arduino micro lcd display made in china

I don"t know where the term "PLJ-6LED 2004A" came from since the first half (PLJ-6LED) seems to refer to a 6-digit, 7-segment display that does not show up on the Sainsmart website. The second half (2004A) comes up often since it refers to the 20x4 display size. It doesn"t much matter which one you are using since they are all more or less the same as long as the row of pins is at the upper left (and not the lower left) corner of the pc board.

I assume you mean the "New Liquidcrystal library" which is a replacement for, not an accessory to, the library that comes with the Arduino IDE. You must follow the installation instructions for this library which you can get here. I believe they also come packaged with the library. Basically you have to remove all traces of any other LiquidCrystal libraries for this one to compile.

I assume that you are referring to this ArduinoInfo page, and to the device he calls "I2C LCD DISPLAY VERSION 1:" That tutorial is actually the one I used when I was tinkering with my adapter which looks like that one and also came on a slow boat from the far east, Banggood in my case.

You also have to deal with the connections between the chip on the IC and the pins that go to the LCD module. These are specific to each pc board and the tutorial gives you the constructor that goes with each of the boards pictured. There is a "guesser" sketch available here if you want to go that route.

arduino micro lcd display made in china

"C:\\Users\\David Prentice\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\STM32\\tools\\arm-none-eabi-gcc\\6-2017-q2-update/bin/arm-none-eabi-size" -A "C:\\Users\\DAVIDP~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino_build_687817/graphicstest.ino.elf"

arduino micro lcd display made in china

I presume that different display modules appear on the Chinese surplus market when phone models change production. They just get soldered to the universal pcb and the item sold on Ebay as Shields.

arduino micro lcd display made in china

I want to purchase this LCD Graphic LCD 128x64 STN LED Backlight - LCD-00710 - SparkFun Electronics, but it needs to be VERY readable in bright sunlight. I will use big letters on the display, so, I should be able to get good contrast.

So :), can somebody do me a huge favour and take your display outside in bright sunlight, I mean desert sunlight! and take a few pictures at different viewing angles.