2004a lcd module datasheet brands
2004A 20X4 LCD Module Character Blue Color LCD Displayis designed to display letters, numbers, symbols, dot matrix. This 2004A LCD Displaycan display 4 lines of 20 characters. Support 4-bit and 8-bit data transfer mode. Offers 5×7 matrix + cursor display mode. Providing display data buffer DDRAM, character generator CGROM and CGRAM. CGRAM can be used to store up to eight 5×8 dot matrix character font data graphic own definition. Provides a rich instruction set: clear display, cursor back to the origin, display on / off, the cursor on / off, display character blink, cursor shift, display shift and so on.
Single LED backlight with a resistor included, you can power it directly from 5V. If it’s too bright for you, it can be dimmed easily with a resistor or PWM and uses much less power than LCD with EL (electroluminescent) backlights
4 line, 20 positions alphanumeric Standard LCD 20×4 with HD44780 (or compatible) display controller and the standard 4/8 bit parallel interface. The optional available I2C interface fits right on the back of the display and turns its interface from parallel to simple 2-wire I2C (perfect for microcontrollers like Arduino to save on I/O ports).
Standard LCD 20×4 (2004A) green LCD character display with bright yellow LED backlight, high contrast, and optional serial interface (I2C, SDA/SCL) for microcontrollers. The display needs a 5V power supply for operation. With the I2C interface installed on the backside of the Standard LCD 20×4, the backlight can be controlled by software as well. Many different libraries for different programming languages and controller families are available, also countless examples.
An LCD display that can display a max of 20x4 charactors. with the help of the I2C bus convertor and related libraried, you can easily use this module with just 2 wires.
An LCD display that can display a max of 20x4 charactors. with the help of the I2C bus convertor and related libraried, you can easily use this module with just 2 wires.
An LCD, or liquid crystal display, is a simple screen that can display commands, bits of information, or readings from your sensor - all depending on how you program your board.
This LCD is ready-to-use because it is compatible with the Arduino Liquid Crystal Library. It comes with EASY Plug connector, you can use one line for simple connection.
If you have the control board of other brands, it is also equipped with the RJ11 6P6C interface but has different internal line sequence, can’t be used compatibly with our sensor/module.