Sub-pixel arrangement and dead pixels are two concepts closely related to display technology. Sub-pixel means that inside each pixel of the display, there are three small dots, which are sub-pixels of RGB three colors, corresponding to red, green and blue respectively. The sub-pixel arrangement refers to the arrangement of the three sub-pixels, and common ones include horizontal arrangement, vertical arrangement, and rhombus arrangement.


The pixel dead point refers to the irreparable damage of the pixels in the display, and there may be bright spots, dark spots or dead spots. These damages may be the result of defects in the manufacturing process or misuse.


Both sub-pixel arrangement and dead pixel will affect the display quality. For example, in the case of non-uniform sub-pixel arrangement, readjusting the color balance may result in color distortion and uneven brightness distribution. Dead pixels will also reduce the resolution of the display screen and slow down the response speed, and even destroy the visual effect of the entire screen. For some work scenes with strict resolution requirements in the industry, if there are pixel defects, it will affect the user's use efficiency and work quality, and even adversely affect the work.


In order to solve these problems and improve display quality, manufacturers generally adopt finer sub-pixel arrangement technology and introduce programmable algorithms for dead pixel correction. These technologies can effectively improve the visual quality and production efficiency of products. In addition, users also need to pay attention to protecting the screen from impact, moisture, and sunlight when using the display to ensure the quality and performance of the display.