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- ItemMinTypicalMaxUnitVoltageCurrentLCD Panel SizeView angleResolutionLCD colorBacklight TypeLCD driver ICInterface TypeTouch ScreenActive areaESD contact dischargeESD air dischargeDimensionWeight

The TFT library provides the following Application Programming Interfaces(API). The library makes use of direct access to PORT registers instead of Arduino APIs. This is to increase the speed of communication between MCU and TFT. At present, the library supports Arduino, Arduino Mega (1280 or 2560) and Seeeduino ADK Main Board compatible boards. In Mega the 8bit data port of TFT is distributed to different pins belonging to different ports. This decreases the speed of graphics drawing when compared to Arduino. The choice of port pins are purely based on Arduino / Mega port pin arrangement.

TFT Touch Shield uses the Adafruit Touch Screen Library. In short, a 4-wire resistive touch screen provides two voltage divider each for X and Y axis. By applying proper voltages for each axis and scanning the ADC values the position of the touch can be detected. These values are always prone to noise. Hence a digital filter is used.

#include #include #include //Measured ADC values for (0,0) and (240-1,320-1)//TS_MINX corresponds to ADC value when X = 0//TS_MINY corresponds to ADC value when Y = 0//TS_MAXX corresponds to ADC value when X = 240 -1//TS_MAXY corresponds to ADC value when Y = 320 -1 staticunsignedintTS_MINX,TS_MAXX,TS_MINY,TS_MAXY; //Touch Screen Co-ordinate mapping registerstaticunsignedintMapX1,MapX2,MapY1,MapY2; // For better pressure precision, we need to know the resistance// between X+ and X- Use any multimeter to read it// The 2.8" TFT Touch shield has 300 ohms across the X plate /* Usage: TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300);

Where, XP = X plus, YP = Y plus, XM = X minus and YM = Y minus *///init TouchScreen port pins. This would be reinitialized in setup() based on the hardware detected.TouchScreen ts=TouchScreen(17,A2,A1,14,300); voidsetup(void){Tft.init();//init TFTinitTouchScreenParameters();//initializes Touch Screen parameters based on the detected TFT Touch Schield hardware //LinesTft.drawLine(0,0,50,50,RED);//draw a 45degree red line point(0,0) to point(50,50)Tft.drawVerticalLine(25,0,50,GREEN);//draw a vertical green line point(25,0) to point(25,50)Tft.drawHorizontalLine(0,25,50,BLUE);//draw a horizontal blue line point(0,25) to point(50,25) //RectangleTft.drawRectangle(50,0,80,50,WHITE);//draw a white rectangle, length=80(X-AXIS), width=50(Y-AXIS)Tft.fillRectangle(0,50,50,80,CYAN);//fill a cyan rectangle, length=50(X-AXIS), width=80(Y-AXIS) //CircleTft.drawCircle(75,75,25,RED);//draw a red circle, circle centre(75,75) radius=25Tft.fillCircle(150,100,50,GREEN);//fill a green circle, circle centre(150,100) radius=50 //TextTft.drawChar("S",0,150,2,RED);//draw a char, start from point(0,150) font size 2(16*16)Tft.drawString("Seeed Studio",8,166,2,GREEN);//draw a char, start from point(8,166) font size 2(16*16)} voidloop(void){// a point object holds x y and z coordinatesPoint p=ts.getPoint();

p.x=map(p.x,TS_MINX,TS_MAXX,MapX1,MapX2);p.y=map(p.y,TS_MINY,TS_MAXY,MapY1,MapY2); // we have some minimum pressure we consider "valid"// pressure of 0 means no pressing!if(p.z>ts.pressureThreshhold){//p.x;//p.y;//p.z;Tft.fillCircle(p.x,p.y,2,GREEN);}} voidinitTouchScreenParameters(){//This function initializes Touch Screen parameters based on the detected TFT Touch Schield hardware if(Tft.IC_CODE==0x5408)//SPFD5408A TFT driver based Touchscreen hardware detected{#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)ts=TouchScreen(54,A1,A2,57,300);//init TouchScreen port pins#elsets=TouchScreen(14,A1,A2,17,300);//init TouchScreen port pins#endif//Touchscreen parameters for this hardwareTS_MINX=120;TS_MAXX=910;TS_MINY=120;TS_MAXY=950;

MapX1=239;MapX2=0;MapY1=0;MapY2=319;}else//ST7781R TFT driver based Touchscreen hardware detected{#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)ts=TouchScreen(57,A2,A1,54,300);//init TouchScreen port pins#elsets=TouchScreen(17,A2,A1,14,300);//init TouchScreen port pins#endif //Touchscreen parameters for this hardwareTS_MINX=140;TS_MAXX=900;TS_MINY=120;TS_MAXY=940;

linksprite pcduino tft lcd quotation

If you want a small embedded Linux board running a Cortex A8 designed by a small team of engineers then the 17 x 58 mm Gumstix Overo boards are hard to beat. There is also a dual-core A9 version (requires a heatsink) too. Sure, they cost more than an Allwinner-powered pcDuino but if you want a small, well-supported and well-documented, board to build your design around these are hard to beat. There is also a Gumstix-like board here.

The atrix lapdock could support 720p resolution input although its native resolution is 1366x768. You could use the pcDuino with the lapdock without problem.

A great idea - but unfortunately, the Atrix Lapdock can"t support actual 720p resolution (I know, because I"ve tried with multiple devices that can only output 720p). If you connect it to a PC and check, it only presents the EDID profile for 1366x768... So unless the pcDuino is actually configured (kernel compiled) to support that resolution, the laptop would be a no-go. That is really why this is an important question, because it is not mentioned at all in the manual.

The User Guide above is at revision 0.2, while the current user guide is at 0.4 on the pcDuino site. According to the change history it has been updated for the HDMI fix and chapter 5 has been rewritten for installing software to the NAND flash. You can get the latest updated manual from the pcDuino Downloads page. Here are the direct download links for the User Guide Rev. 0.4 and OS Installation.

That being said, what IS awesome about the arduino compatibility is that the pcDuino includes a porting layer which allows you to easily port existing arduino code. So you can take that really cool CAN code you wrote for the Ardunio and port it fairly easily over to the pcDuino.

Finally, and most importantly, the pcDuino is designed to operate a complete operating system. Arduino IDE runs ON an operating system. That"s a profound difference and if you don"t understand that there are plenty of CS 101 classes that you can take so you can understand the difference between an OS and an application.

Got my doubts on this claim of “all of the functions that you would expect using simple Arduino-style language “. I’ve been looking at the pcduino website, in particular the download page. It has a link to the source code for the “arduino compatible” features. Has anyone else looked at this github source code? From what I could glean from the github posting, there isn’t support for anything other than:

Check out where they show an example of hooking up an arduino shield...effectively making their own adapter. A bit of a rats nest, but it works until somebody cobbled together a nice plug-n-play PCB. Also, the pre-flashed OS comes with a number of ready to run samples using the Arduino compatibility layer and the arduino GPIO and other pins. The tutorials on will run you through accessing them.

(again noob speaking here so this may be incorrect).. but I thought those other boards, while supporting Android/Ubuntu, needed an ARM based Flash Player plug-in? Is that not the case here for the pcDuino? (Im missing something here? a bridge why ones works and not the other?)

Id like to be able to load/display/run a true .swf file (embedded into an HTML doc or not).. and have this also "use/communicate" with a web cam hat is also hooked up to the pcDuino..

On the forum, there is thread they started with next rev feature requests....I think somebody already mentioned SATA access, but you can check anyway and voice more interest...

Well, synaptic installed nodejs without fussing. There"s some C examples of pin I/O installed in the default user account on the pcDuino that are pretty basic; I can"t imagine it would take more than a weekend to adapt this Raspberry Pi GPIO module to the pcDuino: using the examples as a template. Mind you, I haven"t verified that the example code works yet.

As soon as I get mine, I"ll let you know. I was able to get a node stack running on my raspberry pi 256 (the Model A). I was able to compile Mongo as well (though it took a couple of hours). I can"t imagine that the pcDuino is much different (1Ghz and 1Gb of memory means it"s actually MORE capable than the Pi). If it supports the basic building tools (gcc,binutils,etc...) then you should be able to bootstrap anything onto it and if it doesn"t then it"s not a real Linux operating system and some kind of toy Linux.

What does it mean, in practice, that the PCduino supports Linux and Ubuntu? Does it require that you use a Linux flavor OS in the computer with which you program it? Do you need to know Linux features in order to program and use the board? Or is the embedded OS transparent?

Sparkfun: please update or mark the "Changing the OS" page as deprecated. The archive that you link to for the image doesn"t have the files that you claim will be in there, Livesuit doesn"t compile on a current Ubuntu and the PCDuino home page has instructions that conflict with yours.

In the "Programming the pcDuino" tutorial (in "Serial Communications" section) in C++ code the serial_test.h header file is mentioned. What is this file and where is situated? And how we can get it?

So I plugged the pcDuino in the other day, and everything worked fine. But I tried starting it up today, and it just boots to a black screen that I can"t get out of. I moved to a new monitor, and it worked again. But then I shut it off and tried to boot, and it"s on the black screen again. I know there is the display issue fix, but that involves being able to get to the desktop, I believe.

Am using the PCduino because my Raspberry Pi(s) have problems corrupting the SD card file system when power is switched off and then will not fully boot up. I need a device more reliable for embedded systems.

The Sparkfun "Getting started with pcduino" show a GPIO and two SPI headers not listed on the pcDuino user guide, but does not give the pin-out them. Does one exist and how do we find it?

Information on how to set up your / root file system for Ubuntu on a micro-SD card is available at pcDuino U-Boot - Parts 1,2,3. This is an easy method for increasing the available storage beyond the 2GB NAND flash already available.

It could be an overscan issue for your TV. Please use $sudo setwindow 95 1 0 0 . Please see detailed usage of setwindow in user guide of pcDuino. BTW, what is the native resolution of your monitor?

The BeagleBone ( looks capable of real-time processing, webcam interfacing -- however spec-wise the pcduino seems more powerful. Has anyone tried both and can give some thoughts on relative strengths?

My bad. You have the really good questions for pcDuino. The support of low level I/O programming is a very important aspect to this product. We need a little bit time to collect information and give you an accurate answer on GPIO performance. But it is definitely more than 100HZ as stated by previous document.

Mine was working great, so easy to set up and get running, and then I decided to go put in an sd card - there is a slot right? So after about an hour of playing with my new shiny pcDuino I stuck in that card. After that my pcDuino refuses to boot. It initializes the HDMI, because my monitor tells me when it gets a signal, but the screen stays blank after that. My power light is lit, the RX light is on steady and the TX light blinks with a pretty steady rhythm (some kind of heartbeat I would guess). I also know that SSH and Apache are not being initialized (because I can"t connect and my router tells me what machines have what ports open).

Please eject the TF card and power on the pcDuino again. If the device doesn"t boot up to Ubuntu, it indicates that the preinstalled Ubuntu in the board flash is somehow modified by accident. At this point, you could use livesuit or phenixcard to reinstall the Ubuntu. There is known issue for livesuit with certain 64 bit Win7. If this is your case, please use the phenixcard to reinstall the OS.

Alright, last update. Thanks to a very helpful person on the pcDuino forums with the username of gwaland (I owe him a beer), I was finally able to get back to my lunbuntu state.

I read these instructions right after I finally got my lunbuntu back. A person on the forums was very helpful and basically gave me these same steps. Thank you so much for all your help, the pcDuino community is great! I"m a happy camper again. I don"t mind solving problems, it"s when I spin my wheels with the same result when I get frustrated. Thank you so much, now I get to work with this fine product!

How do I use phoenixcard to install the OS? Do I plug the pcDuino in using the otg port and boot normally? I did notice that it does see the NAND flash when I use the OTG port and boot normally (or I assume, since there are several files on there that look like they belong on a boot partition).

since replies to replies don"t generate notifications (iirc) - looks like it"s available now: ...

RE can"t plug and play with arduino shields - I think its better that the headers are laid out the way they are right now on the pcduino... Imagine if we use more than one arduino shield, and those shields just so happen to both plug into one same pin, then we would need another shield the go-between shield to line them up

But if it"s laid out like this, we can manually connect one of the conflicting pin to another free pin on the pcduino board... the shields wont have structural attachment to the pcduino, but we can always remedy this when designing the enclosure container

In the description it states that the pcDuino has a "1GHz ARM Cortex A8 CPU", but the main chip in the picture and pcDuino_V01_Schem.pdf is shown as an A10.

There are a lot of people in the comments section who are not thrilled with this product, so the first person that can post a link to a development board that has at least all of the specs and features of the pcDuino at a cheaper price, then I will buy one for you! (And a few for me).

Most of the content on the site consists of....well....broken English....and if you dig into the user guides, you eventually run across some Asian character sets mixed in. So, I may not have an exact answer for you, but it probably gives you a general idea of where this is being sourced.

Arduino 1.5 adds support for multiple build targets, so it should be possible to write code in the Arduino IDE on the pcDuino itself, hit "Upload" and have the code compile and immediately start running on the native hardware! I"m working on that, but since it"s definitely not the only thing I"m working on, it"s possible that some community member may solve it before me.

They are working on an IDE similar to Arduino. Right now though you will have to do command line compiling. There are helper scripts and an example makefile to help you out, but if you don"t want to deal with that they will have an IDE out soon (they claim so at least). The "compatibility" with arduino is basically a porting layer so you can take existing arduino code, compile it on the pcDuino (using GCC, which is what Arduino IDE uses under the wraps as well) and just run it on the pcDuino like any other program you would run on a computer. There is no upload phase like an Arduino.

It"s important to note that on the pcDuino your code is compiled in situ, whereas on with the Arduino you compile it on another platform and upload to the Arduino.

No, you use the IDEs that are on the pcDuino website. There are two I think. I haven"t extracted them but in the tools section, it lists a Livesuit and a PhoenixCard program. I"m assuming those are some sort of IDE

The biggest benefit to the pcDuino over the Pi is the hardware support. pcDuino has ADC inputs, SPI, I2C, PWM outputs, GPIO, and hardware serial ports. We"re working on a conversion shield that should allow you to drop on any Arduino shield you like- look for that in coming weeks.

It will probably take the form of a shield that plugs onto the various headers on the pcDuino, routing the various signals through to the pins on the shield where they would be on a normal Arduino. We"re also likely to include a level shifter to render the signals 5V compatible, although the ADC channels will be left 3.3V only.

The pcDuino appears to have the same 4 headers as the Arduino, except they are on one side of the board instead of on both edges as in the Arduino. It also looks like the pcDuino header signal names are the same as the Arduino, pin for pin.

linksprite pcduino tft lcd quotation

The 3 points is default not soldering at the factory. Arduino has a 2*3 pins with SPI interface, but pcDuino doesn’t have that SPI interface. When you soldered the 3 points, pcDuino will communicate Touch LCD Shield through GPIO 11, 12, 13.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Test Code” tab_id=”1421631406833-2-5″][vc_column_text]This a part of the code, please download the complete code here:Code TFT_Touch_Shield

linksprite pcduino tft lcd quotation

The TFT library provides the following Application Programming Interfaces(API). The library makes use of direct access to PORT registers instead of Arduino APIs. This is to increase the speed of communication between MCU and TFT. At present, the library supports Arduino, Arduino Mega (1280 or 2560) and Seeeduino ADK Main Board compatible boards. In Mega the 8bit data port of TFT is distributed to different pins belonging to different ports. This decreases the speed of graphics drawing when compared to Arduino. The choice of port pins are purely based on Arduino / Mega port pin arrangement.

TFT Touch Shield uses the Touch Screen Library. In short, a 4-wire resistive touch screen provides two voltage divider each for X and Y axis. By applying proper voltages for each axis and scanning the ADC values the position of the touch can be detected. These values are always prone to noise. Hence a digital filter is used.

linksprite pcduino tft lcd quotation

pcDuino is a mini PC or single board computer platform that runs PC like OS such as Ubuntu and Android ICS. It outputs screen to HDMI. Moreover, it has hardware headers interface compatible with Arduino (TM). pcDuino can be used to teach Python, C and more interesting stuff.

linksprite pcduino tft lcd quotation

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linksprite pcduino tft lcd quotation

The pcDuino2 is an A10 based development board with Arduino compatible headers. Unlike many other A10 based boards, this one does not have a SATA connector.