PMOLED is one of the most widely used OLED technologies in the current market. Its advantages lie in its low cost, and it can produce high-contrast displays, which are suitable for small screen display devices. However, as the market environment and technology continue to change, PMOLED may face the following challenges and difficulties in the future development and application:

1. Cost issue: Although the cost of PMOLED is relatively low, it is still not comparable to LCD. In terms of production costs, PMOLED still faces high hardware and production costs. Therefore, if you want to expand market share and increase profits, you must continue to reduce costs.

2. Power consumption: One of the disadvantages of PMOLED is that it consumes a lot of power. Its energy efficiency is low compared to other OLED technologies and LCDs. If not improved, this will limit its application in certain wearable and small mobile devices, as battery life will be significantly affected.

3. Display size limitation: The manufacturing process and structure of PMOLED are different from other OLED technologies, making its application to larger-sized displays limited. Currently, the maximum size of PMOLED is 7.2 inches. If it is necessary to produce larger displays, the technical level and production process need to be improved.

4. Long-term use stability: Although PMOLED has good stability, some pixel damage, color shift and average brightness decrease will occur during long-term use. To improve the reliability and stability of PMOLED displays, it is necessary to continue to study and improve their coordination of optoelectronics and material science.

5. Market-oriented competition: With the continuous emergence of various new technologies, such as AMOLED, QLED and Micro LED, etc., they all have the potential to gradually develop and penetrate into the market. In the future competition, PMOLED needs to continuously improve products and technologies. Innovations and upgrades to meet ever-changing market demands.


In short, with the continuous progress and development of OLED technology, PMOLED will face difficulties and challenges in the future development and application, but it will also play its advantages significantly under the dual drive of technology upgrading and market innovation, and become an increasingly widely used Important display technology.