esp32 cam tft display in stock

A beautiful 3.5” touchscreen display, based on ESP32-WROVER, with a built-in 2M pixel OV2640 camera, makes it an ever perfect platform for your ESP32 projects.

Makerfabs ESP32 3.5” Touch with camera is absolutely open for makers, and besides, Makerfabs provide plenty of Demos to help the users on the usage. Have a try at this fantastic display in your next ESP32 project!~

esp32 cam tft display in stock

This ESP32-CAM Project covers how to use ESP32-CAM with a TFT display to show the picture captured by the cam. We have covered several times how to use ESP32-CAM in different projects and we have described how to use ESP32-CAM in Machine Learning projects. Even if we can use ESP32-CAM with a Web server to show pictures, in this post we want to cover how to show a picture on a TFT screen (ST7735). Therefore, we would like to visualize the picture taken by the ESP32-CAM directly on the display. In this case, we use an ST7735s display, anyway, you can select a different TFT if you like.

You should already know how to take a picture using an ESP32-CAM therefore we will focus on two aspects only:How to connect the ESP32-CAM to TFT display

This is the most interesting part because here we will show the picture taken by the ESP32-CAM on the TFT display. To do it, we will use the TJpg_Decoder library because it simplifies our work. First of all, we use a low-resolution such as 120×160 so that the picture fits in the TFT.

defining the scale and the callback method used to render the picture:bool tft_output(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t* bitmap){

At the end of this tutorial, you have learned how to use ESP32-CAM with TFT display. In this project we have integrated ESP32-CAM with ST7735 to show the image captured. We have build a simple camera machine using ESP32-CAM.

esp32 cam tft display in stock

The ESP32 3.2 Inch TFT Touch w/ Camera is the 3.2-inch version of the ESP32 touchscreen display, based on ESP32-WROVER, with a built-in 2M pixel OV2640 camera. The LCD is 320x240 TFT, with driver is ILI9341, it uses SPI for communication with ESP32, the SPI main clock could be up to 60M~80M, make the display smooth enough for videos and the camera OV2640 with pixel 2M, with this camera, you can make applications such as remote photography, face recognition.

While the camera is not used, you can freely use all these pins with the breakout connectors, to connect the ESP32 display with sensors/ actuators, suitable for IoT applications. This 3.2-inch ESP32 display is fully compatible with the Adafruit Arduino ILI9341 libraries, which make it easy to use with Arduino.

esp32 cam tft display in stock

// NB. I am using the Arduino IDE v1.8.19,// and the ESP32 software from "", BUT the ESP32 software version downloaded on 28May21.// (Note that the version as at now (19Aug22) seems to have a bug in it that stops the camera giving a valid photo.)// I am using Board="AI Thinker ESP32-CAM"#include "FS.h"#include #include #include     // //     // "esp_camera.h"#define CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER // Has PSRAM#include "camera_pins.h"#define BLOCK_SERIAL // comment-out to use GPIO-1 & GPIO-3 for Serial-output instead (useful for debugging Camera & TFT)#ifdef BLOCK_SERIAL#define Serial tft#define SD_CS 1     // via 1k for safety#define SWITCH_PIN 3 // via 1k for safety#else// GPIO-1 is ESP32-Tx// GPIO-3 is ESP32-Rx#endif#define RED_LED 33#define SPI_MOSI 13#define SPI_MISO 12#define SPI_CLK 14#define TFT_DC   2 // Data Command control pin#define TFT_CS  15 // Chip select control pin#define TFT_RST -1 // or can connect to GPIO-16 via 1k for safety (but GPIO also used for the PSRAM)SPIClass MySPI(HSPI); // Declare an HSPI bus object (to use or BOTH TFT and SD-card)Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(&MySPI, TFT_DC, TFT_CS, TFT_RST);// Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, SPI_MOSI, SPI_CLK, TFT_RST,SPI_MISO);#define TFT_ROTATION 0 // 0 to 3boolean camera_ok;// ******************************************************************************************void setup() { // ***************************************************************************tft.begin();tft.setRotation(TFT_ROTATION);tft_clear();tft.println("Hello World");#ifdef RED_LEDpinMode(RED_LED, OUTPUT);LED_flash(2);#endif#ifdef BLOCK_SERIAL#ifdef SWITCH_PINpinMode(SWITCH_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP);#endif#ifdef SD_CSSerial.print("SDcard: ");boolean success=SD.begin(SD_CS,MySPI);if (success) {Serial.println("OK");} // works!else {Serial.println("Fail: check formatted SD-card is in!"); return;} // dont do the rest of setup()!#endif#elseSerial.begin(115200);Serial.println("ESP32-CAM WITHOUT SD-Card");#endifcamera_ok=camera_init();TJpgDec.setJpgScale(1);TJpgDec.setCallback(tft_output); // "tft_output" is passed to the decoderSerial.print("\nRunning ");if (camera_ok) Serial.println("OK"); else Serial.println("but without Camera");delay(5000);} // end of setup() // **********************************************************************// ******************************************************************************************// ******************************************************************************************void loop() { // ****************************************************************************#define photo_count_max 12 // 0 to 11static int photo_next_free=photo_count_max; // 0=none, -1=none-already-reported // set to "photo_count_max" on boot so will count number of photos!#ifdef SWITCH_PINboolean push_switch=!digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN);if (push_switch) {tft_clear();Serial.println("Release for photo OR");Serial.println("Hold 3s = delete ALL");int x;for (x=0;x<12;x++) {delay(250); if (digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN)) break;} // allow for switch bounceif (x==12) {push_switch=false; sd_wipe_all(); photo_next_free=0;}}#elsedelay(5000);boolean push_switch=true;#endifif (push_switch) photo_next_free=take_picture(photo_next_free);else if (photo_next_free>0) {photo_next_free=sd_load_and_display(photo_next_free);} // NEXT-EMPTY photo-countelse if (photo_next_free==0) {photo_next_free=-1; tft_clear(); Serial.println("No photos!");} // only report once} // end of loop() // ***********************************************************************// ******************************************************************************************#ifdef RED_LEDvoid LED_flash(int count) {count*=2;boolean state=LOW; // LOW is ONwhile (count--) {digitalWrite(RED_LED,state); state=!state; delay(1000);}}#endif// ******************************************************************************************#if ((TFT_ROTATION&B1)==1)#define tft_text_row 0#else#define tft_text_row 260 // 240x320#endifvoid tft_top() {tft.setCursor(0,0);}void tft_text() {tft.setCursor(0,tft_text_row);}void tft_clear() {tft.fillScreen(ILI9341_BLACK);tft.setCursor(0,0); // toptft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE);tft.setTextSize(2); // 1 to 5 // was 4}boolean tft_output(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t* bitmap) {if (y>=tft.height()) return false;tft.drawRGBBitmap(x, y, bitmap, w, h);return true;}// ******************************************************************************************char* sd_build_file_name(int photo) {if (photo>999) photo=999;static char text[]="/photoXXX.jpg";snprintf(text+6,3+1,"%d",photo);char *p1=text+strlen(text);strcpy(p1,".jpg");return text;}void sd_wipe_all() {tft_clear();Serial.println("Deleting photos:");boolean found=false;fs::FS &fs = SD;for (int x=(photo_count_max-1);x>=0;x--) {char *path=sd_build_file_name(x);boolean success=fs.remove(path);if (success) found=true;if (found) {Serial.print(path+1); Serial.print("->");if (success) Serial.println("Deleted"); else Serial.println("Failed");} }if (!found) Serial.println("No photos to delete!");delay(5000);}int sd_load_and_display(int photo_next) { // returns NEXT_EMPTY_photo_count (ie. 0 if no photos)#ifdef BLOCK_SERIALif ((photo_next<0) or (photo_next>=photo_count_max)) photo_next=0;int first_blank=photo_count_max;for (int y=0;y=(photo_count_max-1)) photo_next=0; else photo_next++; // next photo}return first_blank; // NEXT_EMPTY photo_count (0 if empty, photo_count_max if full)#elseSerial.println("Can"t use SD-Card as uses GPIO-1");return 0;#endif}// ******************************************************************************************boolean camera_init() {camera_config_t config;config.ledc_channel = LEDC_CHANNEL_0;config.ledc_timer = LEDC_TIMER_0;config.pin_d0 = Y2_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_d1 = Y3_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_d2 = Y4_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_d3 = Y5_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_d4 = Y6_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_d5 = Y7_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_d6 = Y8_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_d7 = Y9_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_xclk = XCLK_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_pclk = PCLK_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_vsync = VSYNC_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_href = HREF_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_sscb_sda = SIOD_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_sscb_scl = SIOC_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_pwdn = PWDN_GPIO_NUM;config.pin_reset = RESET_GPIO_NUM;config.xclk_freq_hz = 20000000;config.pixel_format = PIXFORMAT_JPEG;Serial.print("PSRAM: ");if (psramFound()){ // larger buferSerial.println("OK");config.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_QVGA;config.jpeg_quality = 10;config.fb_count = 1;} else { // smaller bufferSerial.println("FAILED");config.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_QQVGA;config.jpeg_quality = 12;config.fb_count = 1;}esp_err_t camera_status;for (int x=0;x<2;x++) { // try twice as sometimes get error 0x20004delay(2000);camera_status = esp_camera_init(&config);Serial.print("Camera init: ");if (camera_status!=ESP_OK) {Serial.print("failed with error 0x"); Serial.println(camera_status,HEX);}else {Serial.println("OK"); break;}}if (camera_status!=ESP_OK) return false; // exitsensor_t *sensor = esp_camera_sensor_get();if (sensor->id.PID == OV3660_PID) Serial.println("*** WARNING: Old-PID Sensor Detected - need to adjust settings ***");return true;}int take_picture(int photo_next) {int photo_try=photo_next;if ((photo_try<0) or (photo_try>=photo_count_max)) photo_try=0;boolean success=false;Serial.print("Taking photo...");#ifndef BLOCK_SERIALtft_clear();tft.println("Taking photo...");#endifdelay(1000);camera_fb_t * fb=nullptr;fb = esp_camera_fb_get();if (!fb) Serial.println("Fail?\nTry rebooting!");else {Serial.println();char *path=sd_build_file_name(photo_try);#ifdef BLOCK_SERIALfs::FS &fs = SD;File file =, FILE_WRITE); // will overwrite any existing file!!if (file) {file.write(fb->buf, fb->len);photo_try++; photo_next=photo_try; // can give "photo_count_max" and return this to calling sub!success=true;}file.close();#elsesuccess=true;#endifuint16_t w=0, h=0;TJpgDec.getJpgSize(&w, &h, fb->buf, fb->len);TJpgDec.drawJpg(0, 0, fb->buf, fb->len); // Display photo#if (tft_text_row==0)delay(5000); // bodge#endifif (success) tft_text();#ifdef BLOCK_SERIAL // ensure following photo is deleted (so on re-start we know where to start)!Serial.print(path+1);Serial.print("->");if (success) {Serial.println("Saved"); char *path=sd_build_file_name(photo_next); fs.remove(path);} else Serial.println("Fail");#elsetft.print(path+1);tft.println("->No Save");#endif}delay(5000);return photo_next;}

esp32 cam tft display in stock

For this tutorial I’ve used an ESP32 -CAM, a 1.8″ TFT screen, an 18650 USB powerbank and a 3D printed case to make a selfie camera that automatically takes a photo when it sees a person’s face. The project has a lot of steps but is fairly simple. You can make it version without having a 3D printer.

Before uploading the code a few things need to be set up in the Arduino IDE. If this is your first time with the ESP32-CAM in the Arduino IDE you need to set up the ESP32 hardware libraries, learn to connect and test by following this tutorial ESP32-CAM in the Arduino IDE

There’s three libraries that need to be installed. The TFT_eSPI can easily be installed from the IDE library manager (Tools > Manage Libraries) by searching for TFT_eSPI. The TFT_eFEX and ESPAsyncWebserver libraries need to be installed by downloading the libraries using the the ‘Download ZIP’ link and in the IDE installing them with Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library.

The TFT_eSPI library needs to be configured to work with the ST7735S TFT panel. Copy the contents of the User_Setup.h file into the newly installed library file User_Setup.h file found in Documents > Arduino > libraries > TFT_eSPI. If you find the image quality is poor you can try other xxxxTAB versions. These refer to the colours of the tab on the screen protector but don’t match 100%.

If you want to use the countdown animation, the images for this need to be uploaded to the ESP32 memory. To do this follow the instructions to install the data folder uploader here: ESP32 Data Folder Uploader . Remember if you change the partition scheme in the IDE this data will be over-written.

Download the ZIP file from the project folder on Github and unzip to your Arduino folder (In Windows 10 – Libraries > Documents > Arduino) in a directory named SelfieCam.

Below is a quick video showing the the selfie capture sequence, starting with the face being detected, the flash lighting up, the photo being taken and finally the photo being displayed from the ESP32 SPIFFS storage:

The code uses a mixture of HTTP requests and WebSockets. When the browser first connects to the ESP32 the HTML interface is sent via HTTP with this code: webserver.on("/", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest * request) {

In the browser the interface loads and opens a WebSocket connection to the ESP32. This replies with a list of files in the ESP32 storage – the results of the function below: String filelist_spiffs()

Back in the browser it processes the list with the code below. addSelfieToScreen() is a function that creates objects in the DOM and fills them to create the visible interface. var filelistFromESP32 =; // list of files from ESP32

When all the objects in the interface are created, the populateImgtags() function runs. This uses the fetch() method to request the selfie images from the ESP32. The images are sent from the ESP32 storage to the browser via HTTP with this code: webserver.on("/image", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest * request) {

esp32 cam tft display in stock

This is an example how to use an Ili9342 touchscreen and ESP32 to show live pictures of an IP camera on the screen. This can be used for example for video surveillance, video door bells and similar applications.

I"ve used our AZ-Touch MOD kit for ESP32 as hardware plattform. This kit comes with a 2.4 or 2.8 inch tft touchscreen. The demo will work with both screen sizes, but of course it makes more sense to use the bigger 2.8 inch screen in this application.

Please install the CameraWebServer example on the ESP32-cam which comes with the Arduino IDE. It"s important to choose "ESP Wrover Module" as board and "Huge APP..." as partition scheme:

The software of the monitor can be used with other IP cameras too if these cameras can provide a JPG picture via http in QVGA (320 x 240) or VGA (640 x 480) size. Probably some small changes especially in the host address configuration are needed in this case.

esp32 cam tft display in stock

I CAN WALK AGAIN! yaaay.. Back in the lab making videos.This video is the first of a miniseries showing how to interface a camera to a microcontroller (ESP32...

esp32 cam tft display in stock

The TFT display is a kind of LCD that is connected to each pixel using a transistor and it features low current consumption, high-quality, high-resolution and backlight. This 2.8-inch full color LCD has a narrow PCB display. The resolution is 320×280 pixels and it has a four-wire SPI interface and white backlight.

esp32 cam tft display in stock

I drew logic about the final project. It saves the video that Cam shows and makes it visible on the TFT Display, and allows it to stream different times for each display. So I designed and produced ESP32-CAM.

Schematic connects two 8pins and FTDIs in a structure that can be connected. The reason why each ESP32-CAM pin was connected to 8pin was to connect directly to the display so that it could be used.

It refers to the structural features of ESP32-CAM. SD card can be used, Reset button is at the back, and Flash lamp also has. The lamp flashes when the reset button is pressed or the board is activated.

So as a solution, I decided to connect Wi-Fi and show it on the display. So I had to make another board. The process of making the board can be checked output week.

esp32 cam tft display in stock

I have updated the arduino IDE to 1.8.9 and ESP32 boards as per instructions, but cant find the problem. If you have any ideas I really appriecate it.

Hi Dan, yes I took Sara’s advice and selected the correct camera module in the code but commenting out the ones that don’t apply. I did also find reducing the upload speed made things more stable. I think my programmer is not the best.

Hi Dan, did you found the solution. I also purchase two units with different brand with same issue. (the first one have successed before but when retry to reupload the issue came).

Any way you know of to see the video stream or stills via a TFT display on another ESP through web browser or otherwise? I’ve used ESPNow between ESP12’s or 32’s for display of thermal cam images but they’re much smaller. Avoids need for phone or laptop tied up….

Alternatively, if you have the latest updated ESP32 add-on, you should have the code in your examples. Go to File > Examples > ESP32 > Camera and open the CameraWebServer example.

I was looking for something like this for my recent project, Thanks! Great tutorial! But I think ESP32-CAM is “unofficial” combination of ESP32 with a camera. I think Espressif themselves released a dedicated “official” ESP32+camera board called ESP-EYE with their own “official” software library called ESP-WHO.

We haven’t fully tested the ESP-EYE yet. We’ve played with the example firmware that they provide and we made a blog post about it that you can read here:

Try to check the cable, connections, power source … etc. If you can, try to measure the voltage that goes directly to the pins on the ESP32CAM board. It should be the closest to 5 Volt.

Thanks, it will be of great help, recently I was able to integrate my esp32 cam into an MQTT client library, every face detected a publisher is sent to the broker

I’ve selected AI Thinker in the code and reduced the upload to 115200. Anyone have some insights? I have a M5Stack Camera which works pretty well with the code but these two are dead.

There is a small red led (GPIO33 inverted) . The main led is controlled by GPIO4. In the example CamWebServer program there is AFAIK no possibility in the webserver to switch the main LED.

That occurs selecting AI Thinker. The other two options give me the 0x20001 error. I bought the esp camera from DIYMORE.CC. The description in their ad prints AI Thinker on the chip, but my actual device does not have AI Thinker printed. It just has DM-ESP32-S.

Then the web service did not appear in google chrome browser. Error message was something about too much header lines or so. In MS Edge it was ok. But i have no image from the cam. Cam must be broken. So i have to wait another month to get this as spare part. Have also ordered another ESP board with an external antenna hoping to get better connection to the router.

The brownout detector error usually means that the ESP32 is not being powered properly. You can read more about this on our troubleshooting guide, bullet 8:

The ESP32-CAM should work fine being powered either with 3.3V through the 3.3V pin or 5V through the 5V pin. You’re probably not providing enough current.

Thank you very much for sharing. Using M5STACKcam I didn’t had image. After troubleshooting and comparing with other codes I changed setting for Y2_GPIO_NUM to 17. Now it works like a sharm