adafruit tft display arduino wireing pricelist

This lovely little display breakout is the best way to add a small, colorful and bright display to any project. Since the display uses 4-wire SPI to communicate and has its own pixel-addressable frame buffer, it can be used with every kind of microcontroller. Even a very small one with low memory and few pins available!

The 1.44" display has 128x128 color pixels. Unlike the low cost "Nokia 6110" and similar LCD displays, which are CSTN type and thus have poor color and slow refresh, this display is a true TFT! The TFT driver (ST7735R) can display full 16-bit color using our library code.

The breakout has the TFT display soldered on (it uses a delicate flex-circuit connector) as well as a ultra-low-dropout 3.3V regulator and a 3/5V level shifter so you can use it with 3.3V or 5V power and logic. We also had a little space so we placed a microSD card holder so you can easily load full color bitmaps from a FAT16/FAT32 formatted microSD card. The microSD card is not included, but you can pick one up here.

adafruit tft display arduino wireing pricelist

Since the display uses 4-wire SPI to communicate and has its own pixel-addressable frame buffer, it can be used with every kind of microcontroller. Even a very small one with low memory and few pins available!

The 2.2" display has 320x240 color pixels. Unlike the low-cost "Nokia 6110" and similar LCD displays, which are CSTN type and thus have poor color and slow refresh, this display is a true TFT! The TFT driver (ILI9341 or compatible) can display full 18-bit color (262,144 shades!). And the LCD will always come with the same driver chip so there are no worries that your code will not work from one to the other.

The breakout has the TFT display soldered on (it uses a delicate flex-circuit connector) as well as an ultra-low-dropout 3.3V regulator and a 3/5V level shifter so you can use it with 3.3V or 5V power and logic. They also placed a microSD card holder so you can easily load full-color bitmaps from a FAT16/FAT32 formatted microSD card. The microSD card is not included.

Of course, Adafruit wouldn"t just leave you with a datasheet and a "good luck!" - they"ve written a full open-source graphics library that can draw pixels, lines, rectangles, circles, text, and bitmaps as well as example code. The code is written for Arduino but can be easily ported to your favorite microcontroller! Wiring is easy, we strongly encourage using the hardware SPI pins of your Arduino as software SPI is noticeably slower when dealing with this size display. Check the example sketches for wiring help until we get a detailed wiring tutorial written!

This display breakout also features a 18-pin "EYESPI" standard FPC connector with flip-top connector. You can use a 18-pin 0.5mm pitch FPC cable to connect to all the GPIO pins, for when you want to skip the soldering.

As of November 2022 - Adafruit have updated this TFT breakout with a EYESPI connector to make cabling easier with an 18-pin FPC. They also used Adafruit Pinguin to make a lovely silkscreen. The board is otherwise the same size, pinout, and functionality.

adafruit tft display arduino wireing pricelist

In electronics world today, Arduino is an open-source hardware and software company, project and user community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices. Arduino board designs use a variety of microprocessors and controllers. The boards are equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards (‘shields’) or breadboards (for prototyping) and other circuits.

The boards feature serial communications interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB) on some models, which are also used for loading programs. The microcontrollers can be programmed using the C and C++ programming languages, using a standard API which is also known as the “Arduino language”. In addition to using traditional compiler toolchains, the Arduino project provides an integrated development environment (IDE) and a command line tool developed in Go. It aims to provide a low-cost and easy way for hobbyist and professionals to create devices that interact with their environment using sensors and actuators. Common examples of such devices intended for beginner hobbyists include simple robots, thermostats and motion detectors.

In order to follow the market tread, Orient Display engineers have developed several Arduino TFT LCD displays and Arduino OLED displays which are favored by hobbyists and professionals.

Although Orient Display provides many standard small size OLED, TN and IPS Arduino TFT displays, custom made solutions are provided with larger size displays or even with capacitive touch panel.

adafruit tft display arduino wireing pricelist

This TFT display is big (2.8" diagonal) bright (4 white-LED backlight) and colorful (18-bit 262,000 different shades)! 240x320 pixels with individual pixel control. It has way more resolution than a black and white 128x64 display. As a bonus, this display has a resistive touchscreen attached to it already, so you can detect finger presses anywhere on the screen.

The shield is fully assembled, tested and ready to go. No wiring, no soldering! Simply plug it in and load up our library - you"ll have it running in under 10 minutes! Works best with any classic Arduino UNO. Solder three jumpers and you can use it at full speed on a Leonardo or Mega as well.

This display shield has a controller built into it with RAM buffering, so that almost no work is done by the microcontroller. This shield needs fewer pins than our v1 shield, so you can connect more sensors, buttons and LEDs: 5 SPI pins for the display, another pin for the SPI touchscreen controller and another pin for uSD card if you want to read images off of it.

The display uses digital pins 13-9. Touchscreen controller requires digital pin 8. microSD pin requires digital #4. That means you can use digital pins 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and analog 0-5. Pin 4 is available if not using the microSD

adafruit tft display arduino wireing pricelist

This project involves yet another Arduino-compatible display which can be used as an output to display any information in the form of graphics, text or animations. Since this is a 1.3" 240x240 IPS (In-Plane Switching) TFT display module, it does offer a high-resolution colour display with fine graphics, and that is one of the things which I really enjoy about this display. It is also very easy to program, as it runs on the STT789 display, which is helpful to know, as the Adafruit ST7789 library supports this display, and is what we will be using today. The code used below is a fairly complex code at first, which showcases this display"s capabilities and what it can do, in terms of functionality. For the wiring, a 6-pin wiring configuration is used with the SPI interface to the Arduino, which will be shown below. Finally, for this project, here are the components which you will need:1 1.3" 240x240 IPS TFT Display Module

This project is fairly​ straightforward to set up so make sure you start by unplugging any power source feeding into your Arduino to prevent any shorts while wiring. Firstly, take a jumper wire and connect the GND pin on the display to any of your Arduino"s GND pins and follow that up by connecting the VCC pin from the display to the 3v3 pin of your Arduino to supply a +3.3 volt power supply to the module. +5v will have a possibility to damage the display. Now, for the i2c connections, hook up the SCL (Serial Clock) pin of the display to A13 (analog pin 13) on the Arduino and the SDA (Serial Data) pin to A11 (analog pin 11). For the RES (Reset) pin, connect it up to A8 (analog pin 8) as well as the DC (Data/Command) pin to A9 (analog pin 9). The hardware part is finally done!

This code may seem slightly intimidating at first, due to its length and much newer functions, but once it is broken down, it isn"t so hard anymore. In the first three lines, we declare libraries for running this display, the graphics used, and for the interface used, which is the SPI interface. In the next three lines, the RST (Reset) and DC (Data/Command) pins are defined, which are connected to A8 (analog pin 8) and A9 (analog pin 9). In the next line, we initialize the Adafruit ST7789 library for use with this display and we follow that by defining the value of pi as a float variable in that next line. We will be using this float variable later on for graphics and calculations needed. Thevoid setupsection is now here where we first start by begining serial communication with a baud rate of 9600 bauds and printing a test message which is "Hello! ST7789 TFT Test!". In regards to the display, we address that our display module is of 240x240 resolution and we set the rotation of our display in the next line. If your display is flipped, removetft.setRotation(2)​. From there, we print the text "Initialized" as our display is now correctly set up. After that, we count up the seconds from the startup with themillis()function and store it in an unsigned 16-bit integer, namedtime, for use later. We then fill up the TFT screen with a black colour. Since we already started the stopwatch which counts up, we can always reset the stopwatch back to zero by using subtracting thetimefunction with themillis()​.To end off this section, we set a delay for 500 milliseconds before moving on. This section onwards will only be for the animations, graphics and images displayed on the screen, and we start off by filling the screen with a black background and writing some text with a white colour before a 1-second delay. Proceeding that, we execute a print test which basically is already programmed to print out a set of text in different font colours and sizes. We end this test by setting a delay for 4 seconds. From this point, the rest of the code is responsible for printing out the different graphics, which can be composed of shapes, pixels and text. All the different graphics and its individual code are mentioned at the end of the code so I recommend really going through this program to learn all the commands, which can help you build your own demo code, even with your own personal images being displayed. This project is now done!