hantronix lcd display for sale
Hantronixlow cost TN, STN, FSTN, character displays are available from 8x1 to 40x4 formats. We also offer semi-custom and full custom alphanumeric designs tailored for a broad range of applications and markets including industrial, medical and consumer.
Hantronix, a leading LCD supplier for almost 30 years, offers a complete line of standard character and graphic LCD modules, including TFT color LCD modules. Hantronix products feature a wide variety of available options, including wide viewing angle, extended temperature range, backlighting, and thin profiles.
Hantronix offers a complete line of standard character and graphic modules, notebook displays that are very dependable and cost competitive. We have also produced many custom LCD"s, and offer the best of customer support. Hantronix industrial TFT displays provide high contrast, high bright optical characteristic with and without touch panel.
Hantronix provides standard and custom LCD display solutions. Industrial TFT displays provide high contrast, high bright optical characteristic with and without touch panel. These low cost high-end TFT modules can be customized with ultra-bright backlights and bonded anti-reflective overlays for sunlight readability.