With the development of modern industry and continuous advancement of technology, various types of motors have been widely used. Among them, the stepper motor, as a motor with high precision, low noise and strong controllability, has been widely used in many fields. This article discusses the design of LCD-based stepper motor drive.

Stepper motor drive principle

A stepper motor is a fixed-angle, controllable motor. The driving principle is to continuously send pulse signals to the motor to make the motor step by step in a certain order. In this process, different electrode combinations will lead to different motion states of the rotor, thereby achieving different motion trajectories and speed controls. Therefore, the control of the stepper motor mainly depends on the drive pulse provided by the controller.

Stepper Motor Drive Design

In stepper motor drive design, we need to determine two key parameters, namely the drive voltage required by the motor and the number of steps required. In order to achieve more precise control, we need to select a high-precision drive circuit and a suitable controller. LCD can meet this demand very well.

The design steps are as follows:

1. Choose a suitable controller: We can choose an off-the-shelf controller, or design a control chip by ourselves. When designing a controller, we need to consider the requirements of motor drive current, voltage and other parameters, and set appropriate controller parameters to make it compatible.

2. Design a high-precision drive circuit: We need to design a high-precision drive circuit to achieve more precise motor control. For example, when selecting capacitors and resistors, components that can meet the voltage output accuracy requirements should be selected. In addition, parameters such as input and output currents and protection coils should be determined during the design stage, and appropriate MOSFETs should be selected to achieve precise control and current drive.

3. Detail processing: In practical applications, in order to improve work efficiency, we should also pay attention to detail processing. For example, the integrity should be protected with suitable mains filters and backvoltage protection to reduce possible damage and maintenance efforts.


Through the LCD-based stepper motor drive design, we can balance precision and controllability, providing a more powerful and stable way for motor control in different application scenarios. In practical application, we should follow the design principle and choose the drive circuit combination and protection device reasonably, so as to achieve the best motor control effect and work efficiency.