function of touch screen tools.

In summary, the correct use of touch screen can improve our productivity, and the correct use of touch screen requires attention to screen cleaning, using correct fingers, not applying excessive force, and not wearing gloves. Therefore, we should be familiar with the operation guidelines of the touch screen, clean the screen, and use the correct fingers to operate it, so as to maximize our productivity and work efficiency.