PMOLED and AMOLED are two different OLED technologies. The full name of PMOLED is Passive Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode, that is, passive matrix organic light emitting diode technology, and the full name of AMOLED is Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode, that is, active matrix organic light emitting diode technology. The difference between them is mainly reflected in the following aspects.

1. Pixel structure

PMOLED is a passive matrix structure, the pixel arrangement is like a ticked hook, each pixel is independent of each other, and the mask is relatively simple. AMOLED is an active matrix structure, each pixel has an independent thin film transistor (TFT) to control its brightness and color, and the extremely large number of transistors involved in the display array is realized through excellent discrete module technology.

2. Gray scale

Gray level is an important index to describe the quality of liquid crystal display and PMOLED display, which reflects the number of colors that a pixel can display. In PMOLED, each pixel has only one color, which cannot produce subtle color differences, so its maximum gray level is only 16 levels. In AMOLED, each pixel has three sub-pixels: red, green and blue, and the brightness of each color can be controlled independently, so it supports higher gray levels and can present more delicate color changes.

3. Energy consumption

PMOLEDs are generally more power-hungry than AMOLEDs, mainly because they are driven passively and require high voltages to produce sufficient brightness. AMOLED uses an active drive method, and the transistor can adjust the brightness more carefully, so it can use energy more efficiently and consume less energy.

4. Manufacturability

Compared with PMOLED, AMOLED is more expensive to manufacture, but it has better manufacturing tolerance and stability, which can achieve higher resolution and larger screen size. In addition, AMOLED also supports more diverse curved surface designs, which can realize very delicate curved screens.

In general, PMOLED and AMOLED have their own advantages and disadvantages, and can be selected according to different application scenarios. PMOLED is usually suitable for small-size and low-resolution display requirements, such as smart bracelets and low-end watches; while AMOLED is more suitable for large-size high-resolution high-end mobile phones, tablet computers, and TVs.