With the development of technology, the VR (Virtual Reality) industry is undergoing rapid changes. The advent of OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) VR head-mounted displays has brought more possibilities to the industry. So, how will OLED VR headsets affect the VR industry?


1. Better visual effect

A prominent advantage of OLED displays is higher color saturation and contrast. In the case of insufficient pixels, the traditional liquid crystal display will have problems such as grayish blacks and white bright colors, resulting in poor image effects. The OLED display can achieve self-illumination of pixels, providing more accurate colors, deeper blacks, better brightness and contrast. Of course, this brings more realistic and vivid visual effects to applications such as VR games and virtual tourism, and greatly improves the user experience.


2. More comfortable to wear

VR headsets are now challenged with a problem, that is, the length of wearing time affects the user experience. It is uncomfortable to wear for a long time and brings great discomfort to the user. Such as VR vertigo, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc. OLED head-mounted displays use a large number of flexible screens, which are lighter and more flexible, and are less prone to discomfort caused by pressure from fat pads and the like during wearing. Moreover, the flexible screen is more in line with the overall weight and balance of the head-mounted device, making the wearing effect more comfortable.


3. Higher display performance

OLED displays have a fast refresh rate and response time, so they can achieve higher display performance and faster response speed. The game scene is smoother, without tailing and blurring. In addition, OLED displays can be as small as a single pixel, providing VR applications with more delicate, richer, and more realistic details.


To sum up, the emergence of OLED VR head-mounted displays can greatly improve the many deficiencies of existing VR head-mounted devices, and greatly enhance the user experience and the entertainment of applications such as games or virtual tourism. With the further development of technology, we believe that OLED VR head-mounted displays will become an integral part of the VR industry in the future.