OLED billboards are one of the newest models of high-definition billboards on the market. It can achieve higher resolution and provide better color and contrast, so it can provide more vivid advertising images and higher performance. But at the same time, its performance is also affected by its resolution and brightness. The impact of the two on its performance will be described in detail below.


1. Resolution

Resolution is the number of pixels displayed in the same area of the display. A higher resolution means more pixels, resulting in a fuller and clearer display. Therefore, the resolution of OLED billboards can improve the quality of advertisements by optimizing the display effect. High resolution provides sharper, sharper images and allows fonts and logos to be smaller and clearer. In this way, the ad can more vividly portray the product or service and leave a positive impression on the customer.

The resolution of an OLED billboard has a great influence on its performance. High resolution can show more details and make images and text look more vivid and clear. For example, high-resolution OLED billboards can effectively represent brand logos, making them appear more authentic and leaving a deeper impression on consumers. In addition, high-resolution OLED billboards can also allow consumers to understand the details and characteristics of products more clearly, so that they can better distinguish similar products.


2. Brightness

Brightness is another factor that has a greater impact on the performance of OLED billboards. Brightness is a measure of the intensity of light reflected or emitted by a screen. High brightness provides higher quality color and contrast, and reduces eye strain. Low brightness, on the other hand, can cause distorted or blurred colors.

In the production of OLED billboards, a higher brightness level was chosen to increase the visibility of details and make the colors and contrast of the advertisements clearer. In an outdoor display or in a strong light environment, increasing the brightness of the OLED billboard can make the image more stable and not affected by external light. By increasing the brightness, consumers can see detailed information about a brand or product, making them more likely to purchase the product or service being promoted.

At the same time, high brightness levels can also make OLED billboards more attractive. Common outdoor billboards, for example at stations or airports, will attract a large number of consumers, in which case a higher brightness level will ensure that the advertisement is always seen and left a strong impression.



To sum up, the resolution and brightness of OLED billboards have an important impact on its performance. The high resolution and brightness make the ad easily legible and readable, and grabs the attention of the target audience. Therefore, high-quality, high-resolution and high-brightness screens should be selected when making OLED billboards to obtain the most efficient advertising effect.