linksprite pcduino tft lcd pricelist

- ItemMinTypicalMaxUnitVoltageCurrentLCD Panel SizeView angleResolutionLCD colorBacklight TypeLCD driver ICInterface TypeTouch ScreenActive areaESD contact dischargeESD air dischargeDimensionWeight

The TFT library provides the following Application Programming Interfaces(API). The library makes use of direct access to PORT registers instead of Arduino APIs. This is to increase the speed of communication between MCU and TFT. At present, the library supports Arduino, Arduino Mega (1280 or 2560) and Seeeduino ADK Main Board compatible boards. In Mega the 8bit data port of TFT is distributed to different pins belonging to different ports. This decreases the speed of graphics drawing when compared to Arduino. The choice of port pins are purely based on Arduino / Mega port pin arrangement.

TFT Touch Shield uses the Adafruit Touch Screen Library. In short, a 4-wire resistive touch screen provides two voltage divider each for X and Y axis. By applying proper voltages for each axis and scanning the ADC values the position of the touch can be detected. These values are always prone to noise. Hence a digital filter is used.

#include #include #include //Measured ADC values for (0,0) and (240-1,320-1)//TS_MINX corresponds to ADC value when X = 0//TS_MINY corresponds to ADC value when Y = 0//TS_MAXX corresponds to ADC value when X = 240 -1//TS_MAXY corresponds to ADC value when Y = 320 -1 staticunsignedintTS_MINX,TS_MAXX,TS_MINY,TS_MAXY; //Touch Screen Co-ordinate mapping registerstaticunsignedintMapX1,MapX2,MapY1,MapY2; // For better pressure precision, we need to know the resistance// between X+ and X- Use any multimeter to read it// The 2.8" TFT Touch shield has 300 ohms across the X plate /* Usage: TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300);

Where, XP = X plus, YP = Y plus, XM = X minus and YM = Y minus *///init TouchScreen port pins. This would be reinitialized in setup() based on the hardware detected.TouchScreen ts=TouchScreen(17,A2,A1,14,300); voidsetup(void){Tft.init();//init TFTinitTouchScreenParameters();//initializes Touch Screen parameters based on the detected TFT Touch Schield hardware //LinesTft.drawLine(0,0,50,50,RED);//draw a 45degree red line point(0,0) to point(50,50)Tft.drawVerticalLine(25,0,50,GREEN);//draw a vertical green line point(25,0) to point(25,50)Tft.drawHorizontalLine(0,25,50,BLUE);//draw a horizontal blue line point(0,25) to point(50,25) //RectangleTft.drawRectangle(50,0,80,50,WHITE);//draw a white rectangle, length=80(X-AXIS), width=50(Y-AXIS)Tft.fillRectangle(0,50,50,80,CYAN);//fill a cyan rectangle, length=50(X-AXIS), width=80(Y-AXIS) //CircleTft.drawCircle(75,75,25,RED);//draw a red circle, circle centre(75,75) radius=25Tft.fillCircle(150,100,50,GREEN);//fill a green circle, circle centre(150,100) radius=50 //TextTft.drawChar("S",0,150,2,RED);//draw a char, start from point(0,150) font size 2(16*16)Tft.drawString("Seeed Studio",8,166,2,GREEN);//draw a char, start from point(8,166) font size 2(16*16)} voidloop(void){// a point object holds x y and z coordinatesPoint p=ts.getPoint();

p.x=map(p.x,TS_MINX,TS_MAXX,MapX1,MapX2);p.y=map(p.y,TS_MINY,TS_MAXY,MapY1,MapY2); // we have some minimum pressure we consider "valid"// pressure of 0 means no pressing!if(p.z>ts.pressureThreshhold){//p.x;//p.y;//p.z;Tft.fillCircle(p.x,p.y,2,GREEN);}} voidinitTouchScreenParameters(){//This function initializes Touch Screen parameters based on the detected TFT Touch Schield hardware if(Tft.IC_CODE==0x5408)//SPFD5408A TFT driver based Touchscreen hardware detected{#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)ts=TouchScreen(54,A1,A2,57,300);//init TouchScreen port pins#elsets=TouchScreen(14,A1,A2,17,300);//init TouchScreen port pins#endif//Touchscreen parameters for this hardwareTS_MINX=120;TS_MAXX=910;TS_MINY=120;TS_MAXY=950;

MapX1=239;MapX2=0;MapY1=0;MapY2=319;}else//ST7781R TFT driver based Touchscreen hardware detected{#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)ts=TouchScreen(57,A2,A1,54,300);//init TouchScreen port pins#elsets=TouchScreen(17,A2,A1,14,300);//init TouchScreen port pins#endif //Touchscreen parameters for this hardwareTS_MINX=140;TS_MAXX=900;TS_MINY=120;TS_MAXY=940;

linksprite pcduino tft lcd pricelist

Web Cam 3-axis Servo Kit for Real Time Video for pcDuino[108202004] [KIT_WEBCAMSRV]=[WEBCAM_PCDUINO][108202004-1]+[FIX_SERVO_CAM][108202004-2]+[KIT_SRV][108202004-3]

linksprite pcduino tft lcd pricelist

pcDuino is a mini PC or single board computer platform that runs PC like OS such as Ubuntu and Android ICS. It outputs screen to HDMI. Moreover, it has hardware headers interface compatible with Arduino (TM). pcDuino can be used to teach Python, C and more interesting stuff.

linksprite pcduino tft lcd pricelist

pcDuino3Nano is a high performance, cost effective single board computer. It runs operation systems such as Ubuntu Linux and Android. pcDuino3Nano has HDMI interface to output its graphic desktop screen. It could support multi-format 1080p 60fps video decoder and 1080p 30fps H.264 and MPEG4 video encoder with its built-in hardware video processing engine. It targets specially the fast growing demands from the open source community. pcDuino3 provides easy-to-use tool chains and is compatible with the popular Arduino ecosystem such as Arduino Shields.

linksprite pcduino tft lcd pricelist

The TFT library provides the following Application Programming Interfaces(API). The library makes use of direct access to PORT registers instead of Arduino APIs. This is to increase the speed of communication between MCU and TFT. At present, the library supports Arduino, Arduino Mega (1280 or 2560) and Seeeduino ADK Main Board compatible boards. In Mega the 8bit data port of TFT is distributed to different pins belonging to different ports. This decreases the speed of graphics drawing when compared to Arduino. The choice of port pins are purely based on Arduino / Mega port pin arrangement.

TFT Touch Shield uses the Touch Screen Library. In short, a 4-wire resistive touch screen provides two voltage divider each for X and Y axis. By applying proper voltages for each axis and scanning the ADC values the position of the touch can be detected. These values are always prone to noise. Hence a digital filter is used.

linksprite pcduino tft lcd pricelist

pcDuino8 Uno is a high performance, cost effective single board computer. It runs operation systems such as Ubuntu Linux and Android. pcDuino8 Uno has HDMI interface to output its graphic desktop screen. It could support multi-format 1080p 60fps video decoder and 1080p 30fps H.265/HEVC  video encoder with its built-in hardware video processing engine.   It targets specially the fast growing demands from the open source community. pcDuino8 Uno provides easy-to-use tool chains and is compatible with the popular Arduino ecosystem such as Arduino Shields.

linksprite pcduino tft lcd pricelist

Alluvodna strankaRaspberry PiEnclosures Boxes CasesLCD TFT OLED Display for RPiAccessories Cables Power SuppliesmicroSD Memory Card & AdapterRaspberry PI Single-board ComputerCamera for Raspberry PiShield & Board for Raspberry PiWiFi for Raspberry PiKeyboard & Touchpad for Raspberry PiRaspberry Pi Kit Pack bundleRELAY BOARDGSM/GPRS/3G/4G/LTE/WiMax/5G/GSM BOARDS FOR RASPBERRY PIRaspberry Pi 400 (Pi400 RPI400)Raspberry Pi Compute ModuleRaspberry Pi PicoRaspberry Pi Zeromicro:bitmicro:bit KITArduinoBREAKOUT BOARDS, Accessories & CablesArduino KitOriginal ARDUINO BoardsOriginal ARDUINO ShieldsARDUINO BoardsARDUINO ShieldsARDUINO Box EnclosuresESP32 ESP8266Development Tools8051 Development ToolsMicrochip AtmelBREAKOUT BOARDS & SHIELDSARM Development ToolsCypress PSoC DevelopmentProgrammersData LoggersSTMICROELECTRONICSWeb ServerAndroid MINI PC / Development Kit.NET Micro FrameworkFPGA ALTERA Intel Xilinx Lattice Microchip CPLD ASICSingle board Linux computerJTAG ToolsMAXQ2000System On ModulesFREESCALEParallax Basic Stamp PropellerBeagleBoard BeagleBoneCubieboard Cubietruckx86 Vortex86Banana PiODROIDFTDI Chip’s FT90x, ..OLIMEXOnion (Omega2)Základné doskyAI - Deep Learning - Neural NetworkJetson (NVIDIA)SparkFun MicroModBIOMETRIC MEDICAL E-Health Sensor EEG EKGEnclosures Boxes CasesWearable electronic / E-TextilesPrototyping SADY STAVEBNICECompilers & SoftwareSingle Board ComputerMotor DriverElectronic Components / Battery / Memory cardM5StackMeasuring instrumentsDigital OscilloscopesSpectrum AnalyzersWaveform GeneratorsDigital MultimetersPower SuppliersUniversal CountersLogic AnalyzersLCR MeterPower MeterHandheld Digital MultimeterNon-invasive AC Current SensorData loggerData AcquisitionImaging IR ThermometerDC ELECTRONIC LOADS - Elektronická záťažLCD TFT OLED e-paper0.9 - 5" LCD display5 - 8" LCD display8 - 16" LCD displaye-Paper / E-INKOLED / AMOLEDCOG, VFD, Character/Monochrome LCDDisplay AccessoriesIoT (THE INTERNET OF THINGS)SONOFFComplete Robots3D Printer, Bluetooth Printer, Thermal PrinterGaming System ArcadeVyberame / WE LOVE TRENDUnipiNUMATO

linksprite pcduino tft lcd pricelist

The TFT library provides the following Application Programming Interfaces(API). The library makes use of direct access to PORT registers instead of Arduino APIs. This is to increase the speed of communication between MCU and TFT. At present, the library supports Arduino, Arduino Mega (1280 or 2560) and Seeeduino ADK Main Board compatible boards. In Mega the 8bit data port of TFT is distributed to different pins belonging to different ports. This decreases the speed of graphics drawing when compared to Arduino. The choice of port pins are purely based on Arduino / Mega port pin arrangement.

TFT Touch Shield uses the Touch Screen Library. In short, a 4-wire resistive touch screen provides two voltage divider each for X and Y axis. By applying proper voltages for each axis and scanning the ADC values the position of the touch can be detected. These values are always prone to noise. Hence a digital filter is used.

linksprite pcduino tft lcd pricelist

pcDuino8 Uno is a high performance, cost effective single board computer. It runs operation systems such as Ubuntu Linux and Android. pcDuino8 Uno has HDMI interface to output its graphic desktop screen. It could support multi-format 1080p 60fps video decoder and 1080p 30fps H.265/HEVC  video encoder with its built-in hardware video processing engine.   It targets specially the fast growing demands from the open source community. pcDuino8 Uno provides easy-to-use tool chains and is compatible with the popular Arduino ecosystem such as Arduino Shields.

linksprite pcduino tft lcd pricelist

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Color LCD - Breakout Board Serial Miniature OLED Module - 1.5" (μOLED-128-G2-GFX) LCD-11062 $34.95 LCD-11676 $49.95

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16x2 Parallel LCD Add-On GPS Shield Retail Kit RTL-09761 $16.95 RTL-10709 $79.95

EL Wire - Blue Retail Serial LCD with Cable - Retail RTL-11425 $10.95 RTL-09877 $26.95 SparkFun Electronics Product Catalog 35 · April 23, 2013 EL Wire - Fluorescent-Blue-Green Retail Servo - Retail RTL-11429 $10.95 RTL-10770 $13.95

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CMUcam v4 LinkSprite JPEG Color Camera TTL Interface DEV-10032 $99.95 SEN-10061 $44.95

Color Detector Sensor LinkSprite JPEG Color Camera TTL Interface - Infrared SEN-11195 $39.95 SEN-11610 $49.95