E-paper, or electronic paper, is also called an electronic reader in the electronics industry, and is a new display technology. It mainly uses the control principle of electromagnetic wave, charge and electric field to form granular micro-beads between two layers of charge-transmitting films, and controls the position and color of the micro-beads by adjusting the polarity and size of the electric field to complete the image display.


The biggest difference between E-paper and traditional LCD screens is that it does not require a backlight, but uses natural light reflection to display images. This feature makes E-paper extremely low energy consumption, and saves power when reading and displaying static images, so e-paper has become the standard display screen for a large number of e-book readers and smart wearable devices such as smart watches.

In addition to the advantages of low power consumption, E-paper has many other features, including high contrast, ultra-wide viewing angle, anti-glare, transparency, etc. These characteristics make E-paper not only suitable for electronic products such as e-book readers, smart watches, and wearable devices, but also widely used in various scenarios such as industrial control, electronic signage, car dashboards, and access control systems.

However, E-paper is not perfect. Compared with LCD screens, it still has some disadvantages, such as low refresh rate, slow response speed, and limited display colors. But with the continuous updating of technology, these problems are gradually being solved.

In short, the main features of E-paper that are different from traditional LCD screens are natural backlight, low energy consumption, high contrast, ultra-wide viewing angle, and anti-glare. E-paper has broad application prospects in many fields such as e-book readers, smart wearable devices, industrial control, and electronic signage.