E-paper reader care and maintenance skills sharing

As a high-tech electronic product, the e-paper reader is quite convenient to use, but if it is not properly maintained or maintained, it will also affect the service life of the device. The following is a sharing of maintenance and maintenance tips for some e-paper readers:

1. Protect the screen: The screen of the e-paper reader is the most frequently used part, so special attention needs to be paid to protection. It is recommended to use a professional screen protector, which can effectively prevent scratches and stains. At the same time, hands need to be washed and kept dry before use to avoid sweat or grease remaining on the screen.

2. Prevent high temperature and low temperature: E-paper readers do not have high-temperature requirements, but it is necessary to avoid excessive exposure to high or low-temperature environments, because this will affect the life of the battery and the display effect of the screen. During use, it is best to keep it at room temperature or a slightly higher temperature.

3. Charging method: The battery of the e-paper reader is a key factor, so it needs to be charged correctly to achieve the best results. It is recommended to use the original charger for charging to avoid overcharging or voltage instability. When charging to 80% each time, it is recommended to disconnect the charging to avoid aging of the battery caused by overcharging.

4. Reduce vibration: E-paper readers generally use hard disk memory. If the device is subjected to vibration or shock for a long time, the hard disk may not work or data may be lost. Therefore, e-paper readers should not be constantly shaken or used while in motion.

5. Cleaning and maintenance: The electronic paper reader will be contaminated with fingerprints, stains, or dust during daily use, so it needs to be cleaned regularly. Use a clean soft fiber cloth to wipe the screen and case. If there are stubborn stains, you can use a special cleaner, but be careful not to spray water or chemical detergent on the screen or the body.

The above is the maintenance and maintenance skills of several e-paper readers. If you can master these skills, you can prolong the life of the device and improve the comfort of use.