OLED billboards and LED billboards are two different display technologies, the main difference lies in the difference in light source and display principle. OLED billboards use organic light-emitting diode technology, while LED billboards use light-emitting diode technology. The following are the specific differences between OLED billboards and LED billboards:


1. Light source

The light source of the OLED billboard is emitted by the organic molecules inside it. Among them, the red, green and blue colors need to be emitted by an LED unit respectively, and the distance between the units should not be greater than 10 cm. LED billboards use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as light sources, and the huge changes in their size and quantity have affected the performance and scope of use of LED billboards.


2. Energy consumption

OLED billboards are more energy efficient because OLED billboards can emit light by themselves, while LED billboards require additional electricity to drive LEDs to emit light. Under the same brightness, the power consumption of OLED billboards is only about half of that of LED billboards.


3. Display effect

OLED billboards have high advantages in color and contrast. Since the pixels of the OLED billboard are all self-illuminating and have nothing to do with the ambient light, it has good black depth, high brightness and vivid colors. And because the light source of the LED billboard is emitted by the LED unit, the color difference or fluorescence phenomenon between the visual units caused by it cannot be completely avoided. Compared with the OLED billboard, its color depth and color rendering range are reduced.


4. Installation and maintenance

Since the luminescent elements used in LED billboards can be replaced at any time, their maintenance and repair are relatively easy. The technology of OLED billboards is relatively mature, and manufacturers can provide additional maintenance guarantees and services during installation, thereby effectively reducing the difficulty of installation and maintenance.


5. Technology costs

The manufacturing and production technology of OLED billboards is relatively new, so its cost is relatively high. The technology of LED billboards is relatively mature, and its production cost is relatively low, making LED billboards more competitive in the market.


To sum up, OLED billboards and LED billboards have their own advantages and disadvantages, and you should choose according to your own needs and budget. If you need to show a wider range of brightness and color accuracy, you can choose OLED billboards; while LED billboards are suitable for wider and more economical application scenarios.