E-paper, also known as electronic paper, is a new display technology that displays images and text in a way similar to writing or printing. Compared with traditional display screens, E-paper has the advantages of no flicker, comfortable reading, and low energy consumption. The physical principle of E-paper is that electrical signals change the accumulation of charges, resulting in color changes instead of emitting light, so E-paper does not need to consume a lot of energy to emit light like traditional displays. Generally speaking, E-paper consumes much less power than traditional LCD and LED displays and can provide longer battery life.

E-paper's low energy consumption is conducive to its sustainable use, which means that the frequency of charging and replacing batteries will be reduced. This is very important for regions that rely on sustainable energy because it saves more energy and resources, but it is not the only factor. The specific energy consumption of E-paper should also be considered according to its usage. For example, when E-paper needs to change colors rapidly to play animation or video, its energy requirements may increase. In addition, the brightness and resolution of E-paper will also affect its power consumption. When E-paper requires higher brightness and higher resolution, its power consumption will increase accordingly.

In the manufacturing process of E-paper, the materials used also play a role in its sustainable use. For example, some E-papers use toxic or hard-to-degrade chemicals, which are not friendly to the environment. Therefore, manufacturers must use more environmentally friendly materials to produce E-paper to improve sustainability.

In short, the low energy consumption and sustainable use of E-paper are its advantages as a new display technology. However, like other display technologies, it has some limitations and problems, such as slower response speed and higher price. Therefore, when choosing whether to use E-paper, it is necessary to comprehensively consider its advantages and disadvantages to determine whether it is suitable for a specific application scenario.