pic16f877 tft lcd in stock

The ST7789 TFT is a color display that uses SPI protocol. This display is an IPS display, it comes in different sizes (1.3″, 1.54″ …) but all of them should have the same resolution of 240×240 pixel.

The ST7789 TFT display works with 3.3V only (power supply and control lines). The display module is supplied with 3.3V that comes from the AMS1117 3V3 voltage regulator, this regulator steps down the 5V into 3.3V (supplies the display controller with regulated 3V3).

The default connection setting of the mikroC ST7789 TFT library is hardware SPI1 module (SPI1 module must be initialized before initiating the display). Instead of hardware SPI1 module, software SPI or hardware SPI2 module can be used.

If TFT data pin (TFT_DIN) and clock pin (TFT_SCK) are defined in the main code (before #include “ST7789.c”) then the library will automatically use software SPI.

If the display module has a CS pin uncomment its related lines (#define TFT_CS and #define TFT_CS_DIR) and connect it to RD2 pin of the microcontroller through voltage divider.

pic16f877 tft lcd in stock

In this post i am going to explain how to interface 24×2 lcd with microcontroller. I am going to interface lcd with 8051(89c51,89c52) and Microchip Pic16f877 microcontrollers. 24×2 means 24-Coulombs and 2-Rows. Total characters which we can display on 24×2 lcd (24×2=48) 48. 24 Characters on each row. Interfacing 24×2 lcd with microcontroller is same as we interface other character lcds with microcontrollers. 24×2 lcds are controlled by hd44780 controller, the same controller used to control 8×1,16×2,20×2 lcds. Commands to initialize 24×2 lcd are same used to initialize other character lcds. Registers of lcd are also same. Data read and write process is also same.

Lcd which i am using is from Samsung. Its number is unknown. Only a numberUC24202,GNAR4PA,010429, is written on its back. Also it is mentioned “Made in China”