With the development of technology, OLED airborne display has become a technological innovation in the aviation field. OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) technology has many advantages, such as high contrast, high brightness, wide viewing angle, low power consumption, high refresh rate, thin and flexible, etc.

First of all, the OLED airborne display has the characteristics of high contrast, its black is deeper, and its white is brighter, which makes the image display clearer and reduces eye fatigue. At the same time, it also has the characteristics of a wide viewing angle, which can maintain high definition at different angles without being disturbed by the viewing angle.

Secondly, the OLED on-board display has high brightness, which can keep the image clear and bright even in bright lighting environment. During the flight, due to the high altitude and strong sunlight, the high brightness of the OLED airborne display allows the pilot to easily view important information and reduce the possibility of operating errors.

Third, the OLED airborne display has the characteristics of low power consumption, because it only emits light when needed, does not require a backlight, and can work for a longer time than other display technologies. Not bad for battery life and aircraft energy consumption.

Finally, the OLED airborne display has the characteristics of high refresh rate and thin, light and flexible. A high refresh rate can reduce screen flicker, which is very important for humans with sensitive vision. Moreover, many excellent OLED airborne displays can be very thin, making the physical layout of the aircraft more flexible and convenient, and can be easily installed in the cockpit, cabin or any area that requires a display.

Therefore, OLED airborne display screen is a technological innovation in the future aviation field. It is superior to traditional technology in many aspects, which can greatly improve the work efficiency of pilots and the passenger experience of air travel, making aviation safer, more efficient and more comfortable.