TN stands for twisted nematic. This is a type of LED (a form of LCD) panel display technology. TN panels are characterized as being the fastest and cheapest among the other main types of display panels, VA (vertical alignment) and IPS (in-plane switching). As such, they work great for gaming monitors and gaming laptops. However, TN panels also offer the worst viewing angles and color when compared to VA and IPS panels.

Here are some key characteristics of TN displays:

1. Response Time: TN displays typically have faster response times compared to other LCD technologies. This makes them suitable for applications that require quick image transitions, such as gaming or fast-paced videos.

2. Refresh Rates: TN displays often have higher refresh rates, allowing for smoother motion and reduced motion blur. Higher refresh rates are beneficial for fast-moving content, but may not be as noticeable for everyday tasks.

3. Narrow Viewing Angles: TN displays have limited viewing angles, meaning that the image quality and color accuracy can degrade when viewed from off-center angles. This can result in distorted colors or a loss of image clarity.

4. Limited Color Accuracy: Compared to other display technologies like IPS (In-Plane Switching) or OLED, TN displays generally have lower color accuracy and limited color reproduction capabilities. This can affect the overall image quality and color vibrancy.

5. Lower Production Costs: TN displays are relatively inexpensive to produce compared to other display technologies. As a result, they are commonly found in budget or entry-level monitors, laptops, and other consumer electronic devices.

While TN displays have certain limitations, their fast response times and cost-effectiveness have made them popular in certain applications where speed is crucial, such as gaming or professional monitors where color accuracy is not a top priority. However, if you're looking for wider viewing angles and better color reproduction, other display technologies like IPS or OLED may be more suitable.


Common Types of LCD Panels:






Fastest: low response times, highest refresh rates, minimal motion blur; Low input lag Longest response times typically; Higher refresh rates possible Slower response times than TN, faster response times than VA; Gaming-quality refresh rates are rare


Worst viewing angles;Worst color
Viewing angles typically better than TN, worse than IPS; Good color; Best contrast;Best image depth Best viewing angles; Best color


Cheapest Pricier models can have performance comparable to TN Most expensive

Best Use

Gaming General Use