hantronix lcd display free sample
One of Hantronix many strengths include the intricate design and production of custom glass LCD panels. Hantronix has the experience and technology to develop your custom LCD needs. This includes incorporating low operating voltage, wide operating temperature range and robust polarizers . Other capabilities include multiple sided LCD panel to fit your product shape and silk screening on LCD glass surface. Hantronix tooling is competitive with short sample lead times. Please contact Hantronix or your local Hantronix Representative for your custom LCD requirements.
Displaying Characters on an LCD Character Module describes the initialization, displaying of text and creating, down loading and displaying custom characters on our character modules. The code sample is in 8051 assembly language and a program flow chart is also provided. (79k)
Driving a character display from a PC printer port describes a simple method of controlling an LCD character module directly from the parallel printer port of a PC. There is little, if any extra hardware required and the module may even be powered from the PC. (40k)
Interfacing to a Graphics Module with a T6963C Controller describes the software and hardware to display an image on any Hantronix graphics module with a built-in T6963C controller. This note includes schematic, flow chart and sample software. The code is in 8051 assembly language. (53k)
Interfacing a 128 x 64 Graphic Module with an 8 bit Micro-controller describes the software and hardware to display an image on a Hantronix HDM64GS12. This note includes schematic, flow chart and sample software in 8051 assembly language. (76k)
Interfacing a 128 x 64 Chip-on-Glass Graphics module describes the set-up, initialization and interfacing of an HDG12864-1 LCD module. It describes the use of the built-in power supply and electronic contrast control. (61k)
Displaying in Negative or Positive Mode on Graphics Displays describes a software method of obtaining either a negative or positive image on a graphics display, which is either positive or negative from the factory. (13k)
An explanation of LCD Viewing Angle. This is a technical explanation of how viewing angle is specified and how it influences the selection of the right LCD for your application. (46k)
LED Back Light Driving Methods describes several ways of driving an LED back light with emphasis on a technique for obtaining a bright display with minimum drive current. It also describes a method of controlling the brightness of the LED back light. (14k)
Temperature Compensation for LCD Displays. This paper discusses the issues involved in temperature compensation of the LCD operating voltage. A sample circuit to provide this compensation is also discussed. (23k)
Hantronixlow cost TN, STN, FSTN, character displays are available from 8x1 to 40x4 formats. We also offer semi-custom and full custom alphanumeric designs tailored for a broad range of applications and markets including industrial, medical and consumer.
The term LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. The liquid crystal fluid is the active medium that is used to create an image. It consists of a very large number of elongated crystals suspended in a fluid. This reservoir is sandwiched between two thin sheets of glass. Each piece of glass has a transparent conductive pattern bonded to it. See Figure #1 below. The crystals are aligned in a spiral pattern until an electric field is impressed on the conductors.
A sheet of polarizing material is bonded to the outside surfaces of both the front and rear glass covers. As incident light of random polarization enters the top polarizer it is stopped except for that which is polarizerd in the proper direction. With no electric field applied the light is twisted or its polarization is changed by the spiral pattern of the crystals. The bottom polarizer is aligned opposite of the top one but the "twisted" light is now aligned with the bottom polarizer and passes through. The display is now transparent and appears light. See Figure #2.
When an electric field is applied to the conductors the crystals align themselves with that field. The ambient light now passes through the crystal without being twisted. See Figure #3. This makes it out of phase with the bottom polarizer where it is absorbed. The display now looks dark or opaque. By selectively applying the field voltage the desired pattern can be created.
Advances in LCD technology have produced the Super Twisted Nematic (STN) display with a twist angle of >200° vs. 90° for TN type. This results in greater contrast and a wider viewing angle.
(just in case - if it is a standard LED, you would need to apply the +V to the A, and ground to K. If it"s a white LED with >3V drop then at least 4V may be needed with a series resistor to limit current. However, looking at the back it seems the jumpers for what may be the LED option are not connected, and as Anindo says it does look like an EL panel poking out under the display)
HDM16116L Dimensional Drawing 16 Character x 1 Line LED Backlight 80.0 3.20 0.55 2.5 75.0 0.6 0.05 0.75 71.3 4.7 64.5 5.5 2.54x15=38.1 16-1.0 2.5 1 16 0.75 59.45 4-R1.0 7.77 6.35 0.05 4-2.0 9.3 7.0 (T) Dimension tolerance: +/-0.3mm (T) = Thin Version Features Block Diagram Character Format .................................. 5x7 Dots with Cursor Backlight............................................................................LED Options......Gray STN/Yellow STN, 12 oClock/6 oClock View Normal/Extended Temperature D0 - D7 COM 1 - 8 Normal/Negative Displays LCD LCD PANEL E CONTROLLER R/W Physical Data HD44780 RS SEG 40 Module Size ..................................80.0W x 36.0H x 14.5T mm or V L EQUIVALENT Thin Version..........80.0W x 36.0H x 12.5T mm V COM 9 - 16 DD Viewing Area Size.......................................64.5W x 13.8H mm V SS Weight.................................................................................37g K LED BACKLIGHT A Absolute Maximum Ratings RESISTOR SUPPLIED BY USER PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNIT SUPPLY VOLTAGE V -V 0 7.0 V DD SS SUPPLY VOLTAGE FOR LCD V -V 0 13.5 V DD L INPUT VOLTAGE V V V V IN SS DD Pin Connections OPERATING TEMPERATURE T 0 50 C OP PIN NO. SYMBOL LEVEL FUNCTION STORAGE TEMPERATURE T -20 70 C STG 1 V - 0V LED FORWARD CURRENT I - 150 mA SS F 2 V - 5V LED REVERSE VOLTAGE V - 8 V DD R Power Supply 3 V - - LED POWER CONSUMPTION P - 540 mW L D 4 RS H/L H: Data input L: Instruction data input 5 R/W H/L H: Data read Electrical Characteristics (VDD=5.00.25V 25C) L: Data write PARAMETER SYM CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNIT 6 E H,HL Enable signal 7 D0 H/L INPUT HIGH VOLTAGE V - 2.2 - - V IH 8 D1 H/L INPUT LOW VOLTAGE V - - - 0.6 V IL 9 D2 H/L OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE V I =0.2mA 2.4 - - V OH OH 10 D3 H/L OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE V I =1.2mA - - 0.4 V OL OL Data bus 11 D4 H/L POWER SUPPLY CURRENT I V =5.0V - 1.0 2.2 mA DD DD 12 D5 H/L POWER SUPPLY FOR LCD V -V T =25C 4.3 - 4.7 V DD L A 13 D6 H/L LED FORWARD VOLTAGE V I =75mA 3.9 4.1 4.5 V F F 14 D7 H/L BRIGHTNESS L I =75mA 30 50 - NIT 15 A - Anode for LED backlighting F DRIVE METHOD 1/16 Duty 16 K - Cathod for led backlighting Page 69 12.85 1.6 13.8 8.9 14.5 MAX 25.2 12.5 MAX (T) 2.9 31.0 2.5 36.0X-ON Electronics Largest Supplier of Electrical and Electronic Components Click to view similar products for LCD Character Display Modules & Accessories category: Click to view products by Hantronix manufacturer: Other Similar products are found below : HG9Z-AC501 HG9Z-SCI25B LCM-S01602DTRA-3 HDM16216L-S-L30S HG9Z-XC213 EA FL-10P MDLS-81809-LV-GLED4G MDLS- 20265-LV-GLED4G NMTC-S16205DFYHSAY-22 NHD-0420AZ-FSW-GBW-33V33-0 CM1644-SGR1 162A BC BW LCM-S02002DSM- Y 162D BA BC HDM24216H-2-P9XS DEM 16207 FGH-PW DEM 16207 SBH-PW-N DEM 16207 SYH-PY RC0802A1-LLG-JWVE RC0802A1-LLR-JWVE RC0802A-TIW-ESV RC0802A-TIY-ESV RC1202A-BIY-CSX RC1202A-BIY-ESX RC1602A-BIW-CSV RC1602A-YHW-CSV RC1602B-GHY-CSXD RC1602B-TIW-CSV RC1602B-YHY-CSVD RC1602D-GHY-ESX RC2002A2-LLB-JSVE RC2002A-GHG-CSV RC2004A-BIW-ESX RC2004A-GHW-CSV RC2004A-LLB-JSVE RC2004A-LLH-JSV RC2004A-LLR-JSVE DEM 08171 SYH-LY DEM 08172 SYH-PY DEM16101SYH-LY DEM 16209 SBH-PW-N DEM 16210 SGH DEM 16214 FGH-PW DEM 16216 FDH-P(RGB)-N DEM16216SYH-LY DEM 16217 SYH-PY DEM 16221 SYH DEM 16221 SYH (FFCF/TR)/V DEM 16227 FGH-PW DEM 16227 SBH-PW-N
Abstract: LCD connection to PIC16f1939 microchip pic18 graphic lcd pic16f887 keypad interfacing example PIC16F690 example code i2c master microchip pic18 spi dma example PIC16F887 POTENTIOMETER ADC shift register 7 segment display pic16f LCD control using dsPIC33 echo cancellation audio
Text: Solutions Display Solutions: Segmented LCD and Graphics Displays Graphics Displays PIC MCUs for , a Graphics LCD Work? Graphics LCD System and PIC24 Interface Microchip Graphics Display Library , Capacitive Sensing Module www.microchip.com/humaninterface 5 Display Solutions: Segmented LCD and , www.microchip.com/ LCD . Free Segment Display Designer GUI Microchip offers a user friendly segmented display , for the graphics LCD displays. FREE Microchip Graphics Library With Microchip"s free Graphics
Abstract: PIC24F256GB110 PIC16f887 interfacing with graphical lcd proximity sensor interfacing with microcontroller PIC16f690 interfacing keypad and lcd LCD connection to PIC16f1939 touch screen based dc motor speed control microchip pic18 spi dma example microchip pic18 graphic lcd speex* dspic equalizer
Text: /humaninterface 5 Display Solutions: Segmented LCD and Graphics Displays The use of segmented and graphics , Overview of Microchip Graphics Display Solution How Does a Graphics LCD Work? Graphics LCD System and , Segmented LCD Displays PIC MCUs with Segmented Display Drive The demand for human interfaces in consumer , contrast control Learn more online at www.microchip.com/ LCD . Free Segment Display Designer GUI , M 80-pin LCD PIC microcontrollers for 8 segmented display applications. s Separate Processor
Abstract: PIC16F887 POTENTIOMETER ADC LCD display using dsPIC33 AN1237 microchip PIC24F256GB110 LCD control using dsPIC33 HIF2131 IC 64256 RAM PIC16f690 and lcd AN-643
Text: Capacitive Sensing with the Capacitive Sensing Module www.microchip.com/humaninterface 5 LCD MIPS - Microchip Microchip 816 32 16 LCD PIC MCU Microchip LCD 8 PIC16 PIC18 MCU MCU 192 LCD LCD 192 LCD 128 KB 256BEEPROM I2CSPIUART 12ADC Display , 1-2K 132-192 LCD Voltage Boost Regulator PIC18F87J90 64/80 8-bit 12 64-128 , www.microchip.com/ LCD GUI PIC24, dsPIC33 PIC32 MicrochipGUI MPLAB IDEGUI PICDEMTM LCD 2
Text: solutions with complete starter kits Display Controller Solutions Segmented LCD â Direct drive of , (800x480) resolution â Up to 24 bit per pixel â Free Graphics Library and Graphics Display Designer GUI â PIC24âDAâ family features integrated graphics acceleration and display controller â , , IrDA, wireless protocol stack, segmented LCD and graphics accelerator and LCD driver for TFT/STN , Display Controller Solutions: Segmented LCD Display Solutions for Segmented LCD Direct Drive for
Abstract: transistor mosfet J306 SMD R220 RESISTOR SMD R220 DISPLAYTECH 64128G-RGB xtal016207 DISPLAYTECH 64128 ,graphical lcd 128X64 avr resistor r222 smd lcd graphics display 64128
Text: system clock can be scaled down internally to reduce power consumption. 2.2 LCD display DB101 features a Display Tech, 128x64 pixel graphical LCD ( 64128 COG) with RGB backlight. The LCD can be , Atmel AT45DB161D dataflash is available on the DB101. This can be used to store display fonts, graphics , AVR481: DB101 Hardware User"s Guide Features · · · · · · LCD module with RGB backlight , graphical LCD module. It demonstrates how to use an AVR® microcontroller to control a 128x64 pixel
Text: CPU power and for the display operation. Fujitsu provides a 32-bit RISC MCU with an LCD , choice for LCD display needs. Fujitsu has been supporting numeric LCD display applications for almost , highperformance central-processing power, along with LCD user-interface displays in a single chip. The series , high-voltage vacuum florescence display controller/driver integrated device series. The MB90M405 series, with , needs of audio/video equipment display controllers. Small to L arge: a Per fect Fit for Emb edded
Text: improvements reception standards and all display types: LCD , PDP, DLP, LCOS and CRT. - motion compensated , t o r s . p h i l i p s . c o m DDR CA / CI FLASH 64-128 Mb 16 20-32 Mb 16 LCD Matrix Display NEXPERIA HOME ENTERTAINMENT ENGINE CHANNEL ATSC-T VIDEO DAC RGB , including JPEG and MP3, allowing consumers to import and display / playback images, music and much more
Text: Touch - Integrated USB, Graphics , LCD , IrDA, CAN Microchip offers both resistive and projected , drive the LCD segment pins and provide good contrast for the display . The LCD MCUs support a range of , still seeing a crisp image on the display . Development Tools PICDEMTM LCD 2 Demo Board (DM163030, supplier to integrate USB, LCD , Ethernet, Touch Sensing and CAN in 8-bit MCUs d at Have you looke ntly , Free TCP/ IP stack and drivers ivers Segmented Display Dr r $1 up to 192 pixels for unde o
Abstract: THC63LVDM83A GS64 lcd graphics display 64128 DF14-2628SCFA FI-X30H FI-X30M LQ445D3LZ19 Back Light INVERTER MODULE LVDS 30 pin hirose connector df14
Text: is a color active matrix LCD module incorporating amorphous silicon TFT (Thin Film Transistor). It is , back light system etc. Graphics and texts can be displayed on a 1920×RGB×1080 dots panel with 16,777 , in order to improve the response time of LCD , this module applies the Over Shoot driving (O/S driving , . By using the captioned process, the image signals of this LCD module are being set so that image , Display size 44.5 Diagonal Active area 985.92 (H) x 554.58 (V) 1920 (H) x 1080 (V) Pixel Format
Text: Lines Circuit LCD Display Data Registers RAM for DTC DTC Source 1 Read DTC vector to , dedicated LCD RAM area, allowing fast display updates and enabling maximum use of the general-purpose RAM , unlimited number of applications. > LCD Controller The expanded feature > 52-100 pins sets of the R8C/Lx > 16-128KB Flash Lx Series series include an LCD > Low Power controller for enhanced > Data , operation flash > Hardware-assisted touch sensing > On-board LCD controller > Accurate 40MHz oscillator
Text: INT0 Display Controller Color Lookup Table Deep Sleep DSBOR Integrated Graphics LCD , latest products. Graphics Display Solutions Graphics displays are gaining popularity in user , tools, you can quickly integrate graphics display functions into your application using a single , Development Board (DM240312), a 3.2" Truly 240 Ã 320 TFT Display Board (AC164127-4), three Graphics Display , Displays The PIC24FJ256DA210 family features integrated graphics acceleration and a display controller to
Abstract: hp LCD inverter SCHEMATIC 16*2 lcd module theory LCD 240x128 interfacing and programming 240x128 graphics lcd lcd data image 240*128 interfacing of a 16*2 lcd display LC7942 block diagram images of lcd display 16x2 CFAG240128D-FMI-T
Text: +5 V DC Voltage In Figure 1. Construction of a Graphics LCD Module Graphics Display Substrate Panel The graphics display panel substrate defines the resolution of the LCD . For example, a , a Graphic LCD with a Z8 Encore! XP® 64K Series Flash MCU ZLCDon Synopsis Graphics display On , Interfacing a Graphic LCD with a Z8 Encore! XP® 64K Series Flash MCU ZLCDoff Synopsis Graphics display , Series Flash MCU and a Crystalfontz (CFAG240128D-FMI-T) Graphics LCD Module. The source code file
Abstract: lcd interface with microcontroller SED1330 application note lcd graphics display Sasco Holz Pablo athlet graphical LCD screen SED1330 HD44100 module color graphic lcd
Text: Figure 1. Typical Microcontroller-Based Display Architecture LCD module Microcontroller Graphics , White Paper Using FPGAs to Render Graphics and Drive LCD Interfaces This paper describes the use of FPGAs to add a LCD and GUI display to any embedded system. Unlike fixed processor device implementations, this approach is scalable and can support any display interface. Graphics can be generated by , into the same FPGA design as the display graphics controller. The benefits of FPGA implementation and
Abstract: RA8835P3N ra8835p4n ra8835a RA8835 source code scrolling led display board GRAPHICAL LCD PINS AND INTERFACING DIAGRAM dot led display large size with circuit diagram dot matrix led display large size with circuit RA8835 RAIO
Text: . Overview The RA8835 is a controller IC that can display text and graphics on LCD panel. It can display , / graphics display modes Three overlapping screens in graphics mode Up to 640x256 pixel LCD panel display , RA8835 Version 2.0 Dot Matrix LCD Controller Table-13: Graphics Display Mode (continued) Screen , . 58 8-1-3 Display Mode Setting Example 1: combining text and graphics . 63 8-1-4 Display Mode Setting Example 2: combining graphics and graphics
Abstract: Vinculum-II VinculumIIProjects AppNotes 128X64 graphical LCD screen rohs 128X64 graphical LCD screen graphic lcd initialisation ROHS 128X64 graphical LCD rohs 128X64 graphical LCD instruction LM6059BCW
Text: how the Vinco module can be used to display graphics on a LCD display . Future Technology Devices , Monochrome Graphics LCD Display VNCLO-MB1A J1-4 J1-6 J1-7 VDD VSS BLA 14 15 16 CN1 , Future Technology Devices International Ltd. Vinco Graphics Display Example Application Note AN , Document Reference No.: FT_000363 AN_161 Vinco Graphics Display Example Version 2.0 ` 1 , graphic messages on a 128 x 64 pixel monochrome LCD display . The application note also provides "C"
Text: Accelerator (for Dual-Scan LCD *) Last 16 Kbytes of Display Memory MotionVideo Memory Graphics Memory , x 480 graphics display mode (on either a color TFT LCD , STN LCD , or a CRT) the MVW start address is , color graphics display mode (on either a color TFT LCD or a CRT), the following MVWs can be displayed , LCD resolution compensation options to display lower-resolution VGA text and graphics : · , following LCD resolution compensation options to display lower-resolution VGA text and graphics . NOTE
Text: LCD Controller 1. Overview The RA8835 is a controller IC that can display text and graphics on LCD , graphics mode Up to 640x256 pixel LCD panel display resolution Programmable cursor control Smooth , Version 3.0 Dot Matrix LCD Controller Table-13: Graphics Display Mode Screen First Layer Second , . 60 8-1-3 Display Mode Setting Example 1: combining text and graphics . 65 8-1-4 Display Mode Setting Example 2: combining graphics and graphics
Text: Matrix LCD Controller 1. Overview The RA8835 is a controller IC that can display text and graphics on LCD panel. It can display layered text and graphics , scroll the display in any direction and , overlapping screens in graphics mode Up to 640x256 pixel LCD panel display resolution Programmable cursor , www.raio.com.tw RA8835 Preliminary Version 1.2 Dot Matrix LCD Controller Table-13: Graphics Display Mode , . 56 8-1-3 Display Mode Setting Example 1: combining text and graphics
Text: Panels A single-screen LCD panel consists of the Liquid Crystal Display ( LCD ) and a set of column , marginal for the LCD size in CGA Graphics mode, a 50% increase in refresh rate can be achieved by using , biasing is a condition of LCD panels when the liquid crystals in the display become permanently aligned , on a monochrome LCD display using shades of gray. The IRGB color information for each pixel is used , mode.) If the ÉlanSC300 microcontroller graphics control is set to display 2-BPP graphics (Port 3D8h
Abstract: viewsonic lcd monitor Block diagram on monochrome tv receiver sil154 LVDS out to lcd cable intel 810 chipset A8835 lynxem lvds ViewSonic schematic monitor tft viewsonic SmartASIC
Text: display . The LCD "s matrix is the display . The combination of the LCD and the graphics engine - to be , applications, a liquid crystal display ( LCD ) flatpanel display (FPD) is an attractive solution. It can be , speed video. Adding the transistor to each cell of an LCD display , however, increases the cost of the , panel display . In conclusion: · Passive, DSTN LCD technology is a viable solution where cost is an , increased. Flat-panel displays, such the liquid crystal display ( LCD ), are being incorporated into everyday
Text: of the Component Catalog as highlighted in Figure 4. Figure 4. Display Folder Graphics LCD , RVDS toolchains Drivers are available for Graphics LCD Interface and Graphics LCD Controller components , ) 2. Add a component to communicate with a graphics LCD panel to your project. The emWinGraphics , panel: Graphics LCD Interface or Graphics LCD Controller. 3. Add a touchscreen component to your project , LCD Interface Parallel directory or the Source\PSoC3\ Graphics LCD Controller directory. These files
Text: CL-GD7548 XGA/SVGA LCD Controller CIRRUS LOGIC 10. GRAPHICS CONTROLLER REGISTERS 10.1 G R X , Reserved Reserved Display Memory Display Memory Display Memory Display Memory XGA/SVGA LCD Controller , . Display Memory Plane [3:0] Set/Reset: When Graphics Controller register GR5[2:0] does not select Extended , corresponding value in Graphics Controller register GR0[3:0] is written into the corresponding display memory , [3:0] Compare Data Display Memory Data Planes [3:0] 214 GRAPHICS CONTROLLER REGISTERS
Abstract: write program in assembly language to display LCD Toshiba T6963C LCD 240x128 LCD 240x128 interfacing WITH 8051 240x64 toshiba t6963c 240x128 toshiba LCD 240*128 T6963C T6963c toshiba 240*128 240x64 lcd commands 240x64 T6963C
Text: graphic on a 240x64 graphics display with a T6963C LCD controller. inc djnz clr movc mov lcall , Application Note Crystal Clear and Visibly Superior LCD Modules Interfacing to a Graphics , Hantronix LCD modules from 128x128 to 240x128 pixels. This class of module is most commonly used to display , three ways to mix the text and graphics pages on the display or the text or graphics page can be , of a 128x128 display Schematic: The 80C51 microprocessor is connected to the LCD controller chip
Text: DESCRIPTION The SED1352 is a graphics display LCD controller capable of displaying a maximum of 16 levels of , SED1352F0B Dot Matrix Graphics LCD Controller SED1352F0B TECHNICAL MANUAL Issue Date: 06/03 , SED1352F0B Dot Matrix Graphics LCD Controller Technical Manual THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK # S-MOS , 296-0.4 Technical Manual SED1352F0B Dot Matrix Graphics LCD Controller CUSTOMER SUPPORT , ) 922-0238 3 SED1352F0B Dot Matrix Graphics LCD Controller Technical Manual THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK
Text: Controllers Single-Chip Graphic-Type LCD Controllers Many smaller graphics display systems are now , wide range of display drivers to support medium and high resolution graphics displays. These , Dot Matrix Character on one display at the same time. The graphics resolutions are, 96x26 for 66725 , devices are designed to provide all of the control and drive circuitry required to drive an LCD display , . 1 New Technologies LCD Controllers/Drivers WELCOME to Hitachi´s family of LCD Controllers
Introduction: Due to its thin profile, light weight, low power consumption and easy handling, liquid crystal graphic display modules are used in a wide variety of applications. The 320 x 240 ( VGA) LCD display is very popular in a number of different computing environments. It is for this reason that a controller is not included on the module.
Possible choices of controllers include an embedded 8-bit microcontroller with an LCD controller, such as the Epson/S-MOS SED1335 or the OKI MSM6255/6355. Some embedded microcontrollers, such as the National NS486SXF, have built-in LCD controllers and will interface directly to the display.
For PC based embedded controllers like the Intel 386/486EX, a VGA controller chip, such as the Chips and Technology F65545 or the Vadem VG-660, is the best choice. If the display is to be run directly from a PC, a number of VGA cards are available that will operate with this display. A number of single board computers are available with LCD display outputs.
This application note will deal with one of the most popular application environments, the 8-bit embedded microcontroller. The example detailed here is based on a Phillips 87C751 micro- controller driving an Epson/S-MOS SED1335 LCD controller.
Functional Description: The Hantronix 320 x 240 series of displays have an industry standard 4-bit parallel interface. This interface requires the controller to continuously refresh the display and to maintain the video display RAM.
Before the display can be used the microcontroller must first send a series of initialization bytes to the LCD controller to set up its operational parameters and to describe the display to the controller.
Once initialized the application microcontroller can send text or graphic data to the LCD controller where it will be formatted and stored in the display RAM. Coincident with these RAM updates the LCD controller is continuously reading data from the display RAM, serializing it and sending it to the display. The application microcontroller doesnt have direct access to the display RAM and must send all data and commands to the LCD controller chip.
Schematic: The 87C751 microprocessor is connected to the LCD controller chip via parallel I/O ports in this example. It could also be connected to the processor"s data bus and be mapped into the processor"s data memory area. See figure 1.
Page 1 Copyright2000, Hantronix,Inc.AllrightsreservedApplication Note Crystal Clear and Visibly Superior LCD Modules
RD 74HC32 P3.0 WR 74HC04 P3.1 CS VD7 P3.2 RES 320x240LCDDISPLAY +5v P3.3 -22V DISPOFF SEL1 XD0 D0 D1 V DD SEL2 VEE D2 V SS XD3 D3 VL 20K XSCL CP LP LOAD VSS Figure 1 YD FRAME FG
Software: The sample program here is written in 8051 assembly code and is designed to work with the hardware shown in Figure 1. It first sends a series of command bytes followed by the appropriate parameters to the LCD controller to initialize it. The controller is initialized with one text page at memory location 0000-04afh and one graphics page at 4b0h-2a2fh. This will allow for 1200 text characters arranged as 30 lines of 40 columns each. The graphics page is 9600 bytes in size to accommodate a full screen of data. The display mode is set with both screens on and the text overlaying the graphics in the "exclusive or" mode.
The text area of memory is then cleared by storing 20h, a space character, in all 1200 locations. The graphics page is then filled with the image of a bonsai tree. Four lines of text are then displayed.
Page 2 Copyright2000, Hantronix,Inc.AllrightsreservedApplication Note Crystal Clear and Visibly Superior LCD Modules
Initialization: Before the LCD controller can accept or display data or text it must be initialized. This is usually done immediately after the system is powered up. The following chart lists the initialization commands and the parameters that accompany them along with a brief explanation of the function of each.
Page 3 Copyright2000, Hantronix,Inc.AllrightsreservedApplication Note Crystal Clear and Visibly Superior LCD Modules
Page 4 Copyright2000, Hantronix,Inc.AllrightsreservedApplication Note Crystal Clear and Visibly Superior LCD Modules
Software: ; display text mov r1,#46h ;set cursor $MOD751 lcall comm32 mov dptr,#msg7 ; ************************************************** lcall data32 ; * * mov r1,#42h ;mwrite ; * HDM3224 Application Note V1.0 * lcall comm32 ; * * mov dptr,#msg14 ; ************************************************** lcall data32 mov r1,#46h ;set cursor ; The processor clock speed is 16MHz. lcall comm32 ; Cycle time is .750mS. mov dptr,#msg8 ; Demo software to display a bonsai lcall data32 ; tree bitmap image and 4 lines of mov r1,#42h ;mwrite ; text on a 320 x 240 LCD. lcall comm32 mov dptr,#msg15 org 00h lcall data32 ljmp start ;program start mov r1,#46h ;set cursor lcall comm32 org 100h mov dptr,#msg9 lcall data32 ; Initialize the 32241 mov r1,#42h ;mwrite ; Text page 0000h 04afh lcall comm32 ; Graphics page 04b0h 2a2fh mov dptr,#msg16 lcall data32 start: mov r1,#46h ;set cursor lcall comm32 mov r1,#40h ;system set mov dptr,#msg10 lcall comm32 lcall data32 mov dptr,#msg1 ;ss param mov r1,#42h ;mwrite lcall data32 lcall comm32 mov r1,#44h ;scroll mov dptr,#msg17 lcall comm32 lcall data32 mov dptr,#msg2 ;scroll param sjmp $ ;stop lcall data32 mov r1,#5dh ;csr form ;************************************************* lcall comm32 ;SUBROUTINES mov dptr,#msg3 ;csr param lcall data32 ; comm32 sends the byte in R1 to the mov r1,#4ch ;csrdir ; 32241 display as a command lcall comm32 mov r1,#5ah ;hdot scr comm32: lcall comm32 setb p3.2 ;a0=1=command mov dptr,#msg18 ;hdot param comm321: lcall data32 mov a,r1 ;get data byte mov r1,#5bh ;overlay mov p1,a lcall comm32 clr p3.0 ;CS the display mov dptr,#msg4 ;ovrly param clr p3.1 ;strobe lcall data32 setb p3.1 mov r1,#59h ;disp on/off setb p3.0 lcall comm32 ret mov dptr,#msg5 ;disp param lcall data32 ; write32 sends the byte in R1 to the ; 32241 display as a data byte. ; clear the text page lcall clrtext write32: clr p3.2 ;a0=0=data ; display bitmap sjmp comm321 mov r1,#46h ;set cursor lcall comm32 ; data32 sends the message pointed to mov dptr,#msg6 ; by the DPTR to the 32241 display. lcall data32 mov r1,#42h ;mwrite data32: lcall comm32 clr a ;get the byte mov dptr,#msg12 movc a,@a+dptr lcall data32 cjne a,#0a1h,data321;done? ret
Page 5 Copyright2000, Hantronix,Inc.AllrightsreservedApplication Note Crystal Clear and Visibly Superior LCD Modules
; Initialization parameters for 3224. msg14: db "HANTRONIX"msg1: db 0a1h db 30h,87h,07h,27h ;system set db 39h,0efh,28h,0h,0a1h msg15: db "Crystal Clear and"msg2: db 0a1h db 0,0,0efh,0b0h ;scroll db 04h,0efh,0,0 msg16: db 0,0,0a1h db "Visibly Superior" db 0a1hmsg3: db 04h,86h,0a1h ;csr form msg17: db "LCD Modules"msg4: db 0a1h db 01h,0a1h ;overlay parammsg5: end db 16h,0a1h ;disp on/off
Page 6 Copyright2000, Hantronix,Inc.AllrightsreservedApplication Note Crystal Clear and Visibly Superior LCD Modules
Matrix Touch ScreensPROPOSE:This applicationnote describes the construction, operation and use of a digital matrix touch screenused in conjunction with a graphicsLCD flat panel.
GENERAL:A touch screen is a thin transparent device that is placed in front of a display, an LCD in this case. It has an array of virtual buttons onits surface and is used to replace mechanical switches. It has several advantages over the mechanical switches it replaces.
Second, its is versatile. The designer canverythenumberofdisplayedbuttons,iconsor words as needed. This eliminates the need fora keyboard or mechanical switches. It also allows the designer to change the shape or legend on the displayed buttons byasimplesoftware change rather than a costlychange in the hardware.
There are a number of technologies inusetoaccomplish this. The two most commonly used with an LCD displayaretheresistiveanalog and the matrix digital type. This applicationnoteislimited to describing the matrix type. The matrix display is anarrayofmechanical contacts connected in an X/Y matrix. See Figure 1.
In this discussion we are going to place a simple menu with 4 buttons on a 320 x 240 LCD display with a 70 position touch panel(HDM3224TS-1). The first step is todesign the menu with the button icons. See Figure #4. The button icons should be positioneddirectlyunder the touch pads. A button iconcanbecoveredbymorethanonetouchpadasshowninFigure#4.
The entire display canbechanged as neededaswellasthenumberofdisplayedbuttonsandtheirpositionand function. This is themost versatile and intuitive human interface possible.
R1 Figure #4 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 A typical application Copyright2000, Hantronix,Inc.Allrightsreserved Page 2