Medical equipment liquid crystal display refers to the liquid crystal display used on medical equipment to display various medical data and images. Liquid crystal display is a kind of electronic display device, and its advantages lie in high definition, small size, low power consumption, fast response and so on. The liquid crystal display of medical equipment is based on the general liquid crystal display, adding some special features and functions for medical equipment.


  • Features:

1. High-definition: The resolution of liquid crystal displays of medical equipment is generally high, which is one of the decisive factors to ensure the clarity of medical images and images. Compared with general TV and computer screens, the minimum resolution of medical LCD monitors can reach 4096x2160. In the fields of surgery, pathological analysis, digital X-ray, medical inspection and other fields, high-precision images can assist medical workers in accurate diagnosis and treatment.

2. Anti-pollution: Due to the special environment of the hospital, it is often disturbed by the outside world, so the liquid crystal display of medical equipment needs to have a certain anti-pollution ability and good protective measures. Some high-end medical LCD monitors use mirror screens, and after processing, the screen surface is smoother, which is easy to clean and hygienic, and has various functions such as antibacterial, waterproof, and oil-proof to ensure that the screen is clearly visible.

3. Safety: Due to the particularity of the field of medical equipment, liquid crystal displays must have the necessary safety guarantees. The common safety measures are that the equipment has functions such as multiple working scene presets and intelligent ink fan to prevent overheating that may be caused under high load and ensure the safety of medical staff and patients.


  • Function:

1. High saturation and contrast: In more and more extensive medical applications, high saturation and contrast are very important, because it can present images and images more clearly. It can help medical staff pinpoint the location of the problem, and then take more effective treatment measures.

2. Wide viewing angle: Since medical workers need to observe multiple screens at the same time during consultation, surgery, etc., medical LCD displays need to provide a wide viewing angle function to ensure that multiple observers have better vision at a longer distance Effect.

3. Display various image formats: LCD monitors can present various medical images in an all-round way, such as X-ray, CT scan, MRI, PET, DSA, etc. At the same time, some high-end LCD monitors also allow medical images in multiple scanning modes to be displayed at the same time. This makes it easier to compare and analyze.

4. Support image conversion and labeling: Medical LCD supports the conversion and labeling of scanned medical images. Medical personnel can use this function to mark and measure key points, lengths, angles and other information used as diagnosis basis, and ensure the accuracy and stability of the measurement results.


In short, through technological innovation and continuous development, medical equipment liquid crystal displays are more and more widely used in the medical field. The high-definition, anti-pollution, safety and powerful functions of these LCD monitors can help medical staff to diagnose and treat more accurately, and bring better treatment effects to patients.