PMOLED (Passive Matrix OLED) is a display technology based on organic light-emitting diode technology. It has the advantages of low power consumption, high contrast, high brightness, etc., and can display with a wide viewing angle, which is very suitable for small mobile devices. However, PMOLED also has some problems, such as service life and positioning accuracy, which need to be solved.

1. Service life

Compared with other types of OLEDs (such as AMOLED), the service life of PMOLED is relatively low. At present, the service life of PMOLED is mainly limited by two aspects: one is the decline of organic materials themselves, and the other is oxidation and damage of metal conductive materials.

The decline of organic materials is the main limiting factor for the service life of PMOLEDs, because organic materials are prone to decomposition and volatilization in high temperature and high humidity environments, which will lead to problems such as decrease in brightness and color distortion of the display. This is also one of the main problems encountered by PMOLED at present. In order to solve this problem, PMOLED manufacturers are developing more durable organic materials, by adding stabilizers and other measures to improve the stability of organic materials and prolong their service life.

In addition, metal conductive materials are prone to oxidation, damage and other phenomena, thereby affecting the service life of the PMOLED. In order to solve this problem, manufacturers are developing more durable metallic conductive materials, improving their stability and prolonging their service life by changing the material components and other measures.

2. Positioning accuracy

The positioning accuracy of PMOLED is relatively low, which is caused by the passive matrix driving method it uses. Passive-matrix driving was previously used primarily on LCD displays rather than OLEDs because it did not provide sufficient precision.

In order to improve the positioning accuracy of PMOLED, PMOLED manufacturers are adopting some new technologies and methods, such as transparent conductive film technology and planarization technology. Transparent conductive film technology can improve the sensitivity and stability of PMOLED, thereby improving its positioning accuracy. Planarization technology can reduce problems such as spot shift caused by the influence of the internal structure of PMOLED, thereby improving its positioning accuracy.

In short, PMOLED has problems such as service life and positioning accuracy, and these problems are being continuously improved and resolved. With the continuous development of technology, it is believed that PMOLED will become a higher quality and higher performance display technology in the future.