The full name of PMOLED is Passive Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode, which is a technology widely used in terminal displays. Compared with other display technologies, PMOLED can provide ultra-high contrast and high-brightness display effects, excellent black performance, and has the advantages of low power consumption and wide viewing angle. So, how does PMOLED achieve high brightness and high contrast display effect?

1. Charge injection layer and charge transport layer

PMOLED uses a charge injection layer (electrode) and a charge transport layer (transport layer), which is the key to achieving high and uniform brightness. When an applied voltage reaches the OLED, the electrons in the injection layer will be transported to the emitter layer through the transport layer. Since different transport layers have different energy band structures, the injection and transport of electrons and holes can be more precise and uniform.

2. High-efficiency OLED materials

In terms of light-emitting materials, PMOLED uses a high-efficiency OLED material similar to graphene. This material can more efficiently convert electron energy into light energy, and adding appropriate dopants to the light-emitting material of each unit can further improve its efficiency.

3. Cathode and anode materials

PMOLEDs also use more reflective cathode and anode materials to increase the efficacy and energy of the flare. The conductive and reflective properties of the material allow electrons to be evenly distributed through the flare, maintaining a consistently high brightness even at the very edges.

4. Black and white brightness control

In addition to high brightness, PMOLED also has the function of lens brightness control, which can make blacks deeper and whites brighter, which is achieved by adjusting its optical brightness control. Based on this control, grayscale values can be mapped between the blackest and whitest edges, resulting in better contrast and sharper images.

In summary, PMOLED can achieve higher brightness and contrast by adopting optimized charge injection and transport layers, using high-efficiency OLED materials, more reflective cathode and anode materials, black and white brightness control, etc., This makes it a state-of-the-art display technology widely used in terminal equipment.