difference between tft lcd and crt pricelist

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difference between tft lcd and crt pricelist

The TFT-LCD (Flat Panel) Antitrust Litigationclass-action lawsuit regarding the worldwide conspiracy to coordinate the prices of Thin-Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) panels, which are used to make laptop computers, computer monitors and televisions, between 1999 and 2006. In March 2010, Judge Susan Illston certified two nationwide classes of persons and entities that directly and indirectly purchased TFT-LCDs – for panel purchasers and purchasers of TFT-LCD integrated products; the litigation was followed by multiple suits.

TFT-LCDs are used in flat-panel televisions, laptop and computer monitors, mobile phones, personal digital assistants, semiconductors and other devices;

In mid-2006, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Antitrust Division requested FBI assistance in investigating LCD price-fixing. In December 2006, authorities in Japan, Korea, the European Union and the United States revealed a probe into alleged anti-competitive activity among LCD panel manufacturers.

The companies involved, which later became the Defendants, were Taiwanese companies AU Optronics (AUO), Chi Mei, Chunghwa Picture Tubes (Chunghwa), and HannStar; Korean companies LG Display and Samsung; and Japanese companies Hitachi, Sharp and Toshiba.cartel which took place between January 1, 1999, through December 31, 2006, and which was designed to illegally reduce competition and thus inflate prices for LCD panels. The companies exchanged information on future production planning, capacity use, pricing and other commercial conditions.European Commission concluded that the companies were aware they were violating competition rules, and took steps to conceal the venue and results of the meetings; a document by the conspirators requested everybody involved "to take care of security/confidentiality matters and to limit written communication".

This price-fixing scheme manipulated the playing field for businesses that abide by the rules, and left consumers to pay artificially higher costs for televisions, computers and other electronics.

Companies directly affected by the LCD price-fixing conspiracy, as direct victims of the cartel, were some of the largest computer, television and cellular telephone manufacturers in the world. These direct action plaintiffs included AT&T Mobility, Best Buy,Costco Wholesale Corporation, Good Guys, Kmart Corp, Motorola Mobility, Newegg, Sears, and Target Corp.Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. § 26) to prevent Defendants from violating Section 1 of the Sherman Act (15 U.S.C. § 1), as well as (b) 23 separate state-wide classes based on each state"s antitrust/consumer protection class action law.

In November 2008, LG, Chunghwa, Hitachi, Epson, and Chi Mei pleaded guilty to criminal charges of fixing prices of TFT-LCD panels sold in the U.S. and agreed to pay criminal fines (see chart).

The South Korea Fair Trade Commission launched legal proceedings as well. It concluded that the companies involved met more than once a month and more than 200 times from September 2001 to December 2006, and imposed fines on the LCD manufacturers.

Sharp Corp. pleaded guilty to three separate conspiracies to fix the prices of TFT-LCD panels sold to Dell Inc., Apple Computer Inc. and Motorola Inc., and was sentenced to pay a $120 million criminal fine,

Chunghwa pleaded guilty and was sentenced to pay a $65 million criminal fine for participating with LG and other unnamed co-conspirators during the five-year cartel period.

In South Korea, regulators imposed the largest fine the country had ever imposed in an international cartel case, and fined Samsung Electronics and LG Display ₩92.29 billion and ₩65.52 billion, respectively. AU Optronics was fined ₩28.53 billion, Chimmei Innolux ₩1.55 billion, Chungwa ₩290 million and HannStar ₩870 million.

Seven executives from Japanese and South Korean LCD companies were indicted in the U.S. Four were charged with participating as co-conspirators in the conspiracy and sentenced to prison terms – including LG"s Vice President of Monitor Sales, Chunghwa"s chairman, its chief executive officer, and its Vice President of LCD Sales – for "participating in meetings, conversations and communications in Taiwan, South Korea and the United States to discuss the prices of TFT-LCD panels; agreeing during these meetings, conversations and communications to charge prices of TFT-LCD panels at certain predetermined levels; issuing price quotations in accordance with the agreements reached; exchanging information on sales of TFT-LCD panels for the purpose of monitoring and enforcing adherence to the agreed-upon prices; and authorizing, ordering and consenting to the participation of subordinate employees in the conspiracy."

On December 8, 2010, the European Commission announced it had fined six of the LCD companies involved in a total of €648 million (Samsung Electronics received full immunity under the commission"s 2002 Leniency Notice) – LG Display, AU Optronics, Chimei, Chunghwa Picture and HannStar Display Corporation.

On July 3, 2012, a U.S. federal jury ruled that the remaining defendant, Toshiba Corporation, which denied any wrongdoing, participated in the conspiracy to fix prices of TFT-LCDs and returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff class. Following the trial, Toshiba agreed to resolve the case by paying the class $30 million.

On March 29, 2013, Judge Susan Illston issued final approval of the settlements agreements totaling $1.1 billion for the indirect purchaser’ class. The settling companies also agreed to establish antitrust compliance programs and to help prosecute other defendants, and cooperate with the Justice Department"s continuing investigation.

difference between tft lcd and crt pricelist

The Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) has been the standard for PCs from the start - from the ancient, tiny green screens to today�s high powered 20" + SVGA behemoths. However, while the image quality of CRT"s has continued to improve, there are other areas that are still a concern: mainly power consumption, physical size and radiation emissions. Thanks to standards like TCO"95, the issues of power consumption and emissions are being addressed. These standards are evolving as quickly as the technology. The issue of size, though, has not been as easy to overcome. In fact, as monitor prices continue to fall, users are purchasing larger and larger monitors. The downside of this new purchasing power is that these big monitors consume an immense amount of the space on your desk.

There is a solution that addresses all three of the concerns listed above: Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display (TFT LCD). These types of computer monitors are compact and yet meet the strictest of standards imposed on today"s VDU�s (Visual Display Units). The only problem is, with these new technologies comes a whole new set of issues and somewhat confusing specifications. This article will attempt to explain the meaning of various technical specifications, their importance when identifying a good display model and how these things affect the gaming experience.

The Austrian botanist Fredreich Rheinizer discovered liquid crystal back in 1888. "Liquid crystal" is neither a liquid nor a solid crystal; instead it remains in a state much like oil. In the mid-1960s, scientists demonstrated that liquid crystals could change the properties of light passing through it when you apply an electric field. Prototype displays were made soon after, but were too unstable for any kind of mass production. However, a British researcher proposed using a stable, liquid crystal type material (biphenyl). LCDs then went on to be featured in things like calculator screens and other gadgets displays.

Instead of making an image by firing a scanning beam of electrons at tiny phosphor dots on the inside of the screen (like CRTs), LCDs use a strong backlight as their light source, and then control how much of this light is allowed to reach the dots (pixels) by selectively blocking the path of that light. If you then place coloured glass over each pixel you can create colour images on the display.

Thin Film Transistors (TFT LCD) are an extension of the older Liquid Crystal Display technology. TFT LCD has a sandwich-like structure with liquid crystal filled between two glass plates. TFT Glass has as many TFTs as the number of pixels displayed, but these transistors are lighter than in previous LCD models. Liquid crystals then move according to the difference in voltage between the Colour Filter Glass and the TFT Glass.

Liquid crystals remain transparent unless a voltage is placed across them. While the voltage is applied, the portion of the display under its influence remains opaque. The speed at which the liquid crystal can be switched on and off is relatively slow (this will be discussed later). But in 1992, Thorn EMI announced a new type of LCD called FLCD (ferroelectric LCDs). This technology switches more quickly and also has the ability for each pixel to remain in whatever state it�s in without the need for the switching voltage to be constantly applied. This greatly increases battery life for portable equipment such as laptops and PDA�s. While FLCDs hold much promise, not much of that technology has been seen on the open market as of yet. The sensitivity of the FLCD screens to shock and vibration, which dislodges the crystals, is believed to have been solved and the contrast ratio is also improving as the elimitation of defects increase.

The future for ferroelectric LCDs is still uncertain, but if a higher contrast and wider viewing angle is achieved, they will compete with current LCDs. What is the response time for the FLCD? The FLCD has the advantage that the on and off switching times are the same, unlike other displays and the response time is a staggering 70�sec!!! at normal projector working temperatures. But I digress :)

For most users, TFT LCD monitors more than meet the requirements of everyday computing; coping adequately with the Windows environment, photos, video, documents, etc. For gamers, however, it"s not quite that straightforward. While CRTs have issues with size, emissions and power consumption, TFT LCD�s have a different set of issues - issues that directly affect aspects of PC gaming. These concerns include native resolution, non-native resolution, response time, dot pitch and a few more.

The Cathode Ray Tube of regular CRT monitors extends from the glass you see in the front of the screen, into a cone shape to the back of the unit and makes up the bulk of the monitor (in size as well as weight). At the very back of the tube is an electron gun. This gun fires a stream of electrons towards the screen. Magnets steer the electrons from the guns. These magnets are what you adjust with your control panel buttons on the monitor, allowing you to fill the viewable area of the screen. On the other side of the glass is a masking layer of three colored phosphers, the stream of electrons hits this layer and shines either red, green or blue. These primary colours combine to make your image.

TFT LCD monitors work on a completely different principle allowing manufacturers to significantly reduce the screen in both size and weight, while keeping the same viewable area. These screens have a fixed amount of pixels built into the display and are therefore designed to operate at a specific resolution; this is termed the native resolution of the display. Native Resolution is not usually a problem with everyday tasks...but can cripple the gaming experience. Why? If the video card does not have enough horsepower to run a game at the native resolution, the game will turn into a dull slideshow. One solution to get the game to run at an acceptable frame rate (at the native resolution) is to reduce various graphical details options. Considering today�s photorealistic games, however, the resultant image quality is rarely satisfying to the people that want to play these games. So one thing to consider when choosing a TFT LCD is whether your system can handle the images at its native resolution.

If the computer does not have enough horsepower to run at the native resolution, another option available is to change the resolution of the display to something less than the native resolution. This may seem to be a simple answer but this usually uncovers another weakness of TFT LCD�s...most do not display acceptable images at anything other than their native resolution. Two things can happen when a screen is not in its native resolution; either the screen size may be reduced and black bars are added or the image is stretched to fill the screen. If you have a screen with a native resolution of 1024x768 and you play a game at 800x600 then there may be nice black bars round the edge of your screen of 306432 pixels that are simply not being used. Much like watching a letterbox format movie (really really widescreen) on a standard size TV. Alternatively, the screen may use pixel doubling or �zooming�. This is where the non-native screen resolution is mapped onto the native resolution. You will not have any black bars round the edge of the screen, but each pixel being output by the video card may be mapped onto several pixels on the actual screen. This gives rise to fuzzy edges on objects, even when the picture is completely static. This situation should be avoided as much as possible. Make sure you look for an TFT LCD monitor that is the right size for your uses and for your computer.

Since their debut, a major black mark against TFT LCD�s in the gaming world is their relatively slow response times, hinted at earlier. The screens simply do not refresh at the same rate as the CRT cousins and this leads to ghosting and jagged pixel effects on you display. Ghosting is when the previous image displayed on the screen can still be seen for moments after the image has changed. For instance, in any first person shooter style game, if you look around quickly, a hazy after image of walls etc will trail the actual image on the screen. The image below shows that effect.

CRT�s have a refresh rate measured in Hz. The higher this number, the faster the screen refreshes the display. A CRT monitor redraws the whole display every pass, picking up even the smallest changes at a much faster rate than the human eye. Having a refresh rate that is too low, the CRT monitor will appear to flicker. In the States, the sine wave used by electric utilities is 60Hz. That"s why CRT monitors will flicker when run at 60Hz. (for more on the effects of Refresh Rate and VSYNC, click here and here) TFT LCD�s are slightly different and are not hindered by the flicker that plagues CRT monitors. Consequently, TFT LCD�s typically operate at 60Hz and when the image on the screen changes, only the affected pixels on the display are altered. The rest remain unchanged. But changing pixels takes time to alter from one state to another, this is commonly called rising and falling. The time the pixels take to rise or fall is then referred to as the response time. The smaller the response time, the faster the pixels can change and this will result in less of the ghosting effect. This is, in my opinion, the greatest issue with TFT LCD�s and gaming. This response time is given in milliseconds on the specifications for the display. However, gray-to-gray response time is much more important for determining if an LCD is the best for gaming, rather than rising and falling response time. Unfortunately, grey-to-grey response time is rarely given on sales specifications.

One continuous criticism of CRT monitors was the screen size. Invariably CRT monitors would be sold according to their tube size. So the �18� monitor� refers to the size of the cathode ray tube in the monitor. The viewable area of the screen may be significantly different from 19�. The viewable area may range from 15� to 17.1� depending on the manufacturer of the CRT in question. When referring to LCD�s and TFT 19� is 19�. The viewable area of an 17� CRT is equivalent to a 15� LCD or TFT screen. So if you are perfectly happy with the size of your screen and just wish for it to take up less space. You should go for the next size down (i.e. if you have a 19" CRT desk hog, look at buying the next size down, a 17" or 15" LCD/TFT)

difference between tft lcd and crt pricelist

Thanks for the display technology development, we have a lot of display choices for our smartphones, media players, TVs, laptops, tablets, digital cameras, and other such gadgets. The most display technologies we hear are LCD, TFT, OLED, LED, QLED, QNED, MicroLED, Mini LED etc. The following, we will focus on two of the most popular display technologies in the market: TFT Displays and Super AMOLED Displays.

TFT means Thin-Film Transistor. TFT is the variant of Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs). There are several types of TFT displays: TN (Twisted Nematic) based TFT display, IPS (In-Plane Switching) displays. As the former can’t compete with Super AMOLED in display quality, we will mainly focus on using IPS TFT displays.

OLED means Organic Light-Emitting Diode. There are also several types of OLED, PMOLED (Passive Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode) and AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode). It is the same reason that PMOLED can’t compete with IPS TFT displays. We pick the best in OLED displays: Super AMOLED to compete with the LCD best: IPS TFT Display.

If you have any questions about Orient Display displays and touch panels. Please feel free to contact: Sales Inquiries, Customer Service or Technical Support.

difference between tft lcd and crt pricelist

TFT monitors don"t have refresh rates "as such", a CRT with it"s rate set low would certainly give you a headache because it illuminates and draws line by line at say 65Hz.

difference between tft lcd and crt pricelist

TFT stands for Thin-Film Transistor. TFT technology is a new standard these days for manufacturing displays, monitors, laptop screens, and other devices. TFT LCD displays can show crisp text, vivid colors, fast animations, and complex graphics.

TFT LCD monitors, also called flat panel displays, are replacing the old style cathode ray tubes (CRTs) as the displays of choice. Almost all LCD monitors today take advantage of the TFT technology.

Each pixel on a TFT display is backed by a tiny transistor. Transistors are so small these days, they need only a very minimal charge to control what they do. TFT displays are much more energy efficient than regular CRT screens that need a powerful light source.

TFT displays also allow for very fast re-drawing of the display, so the image has very little chance to flicker. This was not always the case with flat-panel monitors. Original passive matrix LCD displays were not able to refresh at very high rates and therefore could not keep up with fast moving images. A TFT monitor refresh rate is very high resulting in a display that can be used for video, gaming, and all forms of multimedia.

A TFT monitor delivers crisp text, vibrant colors, and an improved response time for multimedia applications. Today"s standard for response rate in TFT monitors is 16 ms or less.

In general, a LCD display comprises of a layer of LCD material and one or more polarizing layers made of plastic, glass, or some other material. A LCD display has a sandwich-like structure with liquid crystals filled between two glass (or plastic or polycarbonate) plates.

These liquid crystals when stimulated by an external electrical charge can change the properties of light passing through them. When you align two polarizing materials with each other, light passes through. When you align one polarizing agent at a 90° angle to the other, light is blocked. Change the voltage, and the amount of light passing through the display is changed.

Liquid crystals in LCD monitor act as a dynamic polarizing agent. They change their orientation when you place a voltage across an LCD cell. The orientation of the polarizing agent under the LCD layer either blocks or passes light.

A TFT display is an advanced LCD display. A TFT monitor uses so-called thin-film transistor technology to project a picture on the screen. Transistors in a TFT display are used to change the orientation of the polarizing agent.A typical 17-inch TFT monitor has about 1.3 million pixels and 1.3 million transistors. The following text explains TFT in a greater detail...

When you look at a passive-LCD technology, the cells act as capacitors. When you charge a cell, the liquid crystal flips to one position. When you stop supplying charge to the cell, it voluntarily bleeds off its voltage and the liquid crystal slowly twists back to its original position.

Passive LCD panels cannot quickly change the orientation of the crystal. Well, it is quick, but not quick enough to display fast-moving graphics. To overcome this slowness, engineers came up with active-LCD technology. Active-LCD displays use transistors to actively change the orientation of crystals. That is where TFT comes from. T in TFT for transistor. This method allows for faster control of the LCD cell but is also more complex.

While passive-LCD displays start to blur with images moving faster than 8 to 15 frames/sec, TFT displays can display full-motion video and graphics because they use fast switching transistors.

Now that we know how a LCD works and what it behind TFT, we can start talking about color. Each pixel in a color TFT LCD is subdivided into three subpixels. One of the subpixels is capable of producing red, the other one green, and the last one blue color. Red, green, and blue are the basic colors. Any other color can be produced by mixing up these three. One set of RGB subpixels is equal to one pixel.

Old TFT displays and the small ones in simple applications such as calculators are reflective TFT. A reflective TFT display has no backlight. The polarizing agent at the rear of the TFT display is simply a mirror layer behind the TFT panel. The agent merely reflects incoming light from the front of the display. You need to be in a well-lit room to be able to read this type of display.

The next step in a TFT LCD design was to add a light source to it. More advanced TFT displays have added sidelights or front lights to these displays. Sidelights and front lights are virtually the same as backlights. The difference is just the position of the light. Front lights sit on the side or slightly in front of the TFT layers. They are designed so that the light they produce shines through the TFT panel and bounces off the reflective polarizing agent back through the display.

A transmissive TFT uses a backlight. Most TFT LCD panels today are designed with a backlight. The source of the light is mounted at the rear side of the LCD panel and shines light towards your eyes through the TFT panel"s polarizing medium (liquid crystal). Small displays, such as cell phones or calculators, use light source that is placed along the sides of the display.

The common TFT-display backlight is the CCFL (cold-cathode fluorescent lamp). CCFLs are similar to fluorescent light tubes that you commonly find in offices and homes. Their advantage is that they are small, inexpensive, replaceable, and cheap.

The polarizing medium in a TFT that transmits or blocks the backlight is clear, so any light shining on the display from the front competes with the backlight. If the light source shining on the front of the TFT display is strong enough, such as sun on a sunny day, it simply overpowers your laptop TFT display"s backlight and the display image is washed out. A reflective TFT display is usually a better choice for applications with high ambient light.

LED technology has only recently achieved the white light necessary to illuminate these panels. LEDs are the choice these days because they are stable over temperature ranges, durable, and very energy efficient. That is why if you buy a laptop with a TFT LED back-lighted display, it is possible that it will go for as much as 8 hours with your battery.

difference between tft lcd and crt pricelist

Display technology plays a critical role in how information is conveyed. Since its commercialization in 1922 up until the late 20th century, Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) has dominated the display industry. However, new trends such as the desire for mobile electronics have increased demand for displays that rival and surpass CRTs in areas such as picture quality, size, and power consumption. One such technology that has replaced the CRTs is Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) due to their lightweight, low operating power, and compact design. LCDs allowed devices such as digital watches, cell phones, laptops, and any small screened electronics to be possible. Although LCDs were initially created for handheld and portable devices, they have expanded into areas previously monopolized by CRTs such as computer monitors and televisions. Other contenders for leadership in display technology are Organic light emitting diode(OLED) and Plasma Display.

LCD is an electronically-modulated optical device made up of any number of pixels filled with liquid crystals and arrayed in front of a light source (backlight) or reflector to produce images in color or monochrome.

An active matrix liquid crystal display (AMLCD) is a type of flat panel display, currently the overwhelming choice of notebook computer manufacturers, due to low weight, very good image quality, wide color gamut and response time.

The most common example of an active matrix display contains, besides the polarizing sheets and cells of liquid crystal, a matrix of Thin film transistor(TFT) to make a TFT-LCD. These devices store the electrical state of each pixel on the display while all the other pixels are being updated. This method provides a much brighter, sharper display than a passive matrix of the same size. An important specification for these displays is their viewing-angle.

Twisted nematicdisplays contain liquid crystal elements which twist and untwist at varying degrees to allow light to pass through. A Super-twisted nematic(STN)display is a type of monochrome passive matrix LCD.STN displays provide more contrast than TN displays by twisting the molecules from 180 to 270 degrees. Film compensated Super-twisted nematic (FSTN) is a passive matrix LCD technology that uses a film compensating layer between the STN display and rear polarizer for added sharpness and contrast. It was used in laptops.

Pie chart depicts the revenue share of major technologies in the display market in 2010, which clearly indicates that TFT LCD is the leading technology and has maximum market share(92%) of the global display market.

After growing rapidly throughout the 2000s, industry revenues declined in both 2008 and 2009. While the immediate cause of this decline was the global recession, the display industry has also entered a mature phase. With notebook PCs and desktop monitors completely penetrated by TFT-LCDs, much of the growth in recent years has come from the TV market. Despite the recession, flat-panel-TV shipments grew on the order of 30% per year in 2008 and 2009. However, this growth is leading to high penetration rates, even in formerly emerging markets, such as China, and will push the flat-panel share of the TV market past 90% in 2011. This high penetration, combined with increasing pressure on prices, will lead to slower revenue growth, particularly for TFT-LCDs.

Large Area TFT - comprises of products that have a display size of more than 10 inches. The major applications for these displays are Television, Desktop Monitor and Notebook PC. Public displays comprises of only 2% share of the large area but is a growing sector.

Small & Medium TFT- comprises of products that have a display size of less than 10 inches The major applications for these displays are mobile phones and automotive displays. Digital cameras and Digital photo frames are also promising sectors in the future.

The revenue of overall TFT LCD market had gone down in the years 2008 and 2009 due to recession. Also, the share of Large area in these 2 years have gone down, as the demand for these high priced products had gone down.

However the market for small & medium area had gone up in 2008, mainly driven by mobile phone sales. But that too saw a slump in the year 2009 and even in 2010.

Year on Year there was an increase in shipments for all the products of large area TFT LCD. In total the revenue grew by 25% in 2010 up from 20% in 2009. After recession and a laggard growth of 11.5% in 2008, the market has picked up and the revenue is growing.

Market revenue overall is growing, but the most promising product and market that uses this technology is Television. With a growth of 42.9% in 2010 up from 32.4% in 2009, the market looks profitable.

Notebook PC market also looks profitable, with a growth rate of 31.7%, but a decline from the previous year from 36.6%. The OLED technology is eating up the market share of the TFT LCD market share in this market.

Here we observe that there is technology shift that is happening. Industry has moved from CRT to LCD now. The is shift has been gradual over the time.

Display Search forecasts that the plasma TV market will start shrinking in 2009 after hitting $24 billion in 2008, while it sees LCD TV demand reaching $75 billion in 2008 and $93 billion in 2010 - a trend that will likely make companies offering both LCD and plasma lines think twice about their strategy.

Sharp has recently developed 64 inch ultra high resolution direct view LCD with “ 4k *2k” one kind of digital cinema system specification- making it world’s first.

Sharp Corp. in August started LCD production at its Kameyama No. 2 plant, the world"s first to cut panels from eighth-generation glass substrates, which can yield eight 40-inch-class panels.

With escalating demand for larger fabs of Gen 8, Gen 8.5, and Gen 10, the liquid crystal display (LCD) and organic light emitting diode (OLED) manufacturing equipment market has witnessed a growth spur. The market will continue its upward growth trajectory through 2011, with the majority of demand stemming.

Under the belief that only technological development can secure the company"s survival and progress, Dongwoo Fine- Chem has been investing aggressively in the field of R&D. The company has built its main R&D center in Poseung Industrial Park in Pyeongtaek with an investment of 10 billon won for improving the quality of such LCD materials as color resists and polarized films in addition to electronics materials such as CMP slurries and color resists of next generation. In addition, the company constructed a new R&D center next to its already existent one in Iksan. The company has invested 7 billion won for the construction of Iksan research center furnished with ultramodern equipment.

The world"s largest LCD display manufacturer TPV Technology has signed an agreement with the Chengdu Hi-tech Zone to launch its R&D and production center in Chengdu, capital of Southwest China"s Sichuan Province. The center of an investment of $90 million is expected to start operation in 2012 and will reach its full capacity in five years, with an annual output of some 6 billion yuan, said officials from the zone.

The share of LCD TVs outsourced reached a record high of 34% in Q3"10, as Sony and LGE increased their outsourcing ratio to more than 50% and 20%, respectively.

Among OEM shipments in Q3"10, excluding TV manufacturers, TPV ranked #1 with a 23% share, followed by Foxconn/Chimei Innolux at 15% and Vestel at 13%. Taiwanese OEMs (Compal, Wistron, and AmTran/Rakern) each have shares of about 8-9%.

In 2011, the top three panel makers, Samsung, LG Display, and Chimei Innolux, will be aggressive with their plan to ship more than 60 million units of LCD TV panels. In total, LCD TV panel makers plan to ship more than 270 million units in 2011.

Equipment/Material Suppliers: these are the industries which supply the basic material like ICs, Chemicals, and Liquid crystal etc. They help in putting the fundamental frame in place and start the process of manufacturing. They supply the basic and essentials parts required for the LCD.

Panel Makers: Panel makers are the companies which make basic Skeleton for product. They design the panels according to the demand and requirement. They play a major role as to design the basic frame. They are the players who design the basic technology like LCD, AMOLED etc. these are the companies which do most of the R&D in the technology to improve and introduce innovations.

OEM’s: OEM’s are the companies which do the work of assembling the parts and supplying it to different payers. They basically join everything and make it useful. They play an important role in the chain.

Brands: Brands are the big organizations which have a value in the market. They add their brand name to the assembled piece and sometimes assemble the complete unit at their own location e.g. Samsung, Toshiba. Their brand value helps in determining the market value of the unit and sets a perception the consumers mind.

Re-Seller: Re- sellers are various players who distribute and sell the product in the market. There can be different type like Retailer, DEPARTMENTAL STORES, and National Chain stores, Distributors etc they play an important role because they increase the reach of the organizations and make it easier for consumers. They help in building the consumer psyche as they help consumers in understanding the technology and product. They help in increasing the sales by providing the consumer feedback and POS data.

Consumers: Consumers are the most important part as every product is designed keeping consumer in mind. All the margins of the players in chain depend in the consumers. If the product is not selling well margins go down and vice verse.

In the diagram above we can see that the most important factor which makes the equipment/material supplier crucial is “Technology”. It provide the base for the other players/different stages. Similarly Panel makers have the advantage of capacity. They give the frame and final touch to the work of previous player. The “profit” is added by OEM’s in the later stage which makes the product commercial. Brands helps with their captured market share. They make the product reachable to the market they captured. Reseller add “margin” in this and make the product physically available for the final consumption. And at last consumers pay the “price” for the product and completes the value chain cycle.

However, Television is the sector that is growing the maximum, with a 60.3% growth in revenue in 2010 over the previous year. Followed by Mobile phones, with a growth of 13.7% in revenue in 2010 over the previous year. Then it is followed by Notebook PC, Automotive monitors and Desktop Monitor with a growth rate of 10.3%, 6.7% and 6.1% respectively.

LCD TV in the worldwide TV market has been well placed in the developed nations. However, there is an increase in the sales of LCD TV in the emerging countries as well.

Similarly, LG display(LGD) captures 20% market share of the TV OEM and 13% share of the market"s brand share. In the TV market, backward integration has worked for both Samsung and LGD.

Even though LG display(LGD) captures 24% market share of the Desktop OEM but only 9% share of the market"s brand share (behind Dell and HP), which shows it could not leverage the benefits of backward integration like Samsung in Desktop Monitor marketspectively.

Nokia captures 36% of the mobile market, but Nokia doesn"t produce its own mobile phone LCD panels but rather outsources it from other companies that produce the same.

Reaction of Existing Competitors also acts as a barrier as key players like Samsung have been known to fight fiercely for market share by cutting prices and possess substantial resources

Forward Integration is unlikely as many of the purchasers like Samsung are more powerful and operate their own manufacturing factories. Any upward pressure on raw material prices is likely to be absorbed or passed on to customers

Objective: This model can be used to study the attractiveness of a market and the various segments in the same. The model uses 3 parameters to measure the appeal of the market, namely:

Market size of each segment in the whole industry according to the revenue and the percentage share of each segment with respect to the whole industry. This is calculated for the current year in order to understand the current market size and share.

This year over year forecasted growth rate is taken as an indicator to show the future growth rate of each segment in the industry and hence its attractiveness in the future.

Market size and Forecasted CAGR have been assigned 40% weigh each as these are the two most important parameters which will help in determining whether a company should enter into that segment of the industry or not. Market size would give the revenue in the segment at present and also the percentage share each segment captures of the total Industry. CAGR would determine the growth rate of the revenue of each segment and hence would be profitable in the future or not.

Competitor strength is assigned 20% weight. We need to see how strongly or loosely is the segment held by the top 3 players of that particular segment. If it is tightly held then entry becomes difficult and similarly if loose, then there is huge unorganized sector or too many players in the market.

Major segments of the LCD display technology were found out on the basis of the revenue and the shipments of each. 5 top segments were found out: Television, Desktop Monitor, Notebook PC, Mobile Phones and Automotive monitor displays. Automotive monitors are used for in-console navigation, controls and rear-seat entertainment.

Market sizes of each of the 5 segments on the basis of revenue were found out. Also the revenue share of the Total TFT LCD market was found out in order to calculate the share of each segment in the whole industry.

Average weight of each segment is calculated according to the individual rank of each segment and the weight assigned for each parameter. For example:

In 2009, Innolux Display acquired Taiwan LCD maker TPO Displays Corp. Then, Innolux acquired another Taiwan LCD maker, Chi Mei Opto electronics Corp. And recently, Innolux Display announced the completion of its acquisition of Chi Mei Optoelectronics and TPO Displays.

The new entity is called Chimei Innolux Corp. Chimei Innolux is now a dominant player in the global TFT-LCD panel market. It sells from 1.5- to 50-inch. panels. By essentially gaining control of Chimei Innolux, Foxconn can now offer customers a one-stop shop of contract manufacturing services, including LCD production.

Hisense and Konka have set up LCD-module assembly lines with the help of CMO; TCL set up an LCD-module assembly line using know-how transmitted from Samsung.

LG Display formed an alliance with AmTRAN to set up an LCD-module and LCD-TV-set assembly line and set up a joint venture with TPV for LCD-module lines.

The new entity would overtake Sharp as the largest maker of small and mid-sized LCD panels, which are commonly found in smartphones and tablet computers.

Though the market share of TFT LCD in the display market is predicted to reduce in the future, it would still capture more than 80% of the market. This presents ample of opportunity for existing players (currently producing semiconductor devices and want to enter LCD market) to use their technological excellence to milk the LCD market.

AMOLED technology is predicted to substitute TFT LCD in applications like smart phones and tablets. Hence for a new player, who plans to invest in R&D and manufacturing to enter the LCD industry, investing in better technology is advisable.

Entry and Exit barriers are both high for the industry. Hence, this industry is attractive only for big players who have the capacity to make huge investments to enter the industry.

It is not advised for small players to enter the LCD industry as it is already in the consolidation phase. Many players like Samsung, have undergone vertical integration to optimize their costs. The initial investment required to enter the LCD industry is very high. In such a scenario, for a small player, who manufactures displays or products, will find it difficult to compete with giants like Samsung, LG etc on prices.

Players who have the expertise, capital and capacity to invest in LCD market can consider entering Mobile phones and Notebook PCs market. For them to succeed in the LCD market, they can either specialize in producing LCD displays with the latest and best technology available or consider vertical integration to optimize their cost.

difference between tft lcd and crt pricelist

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TFT LCD modules are thin film field effect transistors. The so-called thin film transistor means that each liquid crystal pixel on the liquid crystal display is driven by a thin film transistor integr...

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Liquid crystal is a special substance between solid and liquid. It is an organic compound that is liquid in a normal state. But its molecular arrangement is very regular like a solid crystal, hence th...

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If you wonder how the capacitive touchscreen works, you probably seek to better understand the particularities of this type of screen.Although similar to the resistive model, the capacitive screen off...

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Due to its high performance ratio and low cost, TFT liquid crystal displays are used more and more in automotive configurations, and have become the mainstream of automotive audio and video systems an...

1. Multi-touch operationEquipped with a touch screen that can be operated from a protective glass with a thickness of 5mm, and is equipped with a control circuit that takes into account high sensitivi...

1. Cleaning method of color LCD display moduleAfter using the color LCD display module for a period of time, you will find that a layer of dust is often adsorbed on the display screen (it is more obvi...

The display LCD TFT is a kind of display screen that we are familiar with. Many intelligent terminal products use display LCD TFT. Liquid crystal is the most important part of display LCD TFT. Liquid ...

2017 FIEE in Sao Paulo, BrazilIn July, FIEE, the famous professional exhibition of power, energy and automation industry was grandly held in Sao Paulo Exhibition Center.This exhibition was mainly divi...

With the maturity of TFT technology in the early 1990s, TFT LCD screen has developed rapidly and has now become the mainstream display screen, which is inseparable from its advantages. The following a...

With the vigorous development of electronic components market,the application of LCD Android touch panel is more and more extensive in people’s daily life. As we can see, LCD display module has a very ca...

With the development of IoT technology, traditional frame physical advertising is gradually updated to digital advertising, and Proculus display modules provide intelligent control and remote control ...

April is drawing to a close, however, the worldwide epidemic is still not over. Itcan be seen from this, nowadays a mass of people’s live and work have been largely affected. And for you, who as purc...

The 4.3 inch LCD has always been a widely used size. We all know that each LCD screen of different size has many different specifications and parameters, and there are a lot of things to pay attention...

Liquid crystal is a special substance between solid and liquid. It is an organic compound, normally liquid, but its molecules are arranged as regularly as solid crystals, so it is named liquid crystal...

There are really many names for LCD products, which leads to many terminal manufacturers in the process of purchasing LCD products. What are the screen application industries? Next, Jingqian Electroni...

Many people know what the characteristics of TFT LCD screens are, but do you know what are the characteristics of TFT LCD screen material? Today, we will tell you about the knowledge of the characteri...

A TFT display screen is an active matrix LCD driven by a thin film transistor (TFT). It is mainly composed of dots, lines, planes and backlights generated by current-stimulated liquid crystal molecule...

Ⅰ. How to correctly assemble the LCD module to improve work efficiency?The tools for assembling the LCD module display are mainly hammers and wrenches. The process of assembling is to first place all...

In today"s life, you can see all kinds of LCD screens, so where are LCD TFT display panels usually used?Ⅰ. Medical LCD TFT display panel applicationMedical devices should have high contrast, high...

The TFT LCD monitor is a flat and ultra-thin display device, composed of a certain number of colors or black and white pixels, which are placed in front of the light source or the reflective surface. ...

1. Advantages of 10.1 TFT LCD monitorIn terms of the material, the selection of the 10.1 TFT LCD monitor material is very strict. It uses a hard screen material, and based on the characteristics of th...

At present, as LCD technology continues to mature, competition in the LCD LCD market is becoming more and more fierce, and each quotation is different. This is nothing more than a troublesome thing fo...

THE TFT LCD screen LVDS interface is the most common communication interface among TFT screen interfaces, and it is a low-voltage differential signal technology interface. It is a digital video signal...

The LCD display module is a type of display used in digital clocks and many portable computers. It uses two pieces of polarized material with a liquid crystal solution between them. The LCD display mo...

Do you know? The appearance of the LCD liquid crystal display can be traced back a long time ago. At the end of the 19th century, Austrian botanists discovered liquid crystals. Subsequently, British s...

Everyone knows that our human body generates static electricity, and sometimes generates high-voltage static electricity as high as tens of volts or hundreds of volts. LCD liquid crystal display produ...

LCDs have been on the market for nearly 10 years, and they have completely replaced the most traditional CRT displays and become the absolute mainstream in the market. The structure of the LCD screen ...

TFT is thin film field effect transistor. The so-called thin film transistor means that each liquid crystal pixel on the liquid crystal display is driven by the thin film transistor integrated behind ...

With the continuous innovation of display technology, the types of display screens have become more and more, and different types of display products have also been applied to different industry termi...

Ⅰ. The array manufacturing of LCD display 1. A piece of glass with a smooth surface and no impurities is the most important raw material for manufacturing TFT glass substrates. Before making, the gla...

With the construction of cities, the applications of LCD screens have become more and more extensive, and they have played an important role in promoting the development of industry. Many industries h...

When choosing an LCD, we pay more attention to size, brightness, contrast, etc., but there is an equally important factor that is often overlooked: viewing Angle. What is visual Angle?What is visual A...

Smart home is based on a residential building, using integrated wiring technology, network communication technology, security technology, automatic control technology, audio and video technology to in...

In recent years, the TFT LCD display industry has become more and more complex. Upstream panel manufacturers and chip manufacturers are all oligopoly, while TFT LCD display manufacturers are basically...

Contrast is one of the main factors that affect the display effect of the liquid crystal module. The so-called contrast refers to the contrast between the bright area and the dark area in the display ...

In order to choose the right TFT LCD screen for medical applications, engineers and decision makers need to fully understand how the specifications of the TFT LCD screen affect the final product. It i...

From a technical perspective, LCD screen types can be divided into two camps: VA soft screen and IPS hard screen.Ⅰ. What are the types of LCD screen?1.VA soft screenVA stands for Vertical alignment (...

Now, there are more and more display-related products, and everyone"s requirements for the display are getting higher and higher. Suzhou Proculus Technologies Co., Ltd. designs different products ...

The liquid crystal display module is the display part in the power terminal, instrumentation and so on. The digital display liquid crystal module can only display numbers and some identification symbo...

The 4.3-inch LCD display module is an LCD display developed and designed by Proculus, using new technologies in the current display field. The 4.3-inch LCD screen display module has the following majo...

After the TFT module is used for a period of time, dust is often absorbed on the TFT screen (it is more obvious from the side after the power is turned off), and various water stains are sometimes acc...

1. Introduction of TFT color screenTFT color screen, that is, thin film field effect transistor. It is a kind of active matrix liquid crystal display, mainly used in high-end products. TFT color scree...

The LCD panel is the heart of the LCD display, which accounts for more than 80% of the cost of the entire product. Its quality will directly affect the display"s color, brightness, contrast, viewi...

1. The number of tubes in the LCD moduleLiquid crystal is a substance between solid and liquid. It cannot emit light by itself and requires additional light sources. Therefore, the number of lamps is ...

IP (or "Ingress Protection") ratings are defined in international standard EN 60529 (British BS EN 60529:1992, European IEC 60509:1989). They are used to define levels of sealing effectiveness of electrical enclosures against intrusion from foreign bodies (tools, dirt etc) and moisture.

In 2021, mobile network communication technology has been popularized in all walks of life, but do you really know what 4G is? This article will help you understand the things about mobile communicati...

TFT screen is generally referred to as "active panels" for most liquid crystal displays, and the core technology of "active panels" is thin film transistor, or TFT, which has led p...

LCD panel prices have continued to rise since June 2020 and have now risen for 13 months, led by a strong end market. Especially, the price of small and medium size panels has doubled, which has broug...

Whether outdoor or indoor, more and more TFT displays are now presented to us. The display screen is the most critical interface connecting humans and machines. It was originally based on picture tube...

Ⅰ. What is the TFT displayThe TFT display is a thin-film liquid crystal display, but actually refers to a thin-film transistor, which can "actively" control each independent pixel on the sc...

In the design of electronic products, the human-computer interaction display interface is an indispensable work. At present, TFT LCD screens have been widely used, so how is the TFT display screen com...

Ⅰ. The type of LCD moduleThe liquid crystal display module (LCM) can be classified according to the processing technology, and can also be classified according to the type of display content. Accordi...

1. TFT LCD screen has become the mainstream material of electronic productsWith the current maturity of technology development, tft has quickly penetrated into our lives, and the development of TFT no...

Ⅰ. Application fields of 7-inch TFT displayThe 7-inch TFT display is relatively small and medium-sized. This type of liquid crystal display is also used in more fields, including car GPS, digital pho...

1. The brightness of the LCD display moduleLiquid crystal is a substance between solid and liquid. It cannot emit light by itself and requires additional light sources. Therefore, the number of lamps ...

What is POS?POS is a place where customers pay for goods or services. A typical POS system has one or two screens.POS systems are becoming more interactive. Heavy-duty touch-screen TFT LCD displays ar...

Ⅰ. What is the LCD module?LCD module refers to the LCD display product that integrates glass and LCD driver. It provides users with a standard LCD display driver interface (with 4 bits, 8 bits, VGA a...

The medical environment is quite rightly rigorous and demanding, requiring display and embedded solutions that are accessible and safe to use. At Proculus, we have worked on thousands of medical desig...

Liquid crystal display modules are used in many places and are widely used. But do you know that when a qualified liquid crystal display module is in use, it sometimes fails due to unreasonable use, u...

Proculus Intelligent 7 Inch LCM with EnclosureDisplay enclosures protect the sensitive TFT and LCD displays against the hazards of harsh industrial environments, e.g. dust, splashing water, or mechani...

1. The resolution of the LCD moduleThe resolution of the liquid crystal display module is a very important performance index. It refers to the number of dots that can be displayed in the horizontal an...

Twisted Nematic (TN)It stands for twisted nematic phase and is the oldest technology in LCD technology. This refers to the twisted nematic effect, which allows liquid crystal molecules to be voltage-c...

1. Digital display LCD moduleThe digital display liquid crystal module is a functional component composed of a segmented liquid crystal display device and a dedicated integrated circuit, which can onl...

Sunlight-readable means the display can be viewed in high ambient light conditions. It is difficult to view a standard monitor in direct sunlight because the sunlight is much brighter than the display...

Why an air purifier needs an LCD screen?Generally speaking, the shape of the air purifier is mainly composed of a casing shell, filter section, duct design, motor, power supply, and LCD screen.The sma...

difference between tft lcd and crt pricelist

Display screen is everywhere nowadays. Do you still remember the TVs or computer monitors 20 years ago? They were quadrate, huge and heavy. Now let’s look at the flat, thin and light screen in front of you, have you ever wondered why is there such a big difference?

Actually, the monitors 20 year ago were CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) displays, which requires a large space to run the inner component. And now the screen here in your presence is the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen.

As mentioned above, LCD is the abbreviation of Liquid Crystal Display. It’s a new display technology making use of the optical-electrical characteristic of liquid crystal.

Liquid crystal is a state of substance that has both the characteristics of liquid and solid crystal. It don’t emit light itself, but it can let the light pass perfectly in specific direction. Meanwhile, liquid crystal molecule will rotate under the influence of a electric field, and then the light goes through it will rotate too. That said, liquid crystal can be a switch of light, which is the key in display technology.

STN LCD: STN is for Super-twisted Nematic. The liquid crystal in STN LCD rotate more angles than that in TN LCD, and have a different electrical feature, allowing STN LCD to display more information. There are many improved version of STN LCD like DSTN LCD (double layer) and CSTN LCD (color). This LCD is used in many early phones, computers and outdoor devices.

TFT LCD: TFT is for Thin Film Transistor. It’s the latest generation of LCD technology and has been applied in all the displaying scenario including electronic devices, motor cars, industrial machines, etc. When you see the word ‘transistor’, you may realize there’s integrated circuits in TFT LCD. That’s correct and the secret that TFT LCD has the advantage of high resolution and full color display.

In a simple way, we can divide TFT LCD into three parts, from bottom to top they are: light system, circuit system and light and color control system.In manufacturing process, we’ll start from inner light and color control system and then stretch out to whole module.

It’s accustomed to divide TFT LCD manufacturing process into three main part: array, cell and module. The former two steps are about the production of light and color control system, which contains TFT, CF (color filter) and LC (liquid crystal), named a cell. And the last step is the assembly of cell, circuit and light system.

First, let me introduce a crucial material, ITO, to you. ITO, abbreviation of Indium tin oxide, has the characteristic of electrical conductivity and optical transparency, as well as can be easily deposited as a thin film. Thus it’s widely used to create circuit on glass.

Now let’s turn to the production of TFT and CF. Here is a common method called PR (photoresist) method. The whole process of PR method will be demonstrated in TFT production.

◇   Use glue to build a boundary for LC on both glass. And on CF glass, apply one more layer of conductive adhesive. This enable LC molecule link to the control circuit.

◇   Put the diffuser film and prism film on light source in turn. Together with reflector film, these two films are used to turn the point light from light source into area light and enhance light intensity.

difference between tft lcd and crt pricelist

Motion-picture projectors have come a long way since their hand-cranked progenitors over a century ago. For the first half of their history, they relied exclusively on film to provide moving images that were projected onto a screen, and that technology continued to be used in commercial cinemas until around 2000.

Meanwhile, cathode-ray tube-based video projectors were developed in the 1950s using red, green, and blue CRTs to project electronic video images onto a screen. Many home-theater buffs remember those huge, heavy boxes with the bulging red, green, and blue eyes.

Today, film has been almost completely replaced by digital-video projectors that are based on one of three imaging technologies: LCD, LCoS, and DLP. All of these technologies offer many advantages over film and CRT projectors—smaller size, lower weight, less heat generation, and more efficient energy usage—and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses for different applications.

In this article, I"ll explain how each technology works and reveal its maximum capabilities. Then, I"ll offer a comparative analysis of their advantages and limitations, with the key points summarized at the end in an easy-to-reference list. So, buckle up for a deep dive into the world of digital projection.

The first digital-projection technology was LCD (liquid crystal display). It was conceived by Gene Dolgoff in 1968, but LCD technology was not sufficiently developed to be practical in a projector at the time; that would have to wait until the mid-1980s.

The basic idea is relatively simple. White light from a lamp is split into red, green, and blue components using dichroic mirrors, which reflect certain wavelengths and pass other wavelengths. These three mirrors convert the white light into the red, green, and blue primary colors from which all colors can be derived (Fig. 1). You can read ProjectorCentral"s article "Lamp, Laser, or LED Projection: Which Light is Right?" for more on this concept of "additive color" and a deeper discussion of the differences among light sources.

Fig. 1: In many LCD projectors, white light from a lamp is split into its red, green, and blue components using dichroic mirrors. The three colored beams are directed to pass through three LCD panels that form the images associated with each color. Then, the light from the three panels is combined into