PMOLED (Passive Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode) is an organic light emitting diode display technology. Compared with other display technologies, PMOLED has the following advantages and disadvantages:



1. High energy efficiency: PMOLED only consumes current when the pixel needs to be lit, so it has high energy utilization rate and low energy consumption.

2. Fast response speed: PMOLED has an extremely fast response speed, and the refresh rate is much faster than other display technologies, and there will be no problems such as afterimages.

3. Bright colors and high contrast: Since each pixel of PMOLED has an independent illuminant, it can provide very bright colors and high contrast.

4. Able to work in low temperature environment: PMOLED can work normally in low temperature environment, which makes it very useful in automotive equipment and other equipment used in cold regions.

5. Thin and light: Since its luminous body is the same as the electrolyte layer, the physical thickness of PMOLED is smaller than other display technologies, making it relatively thin and light overall, and easier to process and integrate.



1. Limited size and resolution: Since it is based on passive matrix drivers, it faces some limitations in size and resolution, which means it is not suitable for large size or high resolution applications.

2. Poor display stability: PMOLED has a large pixel pitch, so fine-tuning has a greater impact on its display effect, making its display stability poor.

3. Short display life: The organic light-emitting material of PMOLED is easily oxidized and hydrolyzed, so its service life is shorter than other display technologies, and problems such as weak light and color changes will occur after long-term use.

4. High display cost: Compared with other display technologies, the high cost of PMOLED makes it impractical for some applications.


In summary, PMOLED has the advantages of bright colors and high contrast, high energy efficiency, fast response speed, ability to work in low temperature environments, thin and light, but its limited size and resolution, poor display stability, and display life Disadvantages such As shorter length and higher display cost also need to be noticed.