Liquid crystal display is a common modern flat-panel display, and its display effect and color reproduction are often one of the factors that people care about most when buying a computer or monitor. Before answering this question, you need to know some basic knowledge about LCD monitors.


  • Principle of liquid crystal display

Liquid crystal display (LCD) controls the direction of liquid crystal molecules by passing current to the liquid crystal layer, thereby changing the way of light transmission to display images. The liquid crystal molecules can be up or down, and the molecules in the two directions will change the polarity of light, thus displaying different colors. LCD displays require a light source, usually white LEDs or CCFLs, to create the backlight. The displayed image can be imaged through a transparent electrode array (TEA) to generate a high-resolution image.


  • display effect

The display effect of LCD monitor mainly depends on three factors:

1. Resolution: The resolution of an LCD monitor is the maximum number of pixels it can display. The higher the resolution, the clearer the displayed image. However, as the resolution increases, so does the price of the monitor.

2. Brightness: The brightness of an LCD depends on the backlight, the way it reflects and absorbs light. Higher brightness can make the display clearly visible in bright environments, but it can also cause eyestrain.

3. Contrast: The contrast of a liquid crystal display refers to the display range of the display, from the darkest to the brightest. Therefore, the higher the contrast, the sharper the details and shadows of the image will be.


  • Color reproduction

The degree of color reproduction refers to the accuracy of the color displayed by the liquid crystal display. The presentation of color requires the addition of the three primary colors of red, green, and blue. If the color is too light/dark, or the color appears differently under different brightness, it will affect the color reproduction. The color reproduction of LCD monitors is mainly affected by three factors:

1. The quality of the LCD screen itself: LCD monitors with poor quality are prone to distortion.

2. The quality of the video card: Poor video card quality will make the color of the monitor deviate

3. The color management system of the display: The color management system of the LCD monitor can help the system to display the image color correctly. If the system does not manage the color correctly, the picture is prone to color distortion.


To sum up, the display effect and color reproduction of LCD monitors are affected by many factors. For the selection of LCD monitors, users should consider factors such as resolution, brightness, contrast, and color reproduction to choose the monitor that best suits their needs. In addition, in order to better present colors, users can reasonably use color correction software and color-changing filters to achieve better display effects.