OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) display is a display technology that uses organic materials as light-emitting materials. It has the characteristics of uniform light emission, wide viewing angle, and bright colors. With the continuous innovation of technology, the application of OLED display in the aviation industry is gradually accelerating, bringing new breakthroughs to the aviation industry.

First of all, in aircraft systems, OLED displays can optimize the display effect of the instrument panel. The display principle of traditional liquid crystal displays is to adjust the direction and intensity of light through liquid crystals. Although the image quality is high, its luminous intensity is still low, and it may be difficult to distinguish in strong light environments. The OLED display adopts a dot-matrix array structure, and each pixel has its own light, which can improve the display effect to a higher level, that is, it can also clearly display information in high-light environments. Such a display will provide the driver with clear, intuitive, and modern data presentation, and better adapt to the driver's visual habits, making it easier for the driver to process vehicle information and instructions, effectively improving the safety of aircraft operations performance, reliability and comfort.

Secondly, the innovation of OLED technology makes new cockpit interior design possible. The OLED display is made of very thin and light materials, and can be made into a flexible screen and a curved screen, which means that the display can be placed at more points and designed more freely, so as to achieve flexibility and atmosphere in the cockpit The changes provide passengers with a richer and more comfortable experience.

Furthermore, the emergence of OLED displays has made energy saving and emission reduction an easier goal to achieve. Aircraft are high-energy-consuming and high-emission facilities. OLED displays are superior to traditional dashboards in terms of energy consumption and ecology, and are more in line with the global trend of environmental protection and emission reduction. At the same time, because it is based on organic light-emitting, the production process is very environmentally friendly. Leaving a certain voltage, the screen does not discharge, and the power consumption is very low. Therefore, these thin screens provide a less impactful ecological footprint, which is more in line with the trend of environmental protection and emission reduction.

To sum up, the technological innovation of OLED display has brought new breakthroughs and opportunities to the aviation industry, which can greatly improve the safety of pilots, optimize the design and atmosphere of the cockpit, and pursue more environmentally friendly and efficient energy sources. use. Although the process of technological innovation and concern for the environment and people is not easy, through the step-by-step innovation of important technologies and promotion in practice, obvious breakthroughs will be made.