OLED billboard is an advanced advertising display device based on organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology. It has very high color rendering performance and imaging effect, and can present very vivid and gorgeous pictures. In practical applications, the size and shape of OLED billboards are very important, which not only directly affects the display effect and utilization efficiency of billboards, but also affects the installation and use of billboards. This article will detail the size and shape options for OLED billboards.


1. Size selection:

The size of the OLED billboard mainly depends on the following aspects:

(1) Billboard usage scenarios: different scenarios require billboards of different sizes. Small size and high definition;

(2) The amount of information displayed: If a large amount of rich content needs to be displayed, a relatively large screen is required to ensure that all information is clearly presented;

(3) Economic factors: the larger the size of the billboard, the higher the cost, so it is necessary to choose the appropriate size according to the actual budget;

(4) Maneuverability: Human eyes and arms have a certain range, so the size of the screen should also be within the operable range.


2. Shape selection:

The shape of OLED billboards is also very important, and the current market is mainly divided into the following types:

(1) Rectangular shape: This is a common billboard shape, which can be used in a variety of scenarios, and is easy to operate, easy to make and install.

(2) Circular shape: Circular billboards can have a greater visual effect on the audience, and can also attract more audience attention. However, due to the difficulty of production and installation, the use is relatively rare.

(3) Curved shape: Curved billboards are usually used in indoor scenes, such as the interior of shopping malls and exhibition centers, which can better match existing designs such as walls and ceilings.

(4) Special shapes: In addition to the above-mentioned common shapes, there are also some odd-shaped billboards, such as triangles, crosses, and portraits of people. Although these billboards cannot meet large-scale applications, they can produce certain advantages and benefits in personalized marketing.


In short, the size and shape of OLED billboards must be selected according to actual needs in order to achieve the best effect and utilization benefits. At the same time, when choosing, factors such as the difficulty, cost and operability of production and installation should also be considered to ensure the practical value of the billboard.