Medical equipment Liquid crystal display is a kind of equipment widely used in the medical field, and it is widely used in various types of medical equipment. Liquid crystal displays are primarily used to present various types of information such as treatment plans, patient sampling results, patient records, drug response indicators, and other various types of data and information. Liquid crystal displays have become one of the standard components in medical equipment design. When selecting and configuring displays, medical equipment manufacturers need to take into account the type and specifications of the displays to ensure that they meet the design and performance requirements of the system.


  • common model

1. TFT LCD: This type of display uses thin-film transistor technology, and its main features are high resolution and high color vividness, so it is widely used in various fields of medical equipment.

2. LED: LED LCD is the next generation display technology with higher energy efficiency and clearer picture quality. Therefore, more and more LED liquid crystal displays are used in high-end industries such as ultrasonic equipment and X-ray machines.

3. OLED: OLED liquid crystal display is a display that uses new organic light-emitting materials and design technology. Each pixel is composed of a light-emitting material, and the display effect is more realistic and clear. The system embedded in OLED displays has higher demand of medical equipment is of great significance.


  • Specification

1. Resolution: Resolution refers to the number of pixels a monitor is capable of displaying. Common resolutions are 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1920x1080, etc.

2. Angle of view: Angle of view refers to the stability of the image and color seen by the human eye when viewing from the left, right, front and back, and up and down directions of the screen, mainly including horizontal and vertical viewing angles. A common viewing angle is 178 degrees.

3. Brightness: Brightness refers to the brightness level of the display. Usually, high brightness is like an X-ray output device, so doctors can make a diagnosis more clearly. In conventional industries, it is generally around 300cd/m².

4. Contrast: Contrast refers to the ratio between the brightest and darkest colors on the same screen. Conventional equipment is generally around 700:1.

5. Color depth: Color depth refers to the number of colors that a monitor can display, usually expressed as the number of colors per pixel. Common color depths are 8-bit and 10-bit.


In short, the model and specification of medical equipment LCD are an important part of the design of various medical equipment. For different types of equipment and application scenarios, choosing the appropriate LCD is a necessary prerequisite to ensure system performance and display high-definition data to doctors.